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There’s good news and bad in a recent survey on how employees view their supervisors. Managers excel at acting ethically, but they’re not so hot at motivating their charges when things aren’t going well.
Nine out of ten employees see their bosses as both ethical and professional, but far fewer said their superiors were good at motivating their staff in times of adversity.
That’s according to new research from consulting firm Healthy Companies International.
Healthy Companies International surveyed 2,700 employees throughout North America to explore the behaviors of immediate supervisors.
The survey posed the question, “How do you rate your boss’s performance? The person to whom I report… ” and then listed various managerial behaviors.
Here’s a rundown of the behaviors, and the percentage of employees who agreed, either strongly or somewhat:
Acts in an ethical manner — 86%
Behaves professionally toward employees — 84%
Expresses values and personal belief in work — 81%
Is open to suggestions and new ideas — 81%
Encourages employees to excel — 79%
Listens to employees’ work concerns — 77%
Performs well under pressure — 77%
Is willing to undertake the hard jobs — 76%
Finds ways to show appreciation for a job well done — 72%
Is collaborative and works well with others — 71%
Sets a good example for employees — 71%
Does not let emotions get in the way of decisions — 70%
Is even-handed in dealings with employees — 69%
Delivers on promises made — 68%
Earns the trust of employees — 66%
Communicates a clear vision of success — 65%
Looks for ways to improve leadership skills — 64%
Is open about own strengths and weaknesses — 63%
Motivates employees during adversity — 59%, and
Deals capably with workplace conflicts — 59%.
Sources: www.hrmorning.com

Bron: http://www.ehospitalitytimes.com/?p=53136