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La Bonne Femme


Without pretending to understand everything about women, I know that they have special nutritional needs. Hormones are crucially related to nutrition, and women’s lives are dominated by hormonal activity – the years of the monthly cycle, through childbearing, and into menopause. Vitamin B6, essential fats and Superfoods can help stabilize the menstrual cycle and relieve the symptoms of pre-menstrual tension (PMT). The recent debates on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have highlighted soya as an excellent source of naturally occurring oestrogen; the contribution this makes to regulate hormonal activity can alleviate hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms.

A woman has irregular calls on resources throughout her life – the demands of a baby during pregnancy, for instance – and these can all be perfectly well accommodated provided she eats correctly and well. If she has not done so, however, she may develop some deficiency diseases, the commonest of which is osteoporosis. To protect against this, she should ensure she always has good sources of calcium and Vitamin.

Women are men’s future, their saviours, mothers, sisters and wives. In all the battles between the sexes, they generally win, being more powerful. However, there is one proven route to pleasing females while restoring male pride: to cook for them. Being more particular and sensitive to details, they know how to appreciate – and their discrimination makes one’s triumph all the greater. Satisfaction all round. 

Bron: Blanc Vite