Trying to be innovative feels, at least for most people, nearly impossible.
Don't believe me? Try it. Go ahead. Be innovative. Think of something amazingly new and different. I'll wait.
Give up? (Don't feel bad. I gave up before you did.) Most of us don't have a "creativity switch" we can turn on and off at will.
Our employees don't either. Gathering your team in a room and saying, "Okay, we really need some innovative ideas... what do you have?" never works--unless you play "Kill a Stupid Rule."
Kill a Stupid Rule is one of the tools described by Lisa Bodell, the founder and CEO of futurethink and the author of Kill the Company.
Playing Kill a Stupid Rule is not only easy, your employees will think it's a hoot. Here's how it works:
1. Gather a group of employees.
Then break them down into two-or three-person teams. If possible, pair up people from different functional areas.
2. Give the smaller groups 10 minutes to answer one question:
"If you could kill or change all the stupid rules that get in the way of better serving our customers or just doing your job, what would they be and how would you do it?"