Fitt mit Fett Healthy with Fat or in Fat there is More Dr. Ulrich Strunz &Andreas Jopp (2002) Strunz U & Jopp A 2002, Fitt Mit Fett, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag GmbH & Co., Munchen, Germany 1. Introduction A Longer Life with the Right Kind of Fats Believe it or not but the truth of healthier and sounder living lies also in eating the right kinds of fat. The secret of Japanese and Mediterranean long-lived life lies in eating the right kinds of fats and oils. This is proven by research and the presence of large numbers of 90 to 100 year olds in those countries. Problem is that we all eat fat but do not know what they are and how they work in on our bodies, how many different kinds there are and where we get them from. The common knowledge of fats are outdated; “cholesterol is bad, olive oil is good, animal fats are bad, fat from plants are good, but is this knowledge still enough for a substance or a group of substances that makes out 40% of our diet? Revolutionary knowledge However: - To much oil from plants and margarines are not healthy - Cholesterol from our food consumption plays hardly a role in heart-circulatory diseases - Hardened fat from plants link the risk for diabetes and multiply the risk for heart-circulatory diseases. - The more fatty acids in fish the better it is for the brain and the heart - Fatty nuts reduce the risk for heart-circulatory diseases with 40% We speak here about an oil change or fat change: not necessarily less fat, but the right fats and oils in and the wrong fats and oils out. Some fatty acids are building blocks for tissue-hormones that regulate everything from anti-inflammation over blood-pressure to the immunity system. These hormones bring down the risk for heart-circulation diseases tremendously and the degeneration of brain cells. Fat is good for the brain (makes intelligent) and makes happy, that is, the right fatty acids. Our brain consists of 60% fat and previously taken for granted that the brain becomes smaller with age is now replaced after thorough studies with; our brain continues to grow… The fatty substances that are responsible for the grow of the brain are DHA-fats and they are also responsible for making happy and are working against depression. It helps in the production of Serotonin which makes happy and content. Good fatty acids give the building blocks for the brain, make the nervous system more active and influence the psyche and emotions. The right fatty acids reduce the risk for diabetes as they influence the cell-structure and cell-membranes. Bad fatty acids are responsible for rheumatism, arthritis, heart and circulatory diseases, high blood fats, diabetes, heart attacks, depression and bad brain condition. The food production industry has kept a very tight secret on the production and use of transitional fatty acids (trans fats) or industrial killer fats. It is also wrong to believe that a low fat diet is good for the body, as it reduces also the intake of necessary healthy fats and oils. Fact is that with a little knowledge every person can start influencing the intake of good or bad fatty acids, oils and fats, right at the start, there where they are bought. Eating tips, commercials, marketing or facts Good meant tips from friends and colleagues of how to eat might be nice but are they scientifically tested? Is everything written on the packet true or is it just a way to sell you a product? Diets, do they really work, also in the long run? Or like in this essay should you rely on: - Population studies, demographics etc - The facts and outcomes of the Harvard School of Public Health that researched over 167500 people over a period of 14 years. - New studies on metabolism - Reference: will be made to those studies Not everything that’s Fat is Fat A More and better fat intake In the last 200 years our fat intake has more then doubled. 40% of all calories we take in nowadays are from fat. Most of these fats are however the wrong ones and this needs to be changed as it affects our health tremendously. More then ever are people dying of heart and blood diseases due to to much bad fats. The Way Our Fat Intake Has Changed: - 200 years ago 20% of all calorie intake came from fat, nowadays that’s more then double - Animal fats or saturated fats are doubled due to the larger intake of meat. This is thanks to the animal farming industry that has developed tremendously over the last 100 years. These fats are easily recognizable as they are solid in appearance; just imagine what these solid fats are doing in your body… - Since some 50 years a new fat has appeared: industrially made transitional fats, these fats appear by the production of industrially solidified vegetable fats or oils. They are found up to 10% in margarines. In the 70ies even up to 40%. These fats are real killer fats. They are even inside the body still solid as they only melt by 70 degrees centigrade. This artificial industrial pollution makes for the cell membranes to clog up, the metabolism to be retarded and the arteries to clog up. Fact is that these fats make for processed food products to have a longer shelf life and are therefore popular in the food industry. - Olive oil is the most popular unsaturated fat or oil. In the Mediterranean it has been used for centuries as the only oil or fat. It is believed to be the healthiest fat available. It works neutrally and positively in the body. It is only now that we are seeing the health potential of olive oil and it can easily replace margarines and butter. Unsaturated fats by the way are and stay liquid. - Multi unsaturated fats: Omega 6, Linol-acid, AA fat; the intake of vegetable fat in liquid form (Linol acids) has only been developing in northern Europe as of the 80ies. In the 60ies these vegetable oils were made popular as for their health under industrial commercials where also the solid form margarine was popularized. The message was that margarine is healthy. Normally however vegetable oils are liquid; under industrial processes it becomes only solid. There are also animal omega 6 fats and out of vegetable oils, animals and humans produce in the body Arachide Acids or the so called AA-fats. Through the eating of more and more meat, more of these animal omega 6 fats are taken into the body; this however is not good if it is too much. Also through eating too many vegetable oils from omega 6 holding plants like corn oil and sunflower oil has the intake of omega 6 risen sharply. - Omega 3 fats, Alpha Linol Acids and EPA Fat, DHA fat, are very important vegetable fats of which the intake has sharply diminished lately. They are found in nuts, beans, wild plants and leafy vegetables (Flax, Rape, and Walnut Oils). In these the gradation omega 3 to omega 6 is one to one. They are very important for our health. However due to the industrialization of the cattle breeding and the farming of grains have the omega 6 fats taken over from the omega 3 fats. Cereals hold 120 times more omega 6 (Linol acids) then omega 3 (Alpha Linol Acids). Omega 3 acid molecules bounce off each-other and are therefore very good in the non stick coating of the bloodstream. Another good source for omega 3 fats is fish, but the eating of fish has strongly diminished and become unpopular. From the vegetable omega 3 fat inside algae, fish make a lot of long chained omega 3 fats namely DHA fat and EPA fat, the human body produces the same too if we take in sufficient omega 3 fats. However the eating of fish and wild plants and nuts has stark diminished and this affects our health. The omega 3 fats are the building blocks for the tissue hormones and have many other functions in the body as-well as being building blocks for the nervous system and the brain! It is exactly this omega 3 that we should take more to us. Intake over the last 200 years: Total fat intake: from 22 to over 40 % Saturated Fats: from just under 10 % to more then 20% Unsaturated Fats Omega 6 from around 8 % to over 12 % Unsaturated Fats Omega 3 from around 5 % to less then 2 % Transitional Fats From zero to more then 10 % Quick Diagram of the Different Fats: Animal : Vegetable: Used fats/Processed fats Saturated Fats Unsaturated Fats Degenerated Fat/Trans Fat Mono or Simple Unsaturated Fats Poly or Multiple Unsaturated Fats Omega 6 Fats Omega 3 Fats Linoleic Acids Alpha Linoleic Acids Saturated Fat Everything contains saturated fat. Every day our bloodstream is flooded with saturated animal fats form meat, cream, butter, fatty milk products, processed meats and sausages… 60% of all fats that are eaten in Europe are coming from animals. Our body does not absorb these kinds of fats as they tend to stay solid. This blubber goes direct to fat depots in our body. It is true that we could have an intake of up to 3 times a day of these fats; bread on butter for breakfast or a butter croissant, bread and butter with a sausage or a piece of meat for lunch and dinner nice cheese and bread with butter, and why not a bag of chips as TV snack? Fast Fact: 25% of kids are overweight and 75% of teenagers have already fat depots in the bloodstream / the veins. After a fatty meal with lots of saturated or worse trans fats, the bloodstream will be flooded for hours in a row with blobby fats. It’s a CHAOS for our metabolism. A lot of saturated fat makes us fat 100 Gr. Saturated fat holds double as much calories then out of 100 gr. of carbohydrate from potatoes, bread or fruits. This way it’s easy to eat quickly too many calories. Cheese, butter and sausages (fatty ones) do not contain fiber and make you feel full only when it’s too late already (the stomach doesn’t need to work hard on them to get them into the digestion). This way it is simple to eat too much on a continuous basis and rapidly it becomes too late. Each fourth child, that is one in four, is now already too fat due to the intake of too much saturated animal fats. Every second German is overweight (average in North Western Europe every third). Fat people and people that eat a lot of saturated fats are more likely to get diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, blood circulatory diseases, arthritis and other blood related disease as well as other auto immune diseases. Aerobics for Stable Animals Our body was made to eat different from what we eat now; the human being is a carnivore, meaning it should eat from everything. Meat is important for the right intake of certain vitamins like B12, however it holds more necessary components but has become fatter and fatter. 100 years ago meat was a lot healthier and in the ice times an animal would have put only 3% fat on the scale. Now due to the immobilization in stables of animals this has risen to 20 to 25 %! This is because it is easier to keep the animals in stables and get them on the right weight faster then to let them graze in wide pastures. Game meat is however more lean and contains less fat. On top of this is the feeding of animals based on feeding them lots of omega 6 holding plants like corn residues and wheat products. Through this the meat holds also more omega 6 fatty acids. So it is better to find meat from animals that have moved around in the fields or from game that has lived in the woods then fatty pork meat or stable cow meat. The omega 3 fatty acids are available in wild plants and grasses which stable animals rarely get to eat. Game Meat Holds More Unsaturated Fat Due to the eating habits of game and animals living in the wild like getting natural foods in the forests and fields, the meat contains more unsaturated fat. The omega 3 fats from the plants they eat are in a higher percentage available in their meat and make them healthier. Also due to the exercise they do the meat becomes leaner. The meat fats are therefore different and hold more unsaturated fats. Fast Fact: Nowadays we have more saturated fats in the meat: Wild Buffalo: Stable Beef: Total Fat: 3% 25% Saturated Fat: 10% 20% Saturated Fats Glue Our Transport System Together 5% of Ten year olds in North Europe show signs at that age already of bloodstream damage. A person is as young as the 240000 km of blood veins he has. By eating a lot of unsaturated fats the veins are clogged at a rate of 2% a year. Its pure mathematics and a matter of time to get to the results. 30 and 40 year olds show now already signs of high blood pressure and chest pains, due to over intake of saturated fats. The heart is put under extreme pressure like this as it needs to pump harder and harder until it just stops. In the other extreme some of the fat depots come loose and block the oxygen transport to the heart completely (Heart Attack) or the brain (Stroke). Half of all Germans die from blood and heart diseases and digestive deficiencies, most of these diseases were caused by eating too many of the wrong kinds of fat. Transitional or Transient Fats Hardened Vegetable Oils and Fats These are artificially solidified fats that the food industry has invented. They become hard through the heating of the vegetable fats to temperatures from 15 to 240 degrees for hours in a row. During this process a completely new fat molecule is produced; the transitional fats which our body does not recognize. Afterwards these transitional fats do not dilute anymore. These transient fats are having a longer shelf life and are therefore used more in the food industry. These fats are simply put on the packing of ready food products like sausages and choco-paste as vegetable fats but in essence do they contain these transient fats that are even more dangerous then animal fats. Transient Fats are Killer Fats In a Swedish study of 20000 men they found that the part that ate a lot of transient fat had a higher risk of heart attacks of 39%. Even with an intake of only 2% more transitional fat two studies involving 700 older men and 80000 nurses have indicated that over a period of 10 respectively and 14 years of eating 2% transitional fats a day made the chances of getting a heart attack go up with respectively 29% for the men (10 years) and 36 % for the women (14 years). It’s almost unbelievable how these fats (an so little of it) can have such an impact on the health. Eating 2% more killer fats increase the risk for a heart attack with almost a third. No More Killer Fats In order to live life better and longer and healthier it’s not necessary to eat less fat but more of the right fats. Just by eating less or NO killer fats one can easily sink the chances of a heart attack with 50%. (No deep fried stuff or ready made sausages and other composed foodstuffs) By us humans nowadays comes 40% of our calories intake from fats and oils. Unsaturated Fats Live Important Fatty Acids Believe it or not life’s building blocks are only 47 in number. These are: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and two fats: omega 3 (alpha-linol acid) and omega 6 (linol acid). The last two are life essential and cannot be produced by the human body; they need to come from food intake. All other fats can be produced by the human body. The omega 3 and 6 fats are vegetable fats which are mainly found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains. Essential Fats are no Fuel Omega 3 and 6 fats are hardly used as energy sources in the human body. They are used for the building of cell structures and membranes; they are building blocks for the brain, they keep the nervous system conductive and they are used in the production of RNA (messenger RNA) which are responsible for the blood-pressure control, the blood consistency and flow ability, the control of the immune system and even in the reading of the genes. Without these fats life would be impossible. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are antagonists O3 and O6 fats have opposite activities in the body. Through the RNA one is responsible for the blood pressure to go up, the other for the going down of the blood pressure. It is therefore important to have a healthy balance in the body of these fats. Problem is nowadays not enough omega 3 is taken into the body. To much omega 6 and not enough omega 3 fats In the Stone Age and thereafter the intake of omega 3 and 6 fats was equal or close to 1/1, nowadays it’s at 20/1. This is simply due to the intake of more margarine, sunflower oil, corn-oil, soy oil and vegetable oils in bakery products and less intake of oils from fish, green leafy vegetables and nuts. It should be minimum 5 to 1 and therefore the eating of nuts, linseeds, linseed oil, flax oil and canola oil. Not enough omega 3 fats and too many omega 6 fats make that the omega 6 will disturb by the production of hormones. Long life through Omega 3 Fats Omega 3 fats are healthy. It’s known that the Eskimos who eat 60% of fat and the people of Crete who eat 10% more fat then the Germans… The eating of wild plants, vegetables, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and omega 3 rich eggs by the Crete’s gives them a high intake of omega 3 fats. The Eskimos eat a lot of fish. The Crete’s live the longest in Europe and have 20% less heart attacks then the North Europeans. The Eskimos do not know heart attacks. Also the Japanese that eat a lot of fish have one to five times higher life expectancy in comparison with other industrialized nations. The right kind of fat (more omega 3 and fewer omega 6) is important. Good to know: Omega 3 fats are good for the arteries, sea-fish, walnuts, rape oil, canola oil, rape oil, flaxseed, linseed, linseed oil, hold omega 3 fats. Less margarine and sunflower oil take the omega 6 down. The worst the balance between omega 3 and 6 the more chance for heart attacks; Land Omega 6 to Omega 3 Deaths through Heart Diseases Europe, USA 20/1 40% Japan 10/1 12% Crete 4/1 4% Eskimos 1/1 Unknown 2. Simple or MONO Unsaturated Fats Olives the Liquid Gold from the Mediterranean A Greek uses 20 l of olive oil a year, a German maybe half a liter… Since thousands of years, olive oil is the main fat and oil source in the Mediterranean. Olive trees are seen as symbols of long life and health. To kill an olive tree is like stealing a horse in the States. Olive oil is considered the healthiest fat source in the world. First cold pressed olive oil is the best and has found its way to many gastronomical restaurants instead of butter. In the Mediterranean there are 5 times less heart attacks then in Northern Europe. Mediterranean Eating Habits Only a fifth of heart and artery diseases and half as much cancer which only a study in the years 70ies pointed out; this study went on for 25 years with 13000 men. Responsible for these figures are a high intake of vegetables and fruits which lower the risk for cancer and the intake of lots of unsaturated fats form olive oil and less intake of saturated fats from meat and sausages. Even-though in certain Mediterranean regions the intake of fat is 10% more then in North Europe still the heart attack rates are still lower. Olive Oil and a Healthy Heart Olives are healthy because: - Olive oil holds different kinds of anti-oxidants and vitamin E. - Olive oil has only simple unsaturated fats that in contrast to the multiple unsaturated fats are more stable and oxidize more difficultly - Olive oil can bring down the levels of cholesterol in the blood, specially the bad LDL cholesterol Natural Olive Oil Holds Many Natural Substances Olive oil is the only 100% natural oil that is mass produced and comes only and 100% from plants. The olive can be pressed cold, the chemical products to get the oils out of the fruits are not necessary. Other oily seeds need often more pressure (heat) and chemicals to get the oils out of the fruit. The heat that is caused by the pressing of these seeds makes that some of the natural products disappear and that the unsaturated fats oxidize. Therefore is it necessary for these oils to be refined afterwards to get rid of the oxidized materials and the bad tastes. The best olive oil and the most natural oil in the world is Native Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is won by cold pressing only, it is won 100% without heat or chemicals. In unrefined olive oil there is an extra wealth of natural substances about 50, of which some PHENOLS and Vitamin E, which are both very strong anti oxidants and that protect the oil naturally of oxidizing. Like This the Anti Oxidants Protect the Blood Fats from Oxidizing Oxygen is the catalyst of oxidation. Free radicals attack everywhere in our body where oxygen is available, like it the veins and there where oxygen is used for energy production (muscles). It is therefore that anti oxidants like vitamin C and E patrol there where the free radicals are in order to protect the body form damage. The anti-oxidants vitamin E and Phenol from olive oil are very active in the neutralizing of the free radicals in our bodies. This is the case not only for the veins and arteries but also the whole body; nervous system, brain, cell membranes, where the anti oxidants protect the unsaturated fats from oxidizing. There are more then 50 different anti oxidants in olive oil and they all contribute in the protection of the unsaturated fats in the body. Special: How to Buy Olive Oil: Olive oil has got, similarly as wine the typical taste of the region where it is coming from. There are strong European rules on olive oil production and quality: - Native Olive Oil Extra (Extra Virgin Olive Oil): the best quality where only 1 gram free-fatty acids per liter is allowed. Like with wine the fruits are taken very well care of. - Native Olive Oil: can hold up to 2 grams of free-fatty acids, native means that the oil has not been mixed or further processed. - Olive oil: Are refined olive oils, its lesser in quality as lot of natural elements get lost in the refining process. - Olive oil from rests (Pomace): is won out the rests from the first pressings through the aid of chemicals and heat. This is the lowest quality and has nothing left from the good olive oil anymore it contains chemical rests and has virtually no natural elements anymore. When buying olive oil look for Extra Virgin Olive Oil from a first cold pressing. Olive oil can be won without adding heat during the pressing process, that’s why we are talking about cold pressing, it’s important to know this as other oils from pulses and grains need heat to get the oils out of them. Important is that heat will always deteriorate the quality of the oil no matter what the producers says. The color of olive oil depends only on the ripeness of the olives, which are green in the beginning and dark violet to black when they are ripe. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is expensive due to the amount of labor that goes in the process of growing, keeping the trees, collecting and harvesting the olives, selecting and pressing the fruits, up to 80% of the labor is by hand. A mature tree will give only between 3,5 and 5 liters of oil. Olives need to be harvested by hand in sometimes difficult circumstances. Like with wine, the aroma and quality often comes from where the tree was standing, how much sun it got and how much the farmer cared about the trees and its fruits. All extra Virgin Olive Oils are similar in the amounts of anti oxidants they contain and the amounts of unsaturated fats they have. To know where the oil comes from should be checked from bottle to bottle. Similar to wine production for olive oil are also DOC and ADC, this means that the oils come from a certain region only and this region is protected by law. The oil needs to come and be produced in the same area. They are more typical in taste as each region has its own characteristics and kinds of olives. These oils can be even more expensive as normal Extra Virgin Olive Oil as the production is a lot smaller then the other olive oils. Also visit: How to Keep the Arteries Healthy? Only OXIDATED fats clog the arteries! Olive oil is very stable and ideal for baking and pan frying. Mono unsaturated fats oxidize less in the bloodstream then poly unsaturated fats. Olive oil stays good for years if placed in a cool, dry and dark place, and closed bottle with a good cork or cap. Olive oils stay stable even under high temperatures. It will hardly ever smoke or start stinking or becomes brown like the poly unsaturated fats or the saturated fats. Mono unsaturated fats oxidize less easy under heat and light then poly unsaturated fats. Many poly unsaturated fats oxidize already by little heating or under the influence of light, like sunflower oil. This makes mono unsaturated fats healthier for your arteries then poly unsaturated fats as only oxidized fats will clog up in the arteries and stick to the sides and eventually block them. In our body through our normal metabolism a lot of free radicals are released in the bloodstream that causes the poly unsaturated fats to oxidize rapidly, whereas the mono unsaturated fats from olive oil don’t. How Come these Fats in Our Arteries? The blood fats are transported through 240000km of veins and arteries. For this it needs fat transport ships like LDL. An LDL holds about 3800 small fatty acids. Whilst in transport these fatty acids are oxidized in the bloodstream through the free radicals. To protect for this the LDL holds a lot of vitamin E. A lot of vitamin E in the LDL helps to protect for oxidation. If some of the fatty acids of the LDL are oxidized and are dumped in the bloodstream the eating-cells come into action and eat them away (they are keeping the bloodstream clean) and this is the best scenario, however when there is not enough vitamin E there is too much oxidation and there will be too much oxidized fat particles in the blood, couple this to the fact that the eating-cells can get saturated and deposit themselves on the arteries. The result; the first fat deposits set themselves on the arteries. On these deposits more and more substances stay glued. This is the first step for arteriosclerosis. Mono Unsaturated Fats are good for the Arteries We can decide ourselves how the LDL and its 3800 fatty acids are composed, by what kinds of fat we eat; poly unsaturated fats are easily oxidized, mono unsaturated fats are not and olive oil holds on top of that many anti oxidants. Tip; How does Vitamin E protect for Oxidizing in the Blood? Poly unsaturated fats (sunflower oil, corn oil…) are healthy as they keep the blood liquid and less sticky; however they tend to oxidize easier. Oxidized poly unsaturated fats are then bad for the arteries. To avoid too much oxidation the intake of vitamin E can reduce the oxidizing process. A daily intake of 100 to 400 mg of vitamin E will reduce the possibility of a heart attack with 35%. Mono unsaturated fats (olive oil…) also keep the blood flowing and less sticky, these fats also oxidize less easy. Saturated fats without having been oxidized stick by themselves on the arteries, they also make the blood cells sticky and the blood less flowing. How Does Arterioscleroses Happen? 1. Fat deposits from saturated fats and oxidized fats 2. Only fat-particles (LDL) with the protection of vitamin E are protected from oxidation 3. Fat particles (LDL) without vitamin E oxidizes and deteriorates 4. Eating (cleaning) cells eat the oxidized fat 5. Eating cells get saturated and deposit themselves to the arteries High Blood Fats, More then 2 in 3 North Europeans is Affected Mono Unsaturated Fats Help Cholesterol Go Down Two thirds of North Europeans have to high Cholesterol. The Mediterranean figures show less high blood fat levels as they eat less animal fats and use more olive oil. One simple way to reduce these blood fat levels is to change the diet: less animal fats and more vegetables, olives, fish, nuts, olive oil and fruits. Only by changing the oil usage the LDL cholesterol can be lowered with 20%. LDL Cholesterol Fat Transporters in the blood and Depots LDL fat transporters transport the fatty acids from the liver trough the arteries to the cells, that use these fatty acids as energy, building blocks for cell structure and different base products. Each LDL transports up to 3800 fatty acids of which 1300 unsaturated fatty acids. LDL carriers contain cholesterol and other fatty acids but in general are referred to as LDL cholesterol. These LDL transporters carry all these different fats around and go to the receptors of the different cells in order to deposit the fats. The cells are either saturated or full or they need more fats. In the case when they are full (saturated) the LDL is not absorbed by the cells and the fats stays in the bloodstream. These leftovers could become dangerous if they become to much and definitely when they oxidize in the bloodstream. LDL cholesterol is therefore also called bad cholesterol as it carries unsaturated fatty acids through the bloodstream that could easily be oxidized and deposit itself on the arteries. HDL A Necessary Cholesterol Vacuum Cleaner HDL is the collector of leftover cholesterol in the bloodstream. It is capable even of loosening the LDL deposits in the arteries when this is still possible and make it to excretion through the intestines. These loosened and deposited in the intestines LDL deposits will easily be excreted when one eats enough fiber rich foods. Good fiber is available in all non purified products, fruits like apples and whole wheat products or crushed oats. Without the fiber in the intestines the cleaning process from the HDL of the LDL in the bloodstream will seize as the cholesterol will be again absorbed in the bloodstream and everything starts from the beginning. The eating of fiber rich foods is therefore also important for the automatic cleaning process of our body to be sustained. Up to 10% of the bad cholesterol can be lost only by eating lots of fiber rich foods. Important is to have a lot of HDL cholesterol. All Cells Close, Too Much Total Cholesterol The bad and good cholesterols LDL and HDL make out the largest part of the total cholesterol in the body. As of 200 milligram per deciliter blood, the cells in our body will be all occupied for intake of fatty acids. The LDL for depositing fatty acids and the HDL for the removal of trash (oxidized fatty acids, leftover LDL) are at the peek of occupying all the cells. Above 200 mg/dl the leftover LDL will stay floating in the blood stream. Here the unsaturated fatty acids inside the LDL transporters can start oxidizing. Therefore the levels of total cholesterol should not be more then 200 mg/dl. LDL and HDL, the Balance is Important Probably more important then the 200 mg/dl is the balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol. It is important not to have more then 4 times the amount of LDL then HDL as above this level the HDL will not come to do their job anymore namely the taking out of the leftover LDL and deposits. Even if the total cholesterol is on or below the 200 mark, the balance of 1 to 4 if not maintained, can still cause heart and blood diseases. Saturated Fats Lower the Cell Deposit Accessibility of the LDL The cholesterol cell deposit zones can also be occupied by animal saturated fatty acids. They cause a blockade of the cell harboring zones and make for the LDL to stay in the bloodstream. This mechanism is the one of the main reasons for the blood fat levels to go up. Unsaturated fatty acids do not do this and therefore is it better to replace the saturated fats with unsaturated fats in order to remove the blockades and reduce this way the LDL with 30%. Tipp: In order to reduce cholesterol drastically it is necessary to keep the cell intake zones free from saturated fats as they clog up the intake system. They just block the cell intake zones and nothing more. By reducing the intake of saturated fats and instead eating unsaturated fats (that do not block the intake zones) one can reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood drastically. It is not the cholesterol intake from food that is the main reason for the LDL levels to be high, it’s the intake of saturated fats that clog up the system that are the cause of that. Lower the Cholesterol Made Easy: Whole wheat and fiber work wonders. By eating more fiber rich foods, fruits and vegetables the chances to get a heart infarct or a stroke reduce. The fiber withholds the energy rich substances to go directly in the blood-stream; they reduce the rate at which this occurs. By doing so the values in the blood are also reduced. Fiber rich foods, fruits and vegetables hold also many vitamins and protecting elements, good for the body. Oat-flakes and oats hold dissolvable fiber products that studies have shown can reduce the cholesterol with 10%. All whole wheat products, apples, fruits and vegetables however, hold dissolvable fiber products that can reduce the LDL and the total cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol Low Food Products With cholesterol low foods one can only reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood little. The tables on the side of the boxes (another trick of the food industry to influence our buying behavior) say in essence nothing about how your body will reduce its cholesterol. The best way to influence the cholesterol levels is by making the intake system of the cells free by reducing the levels of saturated (animal) fat intakes. Eat an Egg without Problems Eggs have a very bad reputation in the cholesterol debates; however eggs contain very important vitamins and egg whites. The reality is (coming from a Harvard University study involving 37000 men and 80000 women) that the eating of eggs did not increase the risk for heart and blood diseases. It was the same for those eating an egg a week or an egg a day. But its better to leave the fat bacon and the butter on the bread away as it are exactly those saturated fats that increase the risk. Anti-aging for the Blood-Circulation A change of fat intakes is necessary if one wants to keep the veins healthy and up and running even in later stages of your life. Up to 10 years active and healthy life more when you start sooner then later with a different diet a more Mediterranean diet. Live up to 10 Years Longer (or more) Till now there was no data on life expectancy when and condition of the veins and arteries if they have been transporting blood with low fat levels for 30 or 40 years A study of 80000 men under 40 has been observed for 34 years, the outcome: if the blood cholesterol stays lower then 200 mg/dl the life expectancy of those men was increased with 8, 9 years. Two Thirds of North Europeans has too High Cholesterol Studies (with over 350000 people) have shown also that men with a cholesterol level lower then 200 mg/dl and with a low blood-pressure can live up to 9,5 years longer and women up to 5,8 years longer. This longer living means still being fit and active and this only thanks to a change in fat intake. The cause of bad blood fat levels comes 80% from taking the wrong fats in. Vegetable Oils Are Good To Reduce Cholesterol An oil change in a car after 200000km will also not help the car anymore. When the long lasting effects of an oil intake started early will have serious impact on your health and active life. Cholesterol can be reduced with lower fat intake but also through the eating of unsaturated fats from vegetables and fish instead of saturated fats: - Eat just little fat in general, but by doing so one does not only reduce the bad LDL but also the good HDL, that works on the collection and transport to the intestines of the leftover LDL. - Eat more unsaturated fats from plants then saturated fats from animals Unsaturated vegetable fats reduce the bad LDL and leave the good HDL untouched. Mono unsaturated fats and poly unsaturated fats equally have the same effect. Olive oil is however more stable then other vegetable oils. Blood fat Composition and Explanation Total cholesterol: Good or OK: 200 mg/dl Border level: 240 mg/dl To high: Above 240 Most North Europeans have a total cholesterol level of 300 mg/dl. As of 240 mg/dl the risk of getting a deadly heart attack is 3 times higher then at the normal level of 200. Over a period of 35 years that could mean 8,9 years less to live and with level as high as 350 mg/dl the risk for heart-attacks is catapulted eightfold. LDL or transporters TO the cells: Every second North European has to high levels of LDL, over 160 mg/dl. Ideal: 100 mg/dl OK: 130 mg/dl Border level: 130-160 mg/dl Bad: 160 and above When one has got a predefined genetic or running in the family problem with heart and blood diseases, when one smokes, has high blood pressure, diabetes or is overweight one should lower or have lower levels of LDL. Persons with the above risk factors should have LDL of fewer than 160. In case of multiple of the above mentioned risk factors it should be lower then 130. In case of heart and diabetes patients it should be less then 100. HDL the cholesterol vacuum cleaner in the direction of the intestines: Low levels of HDL are good for the balance between the different blood fats, however lower then 35 mg/dl would double the risk for heart and blood diseases. Protective: 60 mg/dl Border: 40-60 mg/dl Bad: under 40 Balance between HDL and LDL: One to four is ideal. Four times more LDL then HDL Balance between total Cholesterol and HDL: Under 3.5 is ideal 4 is normal Over 5 is bad Calculate your own risk factor: Olive Oil Lowers LDL Poly unsaturated oils like sunflower oil have long been considered to de cholesterol lowering. This is also true for mono unsaturated oils like olive oil. Tipp to lower cholesterol: To eat very little fat all together lowers lowers bad LDL lowers Good HDL Less saturated fat and more poly unsaturated fats; lowers LDL Stable HDL Omega 6 Less saturated fat and more mono unsaturated fats lower LDL Stable HDL The PARPADOX More Fat Less Heart Attacks What will happen when one would start changing 5% of the carbohydrates with fats? Well when taking 5% of carbohydrates out of the food and replace it with unsaturated oils then the risk for heart attacks is lowered with 20%. Good to know: 12000 men were followed for 15 years: in the Mediterranean are up to 5 times less heart diseases due to the fact of eating olive oil 84000 nurses were observed for 14 years; the risk for heart attacks was lowered with 20% when 5% of the carbohydrates were replaced with unsaturated fats. 14 studies altogether have found that olive oil of the best quality can lower the LDL cholesterol with 20%. The Latest News: Mono Unsaturated Fats Protect Against Diabetes! “Eat less fat and more carbohydrates and still people become fatter and fatter…” And more people start to suffer from diabetes…by eating more carbohydrates and less unsaturated fats… The solution: eat more unsaturated fats and nuts; it will help lower the risk to get fat and to get diabetes. Why? The unsaturated fats do not affect the blood sugar level like the carbohydrates do which are in fact sugars. Carbohydrates from white bread, boiled potatoes and refined sugars are absorbed in the blood VERY fast and make the blood-sugar level go up very easily. The energy released in the blood this way needs to get a way out for which INSULIN is responsible. It makes it possible for the cells to absorb the energy (sugar) but also store it in between as fat, when the levels are too high and the cells saturated. This fat is directly deposited in the areas around the kidneys and the liver. This process is going rather fast and soon the blood sugar levels will be lower again and the body will ask for more food. As long as there is insulin in the blood no fat will come out of any cells. The Latest News: With less hunger and a More Stable Blood Sugar level Whilst eating more unsaturated fats makes for the blood sugar levels to stay more stable without feeling hungry as the energy is diluted slower and steadier. Fat doesn’t affect the blood sugar neither. This way will the pancreas not constantly produce insulin to reduce the sugar levels in the blood, which when it does could lead to diabetes. The study with 84000 nurses has the answer how it affects the diabetes risk: Those that ate 5% more carbohydrates and lowered the intake of unsaturated fats with 5% increased the risk for diabetes with 56% So; practical tip: Eat more nuts and olives as snacks as they hold more unsaturated fats and give longer a full feeling. Have more unsaturated oils like olive oil, they do not influence the blood sugar level but give the same energy and lower the risk for heart and blood diseases. The Swedish Alba Oil with a butter aroma is the best available alternative for butter. It contains 61% unsaturated fat, 10 % omega 3 fatty acids and no cholesterol. Positive Points from the Mediterranean Cuisine It is all about the fact that omega 6 poly unsaturated fatty acids (like sunflower oil) are less stable and oxidize faster. So the intake of oils that hold lots of omega 6 fats is bad as they will make the LDL cholesterol more unstable and make for it to oxidize easier. The oxidized LDL cholesterol is exactly that kind of fat rests that will glue on the insides of our arteries. It is therefore important to take mono unsaturated fats, (olive oil) into the body as they are a lot more stable and do not oxidize so easy. The Four Plus Points from a Healthy Diet: - Less saturated fats all together as it will reduce the blocking of the LDL docking zones in the cells. This way the LDL is faster absorbed in the cells and out of the blood. - More mono unsaturated fats from olive oil will lower the number of LDL transporters in the blood. - The mono unsaturated fats will stabilize the left over LDL so they will not oxidize so fast - The amount of natural substances and vitamin E from olive oil, nuts, fish and many vegetables and herbs make for the LDL and the whole body to be more protected from oxidation. - Mono unsaturated fats on top of this lower also the risk for diabetes. Medical Facts: Mono Unsaturated Fats: - Oxidize less fast then poly unsaturated fats, which is positive for the arteries as only oxidized fats glue themselves on the inside of the arteries. - It makes for the blood cells to stay coherent and not sticky - Higher intake of mono unsaturated fats lowers the risk for heart and blood diseases. - It has a working on lowering the LDL and stabilizing the balance between LDL and HDL - The HDL stays the same or might increase slightly - Can slightly lower too high levels of triglycerides Source: Some Olive and Mediterranean Eating Tips: - Bruschettas with olive oil, tomato basilica or olive paste - Marinated olives in traditional ways from France, Italy, Turkey or Greece - Olive Paste with any kind of added flavor, from garlic to sun-dried tomatoes - Avocados; hold up to 70% mono unsaturated fats. - Nuts; almonds and hazelnuts hold up to 70 to 80 % mono unsaturated fats - Pesto; walnuts, lemon juice, garlic, basil. Walnuts are more worth then pistachio nuts as they also contain omega 3 fats. All the other ingredients are very healthy and hold many important substances like vitamin C, E and fiber. Nuts; Small Concentrated Food Packets Nuts Have Lost their Attractiveness in the Low Fat Hysteria… Nuts hold everything necessary for new life (a nut tree or bush), minerals, vitamins, trace-elements, protein, and essential fats. No other food product has got these necessary substances in such high concentration and pressed together as nuts. Nuts are very nutrient and have been considered very important for many thousands of years. In China they are part of the five holy alimentary-products. In many Asian cuisines they are used daily in the preparation of food. Nuts hold mainly mono unsaturated fats and lots of vegetable substances that protect the fatty acids of oxidizing. Nowadays through the ultra low fat hysteria and the media regarding this have nuts become something for tree huggers and muesli fanatics. Low fat hysteria has called for the ban of all what is fat. “No fat is the best” while it is nonsense… Unsaturated fats are the best and the healthiest if they are kept as close as possible to the environment where they come from. Not for nothing were nuts labeled: student food as they really are good for the brain and the keeping going of the nervous system. However what’s new is that nuts are gaining again ground and are again considered supper foods containing everything the body needs in one small tasty package. Nuts without Lobbying There is no pocket filling patent for nuts, so no commercials are made about them, only produced sugar holding and fatty products are coming on TV or in the radio. That’s why nuts have gone out of popularity, they don’t bring enough… Nuts however have been investigated only recently and in these small packets are more then we would have expected. Nuts do NOT make FAT On the contrary, nuts give a full feeling for much longer through the protein content and the mono unsaturated fats. The protein sends a full feeling message to the brain, so the brain does not tell the body to eat more. The fibers release only slowly the energy so that the influx of energy goes steady and not too fast and in a constant stream. It takes hours before they are digested and keep at the same time the brain fit. This is in contrast with the vicious circle of: sugar holding snacks or fast carbohydrate rich foods that make the blood sugar level go up fast, for which insulin is needed that takes the sugar too fast out of the blood, with which the blood sugar levels go too much down again for which then again a sweet snack is needed or fast carbohydrates holding foods… a never ending story. A study with 34000 people has shown that nuts do not make fat on the contrary, those people eating nuts were considerably less fat then the others! Energy for the Nerves and the Grey Mass Our brain consists of 60% out of fat. One third of this fat is omega 3 fats, which walnuts hold a lot of. It’s exactly because of this omega 3 fats that the brain is speedy and conductible. Nuts Reduce Cholesterol and Heart and Blood Diseases Nuts do not have cholesterol in them. On the contrary NO natural oil or product holds cholesterol. It has also clinically proven that nuts help the bad cholesterol go down; this is thanks to the natural substances especially the group called phytosterines. Hemp seeds and walnuts hold on the nut kingdom the most omega 3 fatty acids. Nuts Hold the Best Unsaturated Fatty Acids Next to these fatty acids do they also hold vitamin E and natural substances which protect against oxidation. This is when nuts are eaten naturally, when in oil form it is possible that many of these substances are lost in the process. Nuts; a Lot of Unsaturated Fatty Acids Nuts have in essence a perfectly balanced fat combination of which most are mono unsaturated fats and almost no saturated fats. Nuts Diminish the Risk for Heart and Blood Diseases with 40 to 60% In many studies it has come out that the substances found in nuts have a special working against heart and blood diseases: Vitamin B and E Phytosterines Phenol Selenium Zink Copper Folic Acids The protein Arginin And the combination of the mono and poly unsaturated fats Some other substances which are contained within nuts have not yet been investigated… All these substances help with the floatability of the blood, the protection against oxidation, the diminishing of the bad cholesterol. In a study with around 150000 participants it has come out that nuts reduce the blood and heart diseases with 40 to 60%! Group Time Risk with daily intake of nuts 80000 Women 14 years Down 41% 30000 Men 6 years Down 52% 35000 Women 8 years Down 67% Nuts Reduce Heart Attacks – But How Do We Know This? It is in the time and the amount of people in the groups that have been investigated where the answer lies and how over time the food intake influences the health. All eating and living habits are drawn up for each individual in exactly the same way with exactly the same questions. If the scientists then see that one segment has got less heart attacks and they eat on a daily basis nuts even if they smoke, are thick or thin, drink alcohol or not, smoke or not, or whatever, then we can say its because of the nuts. As in these tests (and different ones came to the same conclusion) over time, it has clearly come out that the nuts kept on coming out as the source of less heart attacks. Tip: Nuts that taste bitter have gone sour; the fatty acids have oxidized and are bad for the body. Nuts should be kept in cool places (even the fridge) in airtight and dark paneled containers as light, air and heat and warmth help the fatty acids to oxidize. Especially walnuts belong in the fridge for storage. Nuts – Every Day Nuts can be eaten at all times of the day and many variant ways are there to enjoy them. Nuts as snack, in muesli or yoghurt for breakfast, as additions to certain dishes and especially as taste maker in Asian food stuffs, many ways there are to eat nuts. As pesto, roasted on salads and sharp or spicy dishes, many many applications for nuts in the gastronomy, and they can be used for sauces like peanuts in peanut sauce even they can be drunk; nut-milk and in bakeries as powder form for cookies and cakes. 3. Omega 6 Fatty Acids Linolic Fatty-Acids-Rich-Vegetable Oils – Too Much of the Good Stuff We eat too much omega 6 fatty acids! Poly unsaturated vegetable oils are necessary for the body and are healthy; In the commercial we see a healthy couple pouring lots of sunflower oil over the salad, they are happy and look very healthy,…the customer thinks: vegetable oil looks good-has low cholesterol-is healthy. However too much omega 6 fatty acids; which only came out of recent medical investigations show that they; can be harm-full for our health. Too Much Vegetable Oil Have a Negative Outworking on the Tissue Hormones Certain vegetable oils consist mainly out of omega 6 fatty acids, which are indicated in the contents as Linolic Fatty Acids. We eat nowadays 20 times more omega 6 then omega 3 fatty acids whereas the ideal would be 4 to 1, or even 1 to 1. A lot of vegetables hold on a balance of 1 to 1 omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. In most vegetable oils which are made from corn, sunflowers and thistle the balance goes up to 120 to 1. The balance is important in the production of tissue hormones. Tip: The balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids is very important in the production of tissue hormones. Even with an out of balance of 10 to 1 the production of tissue hormones is reduced with 50%. The omega 3 fatty acids are stopped by the omega 6 fatty acids and at a balance of 20 to 1 the production of these hormones is completely disturbed. Eat less omega 6 fat containing oils that’s already one step in the right direction. Influencing the Hormones Just by the intake of the right fatty acids one can influence the production of the tissue hormones. From the production of the right hormones it depends whether the human body stays longer fit and healthy or whether it will become weak and open for diseases. Tissue hormones influence a lot of chronic diseases: - auto immune diseases like rheumatisms, arthritis, lupus, coronary diseases, psoriasis, allergies, asthma - depressions and nervous diseases, Alzheimer and Dementia - Heart and Blood diseases, high blood pressure, heart attack, sticky blood plates, artery infections - Osteoporoses In order to stay long healthy and fit in body and soul it is important to reduce the omega 6 fatty acids and this way stimulate the tissue hormone production, the so called good EICOS, through eating more omega 3 fatty acids. Eicosaniode – the Right Balance is Important Even by just eating food in different places and at home the intake of omega 6 is more then enough as it is so widely used. Therefore is it important to reduce its use at home dramatically and to watch out what oils to use in the preparation of food at home. The most important is the balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids in order to have a healthy production of tissue hormones. By taking away the vegetable salad oils holding omega 6 fatty acids and replacing them with omega 3 rich oils like flax oil, walnut oil and Canola oil, Colza oil or rape oil it is possible to bring the balance to 4 to 1. Some sunflower seeds are healthy; however our body is not made for the tons of vegetable oils produced out of them. The special cannabis oil has got the perfect balance of 3 to 1 omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. The rich in omega 3 oils are: Oil Balance Omega 6 to Omega 3 Flax oil 1 to 4 Canola Oil 2 to 1 Cannabis Oil 3 to 1 Walnut Oil 4 to 1 Wheat Germ Oil 6 to 1 Eicosanoides – the RNA of our Cells Eicosanoids are molecules of the fatty acid metabolism normally released temporarily in irritated tissue. There they act as inflammatory and wound healing factors by activating specific surface receptors of cells and proteins which regulate gene activity. Eicosanoids or our tissue hormones that cary the messages to our cells; are the regulators of the blood pressure, bloot production, immune system and as mentioned above they are active in inflamatory reactions. These eicos are active only for a very short time but are nescessary to sustain human life. The eating habits influence the production of these tissue hormones directly the intake of the right fatty acids provide for the building blocks of these hormones. Tip: Visit: Opposite Tissue Hormones From Fatty Acids The tissuehormones are responsible to give signals to the different cells in order to activate or deactivate many different functions. The different building blocks for these polarised hormones come either form omega 3 or omega 6 fatty acids and in many cases are they used for exactly the opposite workings. If in the case where the balance is 20 to 1 then one type of eicos is produced more then the other and gets them out of balance. Over the years certain chronic diseases can be the result: - An open wound needs to be closed, the tissue hormone number 2 made from omega 6 fatty acids is made that makes the blood thick and the wound closes, however too much of this hormone makes all the blood too thick and the blood doesn’t stream so good anymore. - The same hormone increases the blood pressure, this is ok in certain situations like stress, however a constant increased blood pressure is unhealthy if there are not enough eicos number 3 from omega 3 fatty acids that regulate the blood pressure down. - The eicos 2 activate the immune system and tell the attack cells to get rid of infected cells, however if this hormone is too much produced it will risk the immune system to go into auto immune diesease and have the risk of causing astma and allergies in which case the immunesystem turns agains the own healthy cells. This in turn can lead to rheuma, artritis, asthma, psoriasis and lupus. The omega 3 fatty acids which make eicos 3 reduce the activity of the immune system. Good To Know: From the vegetable fatty acids the body produces (indirect intake) the longer fat molecules AA from omega 6 and EPA from omega 3, they are the direct building blocks for the tissue hormones. From other foodstuffs (direct intake) comes AA from meats and EPA from fish. From these two substances are produced the tissue hormones or eicosanoides which have different and opposite workings. In the case one eats too much meat and oils containing omega 6 fatty acids the production of omega 3 eicos is reduced and in a balance of 10 to 1 even cut in half. This leads to chronic diseases. Essential Fats Diagram: Omega 6 Fatty Acids Omega 3 Fatty Acids Linolic Acids Alpha Linolic Acids Corn Oil, Thistle Oil, Sunflower Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Walnut Oil, Green Leafy Margarine, Deep-fry Oils Vegetables, Canola Oil AA EPA Meat, Eggs, Cheese, Pork Fat Fish, Seaweed Pig liver, liver sausage Eicosanoids 2 and 4 Eicosanoids 3 and 5 Thinning of the arteries and veins Opening of the arteries and veins To make higher the blood pressure to lower the blood pressure Make thick the blood Make thin the blood To influence the infection to stop the infection Activate messenger RNA and the Immune System Stops the Immune System and the Messenger RNA Fats and Eicos – the Metabolism - the program of the Evolution One can not expect with an altered fat intake of 20 to 1 omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids for the RNA and hormone system still to work properly. The necessary fatty acids are therefore more then just calories they are directly influencing the health and wellbeing of our bodies. During the evolution the balance has been around 1 to 1 or 1 to 4. It has never been 20 to 1; our bodies are not made for a high intake of omega 6 fatty acids. The building blocks of the tissue hormones are AA and EPA, AA is available in meat and EPA in fish; moreover is it then important to eat regularly fish instead of meat. The Japanese due to their high intake of fresh fish have the lowest heart attack rates in the industrialized world; they also have the highest life expectancy and the lowest amounts of auto immune diseases and arthritis. Omega 6 Vegetable Oils Do Not Diminish the Risk for Heart attacks As long believed would the use of vegetable oils reduce the blood fats and with that the risk for heart attacks, however recent studies have shown two bad aftereffects of omega 6 fatty acids: - They have a bad influence on the tissue hormones - They are not stable in the bloodstream like mono unsaturated fatty acids from olive oil It are exactly these rancid oxidized fatty acids the LDL that deposit themselves on the inside of the arteries and cause them to get blocked. The more omega 6 fatty acids the more the LDL transport ships can get rancid and oxidize. With olive oil the blood fat particles stay a lot more stable. As an example there is the country of Israel that has the highest intake of omega 6 fatty acids in the world, 8% more then the US and 12% more then in N Europe. Israel has a very high heart attack rate while it is a Mediterranean country. 300 Km further in Crete where a lot of olive oil and omega 3 fatty acids from fish are eaten the rate is 5 times less. And by the old Cretans that eat still very traditionally the rate of heart attacks is even 20 times less. Omega 3 fatty acids; ensure a good balance in the tissue hormones Olive oil ensures the stability of the blood fats. Vegetable Oil in the Media and Commercials Till now the working of vegetable oils and in particular the Linolic fatty acids from vegetable oils (omega 6 fatty acids) has still not been proven to have a good effect on the heart and blood diseases. The balance between Omega 6 and 3 should be maintained at a level of max 4 to 1 Omega 6 fatty Acids Short: - Linolic acids are essential fats and necessary or our cells - Linolic acids is a building block for the necessary tissue hormones By too much intake: - Influence the tissue hormones negatively - Prevent the use of omega 3 fatty acids - Renders the blood fatty acids open for oxidation - Works Inflammatory Influence on the blood fats: Good: diminishes the bad LDL Bad: In large quantities can also diminish the good HDL AA (Arachide Acids) the Meat Connection Poly arthritis finds its source in the way how the own immune system starts to attack our own healthy cells and causes them to get infected. These diseases are called auto immune diseases. The food intake is a direct source of these kinds of diseases; the Eskimos that eat hardly ever meat don’t know Rheumatism or Arthritis. The question is why? The answer is simple: the fats that meat and fish contain. Change More Often For Fish Meat holds a lot of AA, an omega 6 fatty acid. AA is the direct building block for the bad infection developing tissue hormones. For almost all auto immune diseases these hormones are too high. Fish on the other hand hold a lot of omega 3 fatty acids out of which the good tissue hormones are made. Auto immune diseases can be easily avoided through the intake of more omega 3 fatty acids. Chronic diseases are influenced through the long time intake of omega 6 fatty acids in too high quantities. What’s new is that by Arteriosclerosis, the thickening of the arteries, the tissue infections play a role also. 4 Million Germans Have Rheumatism The most typical form is Poly arthritis where the joints and knuckles are infected. This causes a lot of pain, swelling of the joints, difficulties in taking up things and moving normally around. 2500 years ago did Hippocrates already state that there must be a link between what we eat and the diseases we get, including Rheumatism. It’s only recently that this scientifically has been proven! Even though that a lot of Rheumatism patients complained from more pain and infections after having eaten meat and other products containing a lot of AA or omega 6 fatty acids. For this they would get then painkillers and other tablets that stop the infection messenger RNA. Nowadays we know that the AA in meat is the direct building blocks of the infection influencing RNA. But also linolic acid from vegetable oils is changed in the body to AA fatty acids which are also used in the production of infection influencing tissue hormones. Especially oils from corn, sunflowers and thistles are high in linolic acids. For auto immune disease patients, like rheumatism it is therefore better to avoid meat and vegetable oils containing lots of linolic acids, this way also gives the omega 3 fatty acids to get to work better. Fish Oil – Block the Production of Bad Eicos The best way to reduce the production of tissue hormones from AA is by eating a lot of fish, fish oil capsules, and Flax seed oil, especially the high concentrated fish oil capsules with omega 3 – fat EPA- the direct building block for the infection blocking hormones. By changing the diet this way, the production of bad infection influencing tissue hormones, can be reduced with 90%. For rheumatism patients, a doze of 2 to 3 grams of fish oil is used in therapeutic treatment. Less AA from meat and vegetable oils and more EPA from fish and flax oil is the best strategy against and in the treatment of rheumatism and other auto immune diseases. The Cells- The Fat Stocks Warehouses For The Tissue Hormones The process for the omega 3 fatty acids to get effective after having been eaten is rather slow; they first need to rebuild the cell structures and composition, and then it takes time for the omega 3 to group and get to the right places in the cell membranes and have pushed out all the other fatty acids. The cell membranes are the warehouses for the tissue hormone production. This whole process takes up to a couple of months until the right amount of omega 3 fatty acids is available and only then will the tissue hormone production change. This is why a good balanced diet with the right intake of the right substances is best when it is started early and maintained throughout the whole of the life! Eleven Studies Verify Less Pain From Arthritis Still some years ago doctors argued that something could be done about poly arthritis through a different food intake. Eleven separate studies have been conducted and it has been found out that fish oil capsules reduce the pains in patients with Poly Arthritis. For a period of 3 to 6 months the patients were given fish oil capsules or olive oil capsules without the doctors or the patients knowing what was what, in order not to influence the patients. The olive oil did not influence the tissue hormones, so there was no difference with these patients, but with the patients that got fish oil remarkable changes occurred: less stiff in the mornings, better grip, less swollen joints and less pain. The medication for these patients could be reduced after 3 months of taking the capsules. Do the test: Too much AA or not? Do you eat a lot of products from animals? Do you eat a lot of intestines, sausages, red meat? Do you eat a lot of fatty milk products? Do you eat a lot of linolicacid rich oils and margarines with lots of AA? People that should lower the AA intake Are you suffering from heart – blood – metabolism diseases? Do you have too high blood fats? Do you have an auto immune disease like arthritis, rheumatism or the likes? Margarine or Butter? More Commercial then Working Margarine in the old days was more like this rancid fat mix that looked like butter. Nowadays still too much margarine is eaten, hence this chapter. Margarine BEFORE: The 60ies, 70ies were the flower periods for the margarines; it was invented in the 20ies as a rancid tasting fat that could be held good for days and weeks in the trenches for the soldiers. The rancid taste comes from the hardening of poly unsaturated fatty acids in a process where the oils are heated for hours in a row at temperatures of 220 degrees and above. The rancid taste does not disappear completely anymore. The leftover chemically and physically changed mass is past able and can hold for weeks. Under the pressure of the cholesterol hysteria and the commercialization of this product came on the 50ies the margarine on all tables. Margarine found its way on the school bread of kids and was used even to fry food in, herewith oxidizing the last poly unsaturated fats in it. On top of this withheld the margarine from this era up to 40% of very damaging trans fatty acids or transitional fats. These transitional fats are actually worse then the saturated fats from butter, whereas it should be healthier and replace butter. Our bodies do not need these transitional fats, in fact it doesn’t recognize them as they are new fat molecules altogether. They increase the risk for diabetes and heart and blood diseases; they increase the LDL cholesterol (sticky) and lower the good HDL cholesterol (garbage removal). No other fat is therefore more fatal in its applications. Still nowadays these transitional fats are available in many products at high percentages. The Harvard study with the 80000 nurses showed that even with an intake increase of 30 grams a day the heart attack ratio went up with 50%! Only in the 80 became the knowledge that margarine not only tastes worse then butter it is also more damaging then butter. Back came the butter and the oil. So the food industry had to think of something new. Margarine NOWADAYS: The difference in taste between margarine and butter has disappeared. They taste very good nowadays. More important has the % of transitional fats been reduced. Some, good margarines have been produced differently and hold only 5% transitional fats. The harder the margarine the more transitional fats it contains. In diet margarine and reform margarine there are no transitional fats at all anymore. These special un-solidified margarines taste also the best. Un-solidified vegetable margarines are healthier then butter: - they contain a third of the saturated fats then butter, which is the main point - they contain no cholesterol - they contain 10 to 20 times more unsaturated fats then butter which lower the LDL cholesterol The recent margarines from olive oil and omega 3 oil have become better food products. They contain less omega 6 fatty acids. Good to Know: Saturated Fats / Mono Unsaturated Fats / Poly Unsaturated fats / Transitional fats / Cholesterol Butter 69% 24% 3% 4% 249mg Vegetable Margarine 30-40% Depends on 25-49% 2-19% / For Baking Producer/Brand Vegetable Margarine 25-35% Depends on 25-49% 2-6% / Producer/Brand Diet Margarine 20% Depends on 50% 0% / Producer/Brand The Way Liquid Oils Become Solid – How Many Changed fats do you Want? To eat wholesome foods that have been the least altered is the best for a good diet! The food industry has got laboratories where the natural food molecules are taken apart and under chemical processes are put back together. So how much of this does you want to have? There are three methods to solidify the natural vegetable oils: One result is always the increase in solid saturated fats to unsaturated fats, the oils. Method 1: The WORST method The oils are only partly solidified. Through the hardenings process (high heat over very long periods of time) are unsaturated fats turned into saturated fats. Even if the oil before the process contained 60 to 80 % unsaturated fats after the process there is only 25 to 50 % left of it. What is not controllable is the amount of new chemical fat molecules that are formed through the heating process. Amongst these the killer transitional fats and other unidentified new fat molecules. Method 2: In this method the chemical composition of the fat molecules is altered in order to render the oil solid. The whole fat molecules are taken apart and put together again in different combinations. Saturated fats are added and the melting point is increased. These way new molecules are created that our body does not recognize. Any side effects are not found yet, however the oil is still chemically altered. Almost all margarines in the supermarkets are made this way if they are not hardened. Method 3: Here the solid effect is reached by adding to solid palm fat vegetable oils. It is the most natural method of the three. This margarine also called reform margarine can never be hardened or made by the second method. The oils and their composition is not touched and stays the same. The Right Way to Buy Margarine Margarine with lots of poly unsaturated fatty acids is NOT suitable for frying and baking, they will get black, start to stink and smoke and oxidize. Oxidized fats are instable and will in the bloodstream affect other fat molecules and render them also unstable after which they will oxidize easier. For baking and frying the industry has got so called mass produced margarines that are so much altered that the melting point lies very high. They contain a lot of saturated fats and are very hard; indicating they contain a lot of transitional fats. Till 1994 the part of these transitional fats was still up to 30 % which is now brought back to 5%. Vegetable margarine: Read the label on the container: partly hardened margarine we buy NEVER. The process needs to be indicated, otherwise when not it will always be one of the bad methods mentioned above. All vegetable margarines have only omega 6 fatty acids in them which disturb the tissue hormone production. Diet Margarine: Needs to contain more then 50% of poly unsaturated fats, no transitional fats are allowed and in comparison with butter only a third of the saturated fats and 10 to 20 % poly unsaturated fats more. She has not been hardened; it is made through molecule changes or by mixing in natural solid palm oils. This margarine contains too much omega 6 fatty acids and hardly any omega 3 fatty acids; 100 to 1. Reform Margarine: A past able emulsion of natural oils and fats without any chemical reactions or heat, making that there are no changes to the natural oils. Also no conservatives or colorants but it contains still too much omega 6 fatty acids. Full Margarine: For bio freaks are made with the best oils from cold pressing without any chemicals for aiding the extraction of the oils, also the seeds or oily fruits used are bio products. Hard margarines are just simply bad, they are even worse then butter. For baking would be the best to use olive oil or Rape oil. The Increasing or Decreasing Effects of Different Fats on LDL Cholesterol: Decrease: First: natural fatty nuts like walnuts: decrease LDL Second: vegetable oils Decrease LDL Third: dietary margarines, but they still hold more saturated fats then the oils they are made of Neutral to Bad: Fourth: Partly hardened margarine with about 6% transitional fats have little positive working Increase: Butter: worsens the veins and blood fat composition through the saturated fats Margarine for baking: full of transitional fats and saturated fats change the blood fat composition negatively and are even worse then butter. More Omega 3 Fatty Acids and More Mono Unsaturated Fats The worst point about margarines is the high content of omega 6 fatty acids; some with a balance of 60 and 100 to 1. The ideal margarine would hold more omega 3 less omega 6 and more mono unsaturated fats. Olive oil mono unsaturated fat decreases the blood fats, same as other vegetable oils, however it has two advantages: - it does not influence the tissue hormones - it is very stable in the arteries and veins and does not oxidize as fast as omega 6 Modern Margarines – Omega 3 Margarine: the Best Choice “Vita quell” omega 3 margarine contains omega 3 fatty acids from seaweed, rape seed oil and flax oil. The balance omega 6 to 3 is 5 to 1; it contains more mono unsaturated fats. Olive Oil Margarine- the Mediterranean on the Table “Olima” von Eden and “m’Olivo “from Vita quell contain 50 to 60% mono unsaturated fatty acids from olive oil. They contain vitamin E which keeps the blood fats stable. 100 gr. m’Olivo contains 80 mg. vitamin E, that’s 10 times more then olive oil itself. Rape Oil Margarine – The Ideal Fat Combination The ideal fat combination: 60 to 70% mono unsaturated fats, 7% omega 3 fatty acids, in fact the same combination as the Cretans. This margarine is already quite popular in the US and Australia, N Europe will follow soon. Margarine with Phytosterine – Vegetable Products against High LDL Becel Pro Active contains only 50% fat then normal margarines and has a balance omega 6 to 3 of 7 to 1 on top are phytosterines added natural substances that can reduce the LDL with 10 to 15%. Phytosterines are available in many nuts. They make for less absorption of cholesterol in the body. Butter or Margarine – The blood Fats Thank You 20% of the saturated fat intake in N Europe comes from butter. Just by eliminating the butter we reduce the intake of saturated fat by 20 %. If on top of this we do not replace it with margarine but other pastes or olive oil it becomes even better, low fat cream cheese or pesto. Up to 11% can the bad LDL be decreased, just by changing from butter to a good margarine. In over 20 studies on the use of butter and margarine by men it has come out that the use of margarine can reduce the chances for a heart attack by 10%. Margarine- More Commercial then Effect 10% is not a lot in comparison to the 30 to 40% of effect on the reduction of heart attack risk that can be reached with the intake of vitamin E, nuts, fish, omega 3 oils. Only by eating daily walnuts the risk can be reduced with 30 to 40%. By adopting Mediterranean eating habits the risk can even be reduced to 70%. The effect of margarine on the heart and blood diseases has been highly exaggerated by advertising. The main plus is margarine reduces the intake of saturated fats then butter. The thing is that margarines are still not natural products and a lot in the processing of these margarines on natural substances is lost. With a lot of advertising tam-tam it is then put back inside. Best thing, no butter or margarine at al, use olive oil to dip the bread and to bake, use other different oils for salads and dressings, it’s a lot healthier then all this chemical mixes whatever the media says. Mediterranean Eating Habits - A Lot More Successful Olive oil, olive paste, pesto, hummus, nut-paste, avocado crème, low fat cream cheese are all a lot better then any margarine or butter. 4. Vegetable Omega 3 Fats Alpha – Linolic Acids of Which the Body Needs More In the village of Campodimele, people live the longest in the world. There are more people above 80 and even 90 and even people above 100 years then anywhere else in the world. In N Europe people (men) have a life expectancy of on average 74 years of age. On the isle of Crete there are also very big amounts of long living people and they have the lowest heart attack risk rate in Europe, So is it the genes, the sun, the nice relationships with the family and friends, is it the easy going life? The genes it is not as the descendants that left for the cities in N Europe and started eating and drinking like there got as much problems as the other N Europeans with heart and blood diseases. Studies have pointed out that the only grounds for this phenomenon is the food intake. Olive oil, fish, good bread, lots of fruit and vegetables, olives and nuts and the intake of green leafy vegetables as-well as red wine are all parts of the diet in these areas, supplying it with the right mono unsaturated fatty acids, alpha-linolic acids and lots of natural substances and anti oxidants, whereas the N Europeans take in to their bodies very different things, influencing this way the sensitivity for cancer, heart and blood diseases and diabetes. Cretans Hardly Know Heart Attacks In the blood particles of the Cretans it came out that they hold a lot more omega 3 fatty acids. These omega 3 fatty acids come from green leafy vegetables, wild plants and herbs and from meat and eggs of animals that have not been fed in stables but have been wondering around in the fields and woods. The omega 3 fatty acids from fish and seaweed are the reason why the Japanese know so little cases of heart attacks. The Japanese also eat omega 3 rich rape oil and soy oil that also has a higher omega 3 content. The Lyon Heart Study: 74% less Heart Attacks If it’s not the genes, the stress less life, the climate, then it must be the food intake, and exactly that was tested, the Lyon-Heart-Study was conducted and the results let the pharmaceutical industry flabbergasted. 606 patients, who had suffered already a heart attack, took part in the study. They were divided into two groups. The one group continued to eat the normal regular N European food whilst the other group changed the food intake to a Mediterranean one with more fruit and vegetables, more olive oil, fish and rape oil, rape oil margarine. Only four years later has the second group already 74% less deaths due to heart attacks then the other group, such a difference was never before recorded in a heart and blood study. Blood fat reducing medicines on average reduced the death rate by heart attacks only by 22 to 24 %. Mediterranean Eating Culture Healthy and Tasty Even in people that have already blood and heart diseases the Mediterranean eating habits show a positive impact. Most patients of the second group did not change back to the N European eating habits after the testing period. Mediterranean Eating Habits – Less Killer Fats, More Good Fats The fat intake from the test was altered in the Mediterranean fat intake. The patients were given good, healthy fats instead of killer fats. Fit with Fat! The exercise existed in changing the wrong fats to the right fats and not necessarily less fat. This way the food was changed: - 80% less omega 6 rich vegetable oils - Less AA fatty acids from meat and sausages - 7% more omega 3 fatty acids through oils like rape oil - Less saturated fats; less meat, sausage, cheese and completely taken out were; butter, cream and rich milk products, instead more light feathery birds, chicken sausages and light milk products - Only olive oil and rape oil, both consist of 70% mono unsaturated fatty acids and butter was changed with rape oil margarine - More fruit and vegetables - More cereals and fiber rich food products The way Mediterranean Food Works Good to know: Mediterranean Effects What to Eat? Food – Health Factors Less Saturated Fats Decreases the bad LDL Less Meat, Sausage, Cheese, Cholesterol Butter Less Omega 6 Fatty Acids Less Bad Tissue Hormones Les or no Linolic Acid rich From Omega 6 Fatty Acids Vegetable Oils The Blood fats are less Vulnerable for Oxidation More Mono Unsaturated Fats Reduces the bad LDL More Olive Oil Rape Oil Cholesterol, Renders the Nuts Blood fats more stable against Oxidation More Omega 3 Fatty acids Renders the blood more More Flax Oil, Walnut Oil, Liquid and less sticky, Hempseed Oil, Rape Oil More good tissue hormones and Rape Oil Margarine Less Infection Messenger More Leafy Green Vegetables RNA from bad tissue More Fish Hormones More Fiber Reduce bad LDL More Whole Wheat Products Cholesterol Vegetables and Fruits Unrefined and Unpeeled, Sometimes raw More Vitamins, Natural Protect the blood fats from Whole-wheat products Substances, Spore-Elements Oxidation Fruits and vegetables Omega 3 Fatty Acids – We All Need Them In the Lyon-Heart-Study the patients did have blood and heart diseases, however when tests were done by 76000 healthy nurses the findings were astounding; the change to alpha linolic acids was very successful. The omega 3 fatty acids came from soy oil in mayonnaise and from dressings with omega 3 rich oils. After 10 years to conclusion was a reduction in heart attacks of 43% for those that used the most omega 3 fats from Alpha-Linolic Acids. Alpha-Linolic Acids – Where to Find? Our eating habits have changed so much that we do not get a natural intake from omega 3 fats anymore, most products have gone out of fashion or have disappeared entirely; nuts, wild plants and fruits, meat from game (not from the farm), wild sea-fish ( not cultivated), green leafy vegetables. Because of this extra omega 3 fatty acids need to be added to the normal food intake of nowadays, if one does not have the means to change the own eating habits. The easiest way is through the consumption of flax oil. It is pressed from flax seeds and holds the most Alpha-Linolic Acids. Walnuts and Rape oil are also very good sources. Good to know: Alpha-Linolic Acid Rich Balance Omega 6 / Omega 3 Food Stuffs (mg per 100g) Flax oil 55300mg (Dutch: VlasZaadOlie) 1 / 4 Pure omega 3 source Flax seeds 16400mg 1 / 4 THE best source of omega 3 and natural substances Rape Oil 8600mg (Dutch: KoolzaadOlie) 2 / 1 The IDEAL OIL; high concentration of mono unsaturated fats and omega 3 fat Hemp seed oil 19000mg (Dutch: HennepzaadOlie) 3 / 1 Has been in use for 100rds of years and has a very nutty taste Walnut Oil 13400mg (Dutch: WalnotenOlie) 4 / 1 The pure taste maker Walnuts 7000mg 4 / 1 Potent package holding: anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fats From all nuts they hold the most omega 3 fatty acids Wheat Germ Oil 8900mg (Dutch: Tarwekiemolie) 6 / 2 The oil with the most vitamin E, ideal for good stability of the unsaturated fats Soy oil 7600mg (Dutch: Soya Olie) Good source still for omega 3 but too much omega 6, Rape oil would be better How to Keep the Cell Walls Fit and Healthy? Blocked Cell Membranes and the Transport of Sugar The transport of sugar in the cells will tell us how important it is to change the oil intake; the cell walls are constructed of many different fats. When there are too many transitional fats, saturated fats and sticky solid fats in the cell walls, the transportation in and out of the cells becomes more and more difficult because of this burden. The nicest example is sugar. When the sugar cannot be absorbed in the cells the blood sugar level stays too high, if this stays on for a long period of time one can get diabetes or sugar disease. The hormone insulin regulates the sugar transport and the absorption of sugar in the cells. The latest research has found out that it is a lot easier for the insulin to anchor on the cells if the cell walls consist more out of fluid, permeable, unsaturated fats are in the cell membranes. The insulin job is rendered very difficult when the cell membranes hold too many saturated, cloggy, thick fats. This causes the overproduction of insulin in order to do the same job. The pancreas needs to produce too much insulin on a long term basis and can become sick, this is when diabetes develops. Unsaturated Fats against Diabetes The positive influence of unsaturated liquid fats in the cell membranes on the function of insulin is the reason why two separate studies come to the conclusion that the diabetes risk is decreased when more liquid (unsaturated) oils are used in the food. One study showed that by 35000 women the risk for diabetes was reduced by 20% when eating more unsaturated fats. And by the 84000 nurses it has come out over a period of 14 years that the diabetes risk was reduced by 25% when using a lot of unsaturated fats. Those that kept one eating a lot of transitional fats had an increase in the risk for diabetes of 35%. Olive oil and rape oil are ideal to keep the 70 billion cells we have fit and healthy and permeable! Oil Change and Diabetes In the study with the 85000 nurses it was possible to measure the impact of an oil change. Only 2% less transitional fats (thick blubber) changed with 2% more liquid unsaturated fats brought back the risk for diabetes with 40%. And if only a bit of the saturated fats from animals is diminished and exchanged with unsaturated fats the risk is brought back to 35%. So get rid of the butters and margarines full of transitional and saturated fats and eat more unsaturated fats from olive oil, rape oil etc. Good to Know: Unsaturated fats diminish the risk for diabetes. Participants/ Time Frame Less Diabetes Risk Study 35000 Women 11 years 20% less risk for the ladies that ate the most unsaturated fats against those That ate the least unsaturated fats 84000 Women 14 years 25% between those that ate the most unsaturated fats and those the least unsaturated 40% Reduction in risk when 2% transitional fats Are exchanged with 2% unsaturated fats Health Info: The effect of omega 3 (Alpha-Linolic Acids) - Holds the building blocks for the good tissue hormones - Is effective in the blocking of infections - Renders the blood more liquid - Reduces heart and blood diseases - Makes the cell membranes more permeable and transport active - Reduces the risk for diabetes Influence on the blood fats - Reduces the bad LDL - Leaves the good HDL untouched - Reduces Triglycerides The Fat Content on the Food Labels tells us nothing It tells nothing about the quality of the fats inside of the food. What is important is to know exactly which fats are inside of the product. Hemp Seed (Cannabis Seed) Oil – Omega 3 Fatty Acids from the Oldest Cultured Plant The cannabis plant has been known to man for may 1000ds of years and was used in the medicinal industry from China to Germany. The psycho-active substances only come from the blossoms and not from the seeds. The balance omega 6 to omega 3 fats is 3 to 1 and therefore is one of the top oils holding omega 3 fatty acids. Hemp is a nut not a seed actually and the oil has a very nutty taste to it. As the oil oxidizes easily it is best kept in a dark bottle in the fridge. It is good as dressing or as an addition to hot dishes and is not good for baking or frying. Special: An Oil Change that Does Good to the Body; Flax Seed Oil: Omega 3 Power Complement for Every Day One teaspoon of Flax oil a day is sufficient to cover the daily intake of Alpha-Linolic Acids, of which we all need daily a bit more. The human body needs the Alpha Linolic Acids, these building blocks out of which the EPA is produced in order to produce the right kind of tissue hormones. In fish is this EPA directly available. From 11 g. of Flax Oil, the body can produce 1 gr. of EPA. After using the oil for a couple of months the cells will have a nice omega 3 content which can then be maintained through a normal diet and a salad dressing with flax oil from time to time. The tissue hormone production will stabilize and the long omega 3 molecules will be produced which are good for the brain and the nervous system. Flax oil is one of the most important food compliments one can take to the body, the most important is not to take too much of it; BALANCE is everything! How to Buy and Store Flax Oil? Flax oil is very sensitive for light, temperature and air it oxidizes fast. For the food industry it is therefore not interesting, for the body it is however very good. Look at the “to consume by date”, 3 to 4 months minimum. Take the ones available in Reform Stores or Bio Stores, the oil should come from a dark place and preferably the fridge. Always keep it in the fridge. The best oils are pressed under vacuum and without any light. Flax oils can differ in taste from brand to brand. Good oils should taste like the plant it comes from. Tipp: Flax Oil: only for cold dishes, and keep it in the fridge, next to this once the bottle is opened use it as fast as possible. Special: The Omega 3 Kitchen In order to keep the flax oil full of the omega 3 fats it should never be used for baking or frying. To create extra taste effects Flax oil can be used in soups and as dressings either pure or mixed with other ingredients like in low fat cream cheese on top of a potato in the skin. Its ideal in dressings mixed with lemon juice and balsamic vinegar or with some olive oil. In dressings with yoghurt and mustard it creates a special effect. It mixes also nicely with other oils there the taste is very intense, like with Wheat germ oil or olive oil. It will increase the amount of omega 3 fats in the oils and add to the taste experience. Special: Crushed flax seeds and fiber – A good digestion, Omega 3 Fats and a Precaution against Cancer Flax seeds hold lots of fibers that are good for the intestines. Lignin is a natural substance that is active against cancer and which is available in the flax seeds. At the same time one gets an intake of omega 3 fats. It is ideal in yoghurt and in the muesli. They can also be used to bake cakes and cookies; some of the fibers can reduce the amount of cholesterol. It can very easily be added to the normal flour used for baking. Tips: - Add 10 to 15% ground flaxseeds to the flour - You can reduce the other fats or butters due to the high fat content of the flaxseeds - Use Rape oil instead of sunflower oil or butter by the baking of bread or cakes, rape oil holds mono unsaturated fats and additional omega 3 - Bake the cakes or bread with a temperature 25 degrees less and shorter time as the flax seed mix will become faster brown - When using yeast, use 25% more yeast Interview with Dr. Michel de Lorgeril Mediterranean Eating Habits and Heart and Blood Diseases Dr. de Lorgeril was the scientist that conducted the Lyon-Heart study on 600 plus heart attack patients, where they changed in one half the food intakes to a Mediterranean food intake. The results are also discussed in previous chapters. What is important to know is that the fats in the blood do not necessarily need to be reduced but changed. The right balance between the different cholesterols, omega 3, omega 6, AA, EPA etc are of great importance on how our body and blood structure is kept fit and healthy. Oils and Oil Production Discover the tastes of the different kind of oils and become an oil connoisseur! High-grade oils are fireworks of tastes. The different tastes of the different oils can be as exciting as the opening of a good bottle of wine. But not all oils are suited for all dishes. They can make or break a dish or give a dish the extra kick it needs... Hazelnut oil on pasta… Pistachio nut oil on a risotto… Walnut oil on a salad… Olive oil to dip the bread… Different olive oils with different tastes from different regions and countries can vary in taste like the alphabet is long. Good oils taste like the fruits and seeds they come from; they carry the aroma from where they come. It’s because of this variety in tasted that the people in the Mediterranean have adopted a diet with the use of many different good oils. And the gastronomy has followed suit. Bad oils with almost no taste are therefore a disgrace for the body and the taste buds. For Noble Oils there is only Little Production The production of a native, cold pressed, high quality, unrefined oil is many times little sometimes even less the n 50%. That’s why they are more expensive the refined mass produced oils. Good nut oil can cost as much as a bottle of port wine, but the impact of this oil on a dish, a salad or a drop in the soup are worth every penny! The production process is determining the quality; it determines how much of the aromas, natural substances, vitamins, minerals, spore elements are left in the oil, good for the consumer to know then how the oils in the supermarket are produced. Oil Production – Caution is everything when looking for Quality 1. Heated raw materials; 80% of cheap oils are produced by pulverizing the seeds and heating them for hours at 120 degrees. The cell structures break up and the oils come out easier. Most cheap oils are produced like this. The omega 3 fats oxidize, the natural substances disappear and the raw materials oxidize, leaving nothing but a lot of fat and omega 6. The only oils in mass production that are not won like this are oils from oil rich fruits like olives and avocados. 2. Extraction; is done by adding chemicals that loosen the oils in the grains or nuts or they are mechanically pressed. This pressing is the best way and there are different ways of pressing oils out of the fruits, nuts or seeds. The optimal way; is by extraction with the mechanical press under low temperatures (cold) and in a vacuum; the omega 3 fats oxidize very easily when they get in touch with light, temperature and air. Especially flax oil that holds up to 56% omega 3 needs to be extracted under the best of circumstances. The best way to get the oils in the bottles is cold pressed under vacuum, in a dark room and with a special gas that has an anti oxidation working so the oil goes completely un-oxidized and pure in the bottles, which are dark to protect from any light and sealed airtight. The best oil available in Germany is: “Oxyguard Lein Ol” from the brand Rapunzel. Low Temperature / Low Pressure; for all other oils it is very important that during the extraction the temperature goes not above 40 degrees centigrade. The higher the pressure the higher the temperature; when using less pressure however the extraction is less, more fruits, nuts or seeds are necessary for less oil. The advantage however is that the omega 3 fatty acids are kept in the oil. The measure has been put forward by the regulatory institutions that the oil seeds should not get higher temperatures during extractions then what they undergo in the sun whilst still on the fields. High Temperature / High Pressure; the large industrial oil extraction plants have methods to heat the raw materials up to 95 degrees centigrade under pressure. There is no way any omega 3 fats are still in these oils afterwards. During these processes some free fatty acids are produced and unfamiliar tastes which in further processing need to be filtered out again. Extraction with Dissolvent From the leftover pulp after the first pressing sometimes the leftover oils are still extracted. This is done with the aid of gasoline or other dissolvent agents. They are mixed with the pulp and then heated to 150 degrees centigrade after pressing in order for them to evaporate out of the oils again. It has a bad quality this oil and needs still more procedures to get it filtered and made neutral. These oils are mixed with good vegetable or olive oils to get a passable taste in the end. This practice however is done even with quality oils under the name of being native or extra virgin oils. The truth however is that the dissolvent agents the rests of these are always left in whatever quantities in the oils. What the industry tries to tell us it is still a chemical unnatural process and these oils are therefore not good. All good elements are anyway gone. Refining – the chemical cleaning of the Oils Through temperature, pressure and dissolvent agents arise different by-products and bad smells; to be accurate these are oxidized and rancid fats, transitional fats, spoiled natural elements and bitter agents. These substances are then filtered through chemical processes out of the oil. These chemical processes degenerate even further the oils to colorless, tasteless and useless fats: - De-acidification; free fatty acids are removed through aggressive sodium hydroxide solution - Whitening; color pigments are removed like beta carotene and chlorophyll; the oil is heated to 90% centigrade and with aluminum silicates and active coals filtered, in this phase however are also the omega 3 and 6 fatty acids affected and they are reduced the harmful side products; like fat radicals and adjoined fatty acids. These substances cannot be taken out of the oils and can be traced in a laboratory. - De-odorizing; through high temperature (200 degrees) for 30 to 60 minutes are the last of the taste and smell substances evaporated. A tasteless, odor less, smell less oil fat actually is left over, which by the way is still a vegetable or natural fat… Through the high temperatures in the last phase some transitional fats and hardened fat molecules are formed. Mono Unsaturated Oils as BASE Oils from olives and avocados are the least refined as the extraction through pressing goes very easy. Both oils are all-purpose oils and can easily be heated. The omega 3 rich rape oil through its high content of mono unsaturated fats can also be used for heating; the omega 3 fatty acids are unfortunately lost in the process. Oils from nuts are very noble and expensive and have the nicest aromas, they should however not be used for heating. The natural substances and other products inside would go lost when heating them and the aroma will become different. Omega 3 Rich Oils as Complement Omega 3 rich oils are the perfect addition to the salad dressings made form other oils like olive oil or soy oil. Flax oil, walnut oil and wheat germ oil have very intense aromas and are ideal to be added to cold dishes just to give the extra tone. Aromatizing Oils - The Summer Aromas in a Bottle Through oils, the nice aromas from many different herbs, citrus and garlic can be stored. These aromas are gasses that are almost all of them soluble in fat they would dissolve and disappear too fast when stored in wine or vinegar. The oils are perfectly suited to hold the aromas for longer periods of time. Through aromatizing the oils with herbs one can easily have a smell of summer on the plate in the middle of the winter. Through adding the herbs in the cold oils and leaving them in the fridge of r weeks or months the oils soluble aromatic substances are diluted in the oil and so the oil gets the aroma of the herb within. Tipp: Aromatic oils are best made in small quantities. Water holding taste makers like basil or pepper mint need to dry a day or two first. Garlic oil should be kept in the fridge and needs to be used in two or three weeks. Rosemary, thyme or chili are easily added to the oil and then stored in a cool and dark place. 5. Long Molecular Structured Omega 3 Fats DHA – Life-long Building Blocks for Nerves and Brain Our Brains Consist of 60% FAT The human brain is superior in all ways to the most powerful computer, it can use intelligence, save data, extract date, create date, put things together, it makes feelings possible and many things more and all this most of the time whilst controlling all our movements and internal activities… Our complete body is a neurological and integrated network of muscles and bones, intestines and nervous system, perfectly balanced towards each other. No match for any machine. As of our birth we have 100 billion neurons, 60 % of our grey mass is fat; it needs very special fats, 30% of these are the special omega 3 – DHA fats. Fats have therefore a great influence on the capabilities of our brains. There is no other building block in the body that can influence so many things at the same time; our long term capabilities, our intelligence, our capability to learn, our capability to have feelings like depressions and aggression etc. These building blocks need to be permanently available to regenerate our brains and nervous system. Omega 6 fatty acids are plenty full available; the omega 3 fatty acids however are less and less taken into the body. Too much omega 6 and too much transitional fats are causing the omega 3 production into DHA to be disturbed. For long did the medicinal world believe that the brain did not continue to grow as of a certain age and it was even believed it would shrink. This is wrong. Our brains keep in growing and expanding till the end. It might loose in weight but it continues to reticulate. Each neuron can build up to 20000 synapses in order to combine different experiences. Learning processes are constant processes of neurons that network with each other and ramify on a continuous basis amongst one another. For each new ramification and contact certain fatty acids are needed, as only these fats are capable of guiding electric impulses at the optimal speed of 300 km/h. These new synapses are build till good old age but only when the brain is kept active by holding the body fit with physical and mental activities and by doing things by ourselves and in groups. These fatty synapses are the reason why only after a certain time and age the experiences are translated into use-full information, they take time to build and get interlinked with each other. In the new connections sits the real thinking process and learning. One becomes experienced and intelligent that is: one becomes networked in the brain. One becomes old when the stream of new experiences stops and explanations gradually fail and one only looks back at networks that have been building already. In order to stay mentally fit one needs to seek permanently new experiences and learn new things all the time. Brain Exercises – New Connections for You To be old means how old you feel and how much you still challenge yourself. To challenge means to get new connections in the brain. It’s thanks to new questions, experiences and impressions that our brains grow. The grown and fitness of the brain was tested with old, bored mice. They were taken out of their cages and placed in a fantasy land for mice where lots of new experiences waited for them. After several months the mice were behaving more active and younger. Their reactions were faster, they solved problems easier and they were better then the younger mice of the same breed. When conducting the dissection it became clear that the little brains had grown in amount of synapses and connections between the neurons in-spite of the age of the mice. For us humans this means we need to stimulate the brain on a constant basis by learning, getting new experiences and being creative. Without sense for new discoveries our brains get tired. AND offer the brain the right building blocks to do what it’s supposed to do: network! High – Unsaturated Fats Make for the Best Communication The best fatty acids for the brain are the high-unsaturated fatty acids that are the reason behind fast communication and flow of information in the brain. Especially DHA is in this process active. A certain frequency in the brain called p300 that communicates information very fast is particularly involved in the process of fast learning and the making of thoughts. When getting older the speed of this frequency diminishes. To find out if the DHA influences the frequency p300 24 adults where taken for tests; their brain frequencies were measured. After having taken DHA the frequency was measured again and it had clearly increased. A study with animals showed the following; from sunflower oil the body can produce AA but not DHA. Mice that were fed solely on sunflower oils were very slow in solving certain problems in contrast with animals from the same breed that were fed with omega 3 fatty acids form which DHA can be produced. Eat more DHA – Rich Fish specially when getting Old or Studying In order to get good measures of thinking and learning it’s important to feed one self with the right foods over many years if one wants to be at the top of the bill. When eating a typical North European diet not enough DHA rich foods are taken into the body, which when growing old will lead to insufficient DHA fats for the brain. In a study of 1100 65 year old men the blood was checked for DHA. In the following 9 years 64 men became dement, those men with the lowest DHA in the blood had an increased risk of 160% to get problems with the intellectual abilities or dementia. In another study in Holland, older men were followed for 10 years; those men that ate the most or more DHA – fat rich fish were less frequently suffering from diminished capabilities of the brain. The brain synapses use from all cells in the body the most DHA. We need these building blocks in order to keep our brains highly functional and for it to build the very complicated structures. More DHA from fatty fish gives the body the right brain fat. Fish Oils and Alzheimer In the famous “Framingham” study, with the 1133 patients it came out that those suffering from Alzheimer had in comparison half of the amounts of DHA in the blood then the others. Those people that had lower levels of DHA in the blood had higher risks of getting Alzheimer in the next 10 years and they had a four times higher risk of scoring lower in brain capability tests, Fatty fish and fish in general hold the DHA that older people cannot produce themselves anymore in the body out of omega 3 fatty acids and helps herewith to keep the brain fit and the degeneration process to be slower. Tipp: DHA makes intelligent and happy. It’s the building blocks for the grey mass. Through DHA can we keep our abilities to learn and concentrate. DHA is capable of breaking the degeneration process in the brain and keep depressions at bay. Especially the elderly, the pregnant, kids, those with depressions, vegetarians, babies, young kids, adolescents and those with stress need a lot of DHA form the food intake: - Eat twice a week fatty sea-fish - Or substantiate with fish oil capsules, they hold per capsule 120 mg DHA DHA – Building Blocks with Supply Problems At all times of our lives we renew our synapses in the brain and regenerate it at a constant pace. How good one learns or how well a person remembers depends from the fat composition of our brains. DHA is highly concentrated in the synapses. When getting old the auto production capabilities of DHA from Alpha – Lynolic Acids in the body diminishes. The transitional fats and a large amount of omega 6 fatty acids block the production process of DHA. At all times in life should we give our brain what it needs. The brain reacts very easily on a fat change or a disturbance in the balance. The older we get the more we need to get the DHA out of the food intake. DHA is essentially available in fatty sea fish which the Japanese eat a lot. It is important to change minimum one time a week a meat meal to a fatty fish meal. Transitional Fats – The wrong Fats for the Brain When there is not enough DHA in the blood the brain takes other fats to replace them. This way it can happen that transitional killer fats find their way in places in the brain exactly there where DHA needs to be sitting as it is the best fat for the communication in the brain. So stay away form deep-fried stuffs, margarines with hardened oils, chips, any deep fried food stuffs like chips, crusted goods and cakes with lots of fat inside. Especially should mothers that are breastfeeding watch out; in a study with 195 Canadian women was found that these transitional fats from the regular food intake came straight through in the mother milk and like this straight into the baby and into the growing little brains. DHA against Aggressions The brain fat DHA influences the human emotions and behavior. The kids from nowadays get more and more aggressive. The reasons could be discussed but are not always to be found in what the child watches on TV or which education it gets; it could very easily be a problem in the metabolism in the brain and the nerves. In studies it has come out that children with lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids in the blood were often more aggressive and they had learn and concentration difficulties. In treatments with alpha – lynolic acids and DHA did the aggression, hyperactivity, mood-swings, and learning difficulties diminish after a couple of months. Some parents spoke about a child exchange, that they got even new personalities. DHA against Stress During periods of stress the brain uses a lot of DHA, which in the worst cases could lead to aggressive behavior. Against these aggressions during stress DHA use shows tremendous effects. In many tests has this been one of the findings; in one with 41 male and female participants the aggressions were tested in a psychological test. In the following 6 months one group was given DHA capsules and the other normal soy oil, what they did not know. After the six months during the examination period the tests were done again. In the group with the DHA did the aggression and the nervousness come down with 13% whereas the group with soy oil it increased with 56%. DHA Against Depressions – Fish Makes Happy! In regions where a lot of fish is eaten, people in general are happier. Even with less or almost no sunshine do the Eskimos not know depressions, and they are not suicidal. They do not know the “winter-blues” or mood changes through failing sunlight. The oil change in the brain plays a bigger and bigger role when it comes to depressions. The Japanese eat 15 times more omega 3 fatty acids then the Americans and statistics have shown that the Japanese have ten times less depressions then the Americans. When growing older the possibility to make DHA in the body diminishes through this the depression rate at older ages of the population increases; 44% of the elder in America suffer from depressions whilst the fish eating Japanese only have 2%. DHA makes Happy! In 1995 a study was conducted on the inhabitants of a Japanese fisher’s village by a team of psychologists. Not one case of depression could be found. In America however has the grade in the number of depressions and the diminishing intake of omega 3 fatty acids over the last 80 years multiplied with a factor 100. In the US 500000 kids are given medicine against depression. In the depressed blood has been found lower levels of DHA, especially the youngsters still get enough omega 3 fatty acids to make DHA. Also the omega 6 from meat and the transitional fats from junk food block the production of DHA. The use of DHA in cases of depression is still standing nowhere or at least they have started studies in the field, in the medicinal world. Anyway, one thing is clear DHA plays an enormous role in our nervous system and the brain. Eat therefore some more fish, it doesn’t harm anyway! Eat More DHA When You Have More Often a Stiff Drink Between 40 and 50% of all alcoholics suffer from depression. Nowadays we know that alcohol is one of the only substances that can reduce the DHA in the brain. When consuming lots of alcohol for long periods of time this happens more often; hence do lots of alcoholics loose their mental sharpness as the synapses in the brain do not have enough DHA at their disposal. Through animal tests it has become clear that even small amounts of alcohol can cause the destruction of the DHA. Because of this, pregnant women that drink alcohol will get children with brain deficiencies; the first 90% of the brain is made in the first 9 months of our lives. Alcohol also blocks the production of DHA form omega 3 fatty acids. For people that drink regularly it is essential they get more DHA out of the food intake, they should eat often fatty sea fish. Health Info: DHA – High Unsaturated Omega 3 Fat 30% of the brain is DHA. It’s important in the production and composition of our neurons and synapses in the brain. DHA influences the speed of our thinking and the speed in the transportation of electro impulses. It helps the learning and concentration capabilities to get better. DHA from Cold Water Fish – The More the Better The omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for the calling of fish as healthy food products. The DHA is highly concentrated in coldwater fish and seaweed. The omega 3 fats that only freeze at temperatures of minus 40 find the ideal living places in areas with very cold water. The colder the water the higher the concentration in coldwater fish and seaweed is of omega 3 fats – DHA and EPA. The new findings show that fatty fish from cold water areas like mackerel, herring and salmon are a lot healthier then lean fish, which got popular in the low fat hysteria and whereas the fat fish got unpopular. The more fat the coldwater fish is the more it holds omega 3 fats EPA and DHA. It is absurd to eat low fat fish from fish farms only to reduce the amount of fat intake in the body. It makes as much sense as eating fruits with specially cultivated low vitamin content. Tip: Once or twice fatty fish in the week keeps the brain fit. Special: The Way the Brain Originates The brain grows at all ages. The power food for the brain is for babies and grown ups the same. The development of the brain as hardware and the intellect takes place in the womb. The way it grows and the way it develops the intellect depends of the food products that are put to its disposal. The building blocks DHA are the most important in this development. Whilst pregnant and just after birth it is important to take in a high percentage of DHA rich foods. A good brain development from the beginning onwards can help the child and later the adult in many ways; it can open doors and make for children and teenagers that have less learning and other brain related problems. The following is a list of new developments and discoveries in regards of DHA as a brain building block: - DHA – Building block for the brain: the human brain consists of 100 billion neurons at the time of birth. In the brain of a fetus 250000 neurons are constructed each minute. In the sixth week is the brain bigger then the whole fetus together and in the 3rd months the brain uses 70% of all the energy in the fetus. The special brain fats (the building blocks) AA and DHA are coming directly from the mother as the baby cannot produce them by it self. AA fat from omega 6 fatty acids are plenty full available from vegetable oils and meat. What is most of the time lacking are the omega 3 fatty acids to produce DHA. If the DHA is missing, the development of the fetus’s brain in the womb and afterwards while breast feeding is disturbed. The amount of DHA the fetus gets depends on the food intake of the mother and how much tissue she can reproduce in her own body into DHA. Alcohol is a no-no during pregnancy and breast feeding, but that speaks for itself. - Barbie did not have intelligent kids; too many women nowadays eat too much fast food or low fat diets where omega 3 is missing. Most women have only 18% of the DHA that is needed when being pregnant. Only 2% of all women in N Europe get the right amount of DHA of 200 milligram per day. Pregnant women should therefore have lots of alpha – lynolic acids from flax oil and above all eat fatty DHA holding fish to make the brains of their children develop properly. Flax oil alone is not enough and vegetarians definitely need to find food compliments to get to the right levels of DHA, like 200 mg DHA from seaweed. In successive pregnancies it is important to keep the DHA influx from fatty fish as after the first baby the levels might have gone down too much. - Babies that are born too early; need extra brain fats AA and DHA, these babies suffer the most from the direct stop in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. In a span of 3 days can the concentration of these fats drop with 80%. One can imagine the impact in the brain, as 70% of it are build in the first years of life and last till old age. It’s only recently that we know that these babies need to be fed with additional AA and DHA fats in order not to block the development of the brain and nervous system. - Babies need DHA, straight after the birth it is important during the breast feeding to keep the diet rich with DHA holding foodstuffs. At birth the little brain weighs 350 gram, which in the span of one year will go to 1000 grams and in this period the learning process is one of the fastest ever. It is a real job for the mum to keep the smart fats coming for the babies little brain. The rich DHA foods need to prevail during this period with lots of fatty fish or food compliments from seaweed or fish oil capsules. Due to this need in the baby for DHA the mothers get literally sucked empty of DHA fats. In many pregnant women after birth drop the DHA levels to one third of the levels of before the pregnancy. Due to the lack of DHA fats have lots of young mothers and pregnant women depressions, as for the own brain there is not enough DHA available. Nowadays this is treated with extra DHA from fatty fish, seaweed or capsules. - Mother milk makes babies more intelligent; the mother milk holds the prefect combination of AA and DHA, this is not new and it has been like that for millions of years. They are not magic substances but they are necessary for the brain development of the baby. Babies that were breast fed are in general more intelligent. In the analysis of 26 different studies was found that babies that were breast fed scored 5 IQ points better then babies that were bottle fed. These 5 points can be determining what your baby will do in later life; school problems and learning disabilities leading to disrupted professional lives. But not all mothers can breast feed and un-till shortly the AA and DHA were missing in the bottle milks for babies, the addition is now in many countries mandatory, about 70 countries have it available. - The IQ test for babies; results with or without smart fats; AA and DHA strong baby milk tallies the natural mother milk in contrast with normal baby milk from cow milk. In a study about the baby intelligence (one group got fed milk with extra AA and DHA, the other just normal milk) have they found that: 1. the babies that got extra AA and DHA milk scored 7 IQ points higher then the ones with normal milk, with a IQ average of 105 of which five had and abnormally high IQ of 115. Can be noted: none of the AA and DHA fed babies got lower points then 85 and 2. that the babies that got fed with normal milk only had an IQ of 98, and 2 fell even below 85. AA and DHA are very important during the first years of life, therefore. - Emotional intelligence; kids with too much omega 6 fatty acids and not enough omega 3 fatty acids tend to be more aggressive, mood-swings and often have learning difficulties. Of babies that got mother milk is often said they are emotionally more balanced. This is a form of emotional intelligence. If this is caused by the extra AA or DHA fatty acids during breast feeding is not yet completely explained, however the chemicals of our brains influence our emotions and our personalities so still a lot of research needs to be done to find out how DHA influences our personalities. Tip: DHA for yourself, your kids and the rest of the family! Flax oil, fatty fish, sea fish and DHA capsules: - Eat a lot of Alpha – Lynolic Acids and fatty sea fish during the pregnancy and during breast feeding - Fish oil capsules are OK, fish oil is NOT cod live oil or castor oil as they hold too much vitamin A and D. (always look at the label and ask the pharmacist) - Vegetarians need to supplement if they do not eat fish, capsules with DHA from algae are called “Neuromins” - DHA capsules should be taken as a complement to the normal food intake especially during breast feeding - Depressions after birth are easily helped with extra DHA from capsules or fatty fish they help to refill the own DHA depots in body and brain. Extra: How to keep the Brain Fit with Fat? This very recently the believe was that the brain once fully grown would only degenerate. This however through tests has been proven wrong; 70 year olds still make brain cells. Sports stimulate on top of that the production of brain cells. In tests with senior citizens doing lots of moving, swimming and sports have shown that they produced more neurons and brain cells. The realization that with the right intake of the right foods we can support the reconstruction and renewal of our brains is very recent. Serotonin a nervous-messenger-substance is affected through the intake of DHA. DHA influences the cells, the nervous system, keeps it fluid and strong and has an influence on the genetic materials in the cells. Infectious processes cause through the free radicals oxidation from unsaturated fatty acids in the brain and body, herewith loose these important fats their functionality. The omega 3 fatty acids have a protective effect against these infections and help in the damage protection of our brains. Like vitamin E it is important to keep the omega 3 levels in the brain at the right levels. One of the processes in the brain that is responsible for the learning process and the processing of knowledge is caused through the production in the brain of dendrites, which are new networks between the neurons that allow us to remember. The production of these dendrites, is blocked, through saturated fats and causes our brains to start working slower. Two mayor diseases cause directly damage to our brains; diabetes and heart and blood diseases; Heart and blood diseases can cause small strokes that can damage whole parts of the brain. These strokes happen almost unnoticed and can lead to dementia. They cause also infections that can lead to destruction of nervous cells. A food intake with the wrong fats is the reason behind these heart and blood diseases. Diabetes in itself (as most diabetics have also problems with blood and heart diseases) can also cause the impairment of the learn-and remembering capabilities of the brain. The brain needs sugar to function; if the sugar is not absorbed in the cells or there is too much insulin in the brain, it will affect the brain. In the case of insulin resistance more and more insulin is produced in order to get the right amounts of sugar in the cells. Transitional fats and saturated fats increase the risk for diabetes and insulin resistance as they block the cell membranes and make for more difficult sugar absorption into the cells, the sugar this ways stays in the blood and the pancreas produces more insulin. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the insulin resistance. EPA and DHA play a very important role in keeping the brain fit and healthy; EPA reduces heart attacks and strokes, which could damage our brain cells. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce insulin resistance, which can hinder the brain functionality as the sugar doesn’t enter in the cells. EPA reduces infection factors that could lead to destruction of brain cells. DHA keeps the brain cell membranes permeable and highly fluxional to keep the information flowing at high speeds. It supports the production of new nervous cells so we can learn more, which is important in a population that is growing older and older. On top of this influences DHA the brain metabolism all the way to the genetic layers of our cells where it can influence the RNA messenger production. Our moods and ways how we take decisions are influenced this way! EPA – Fatty Acid Building Block for Tissue Hormones Eskimos do not know Heart Attacks In the 60 it was noticed by scientists, that Eskimos did not suffer from heart attacks but had constantly bloody noses. Both were influenced through the omega 3 fatty acids in the fish they ate. Omega 3 fatty acids render: - the blood more thin and liquid - the blood platelets less sticky - and reduce the flow of the blood through which the time of bleeding increases All these characteristics have an effect against heart attacks: The omega 3 fatty acids are built into the red blood cells, this makes the platelets very flexible so then can easily get through small blood vessels; the blood becomes thin and liquid. The omega 3 fatty acids make for the veins to stay clear from sticky blubber. The time of bleeding is increased as the blood can’t cloth up so easily anymore. This makes for wounds to keep on bleeding longer. This is not bad for the heart and arteries as we are not supposed to be bleeding out of our noses or cuts anyway and secondly thick sticky blood that closes a wound fast can also close the artery going to the heart and cause a heart attack; the plaque in the arteries and the fast clothing of the blood in the arteries (thromboses) cause many people to suffer heart attacks and strokes when the cloth becomes a full blockade of the main arteries going to the brain or the heart; two thirds of them actually. Fatty sea fish works as simple as an aspirin, as it renders the blood more liquid. Aspirin has the same effect on the blood it makes it more liquid and makes for it to have a longer bleeding time; it therefore is considered a medicine against heart attacks. Blood coagulation – the cause of 2 thirds of heart attacks and strokes; it is better to eat more fatty sea fish then aspirin as fish holds many more good substances which are necessary for the body and that are better then any medicine, without the side affects. Fish – Against Strokes and Heart attacks The wish of all humans is to become old and stay fit till very late, the pharmaceutical industry and the medicinal world have only little influence on this wish as they only get into action when there is already symptom or diseases. Small blood cloths and loosened plaque can block the oxygen supply to the brain or heart for short times. This leads to little strokes that pass unnoticed. Many of these destroy parts of the brain and even short disruptions in oxygen supply are fatal for whole neuron structures. Believe it or not the brain uses 25% of all energy in the body although it consists only of 3 % of the body weight. Lots of these and frequent little strokes are one of the main reasons for mental decay in the elderly. Fish and aspirin protect against strokes. In a study with 79000 women it came out that the ones that ate fish had half as much a strike then the ones that ate no fish. Interesting to know that those women that did not have aspirin but only fish had already a reduced risk for strokes; this is through the fact that fish and aspirin have similar effects on the blood; it makes the blood more fluid. But fish is a natural product without side effects, the long-chained omega 3 fatty acids also have effects elsewhere then in the brain alone. Good to know: Fish protects against strokes; mental fitness till the good old age. Fish holds DHA fatty acids that make for super charged and connected brain cells. Fish holds EPA fatty acids that have a similar effect like aspirin and render the blood more fluid and so protects against strokes and keeps the veins open for good oxygen transportation towards the brain and the rest of the body. The studies to prove it: Participants: Time Frame: Reduction in Strokes 79000 Women 14 years 28% in women that ate twice a week fish 52% in women that ate a lot of fish (daily) 552 Men 15 years 51% in men that ate regularly fish Only half of the Heart Attacks is Caused by High Blood Fat Levels The protection for strokes is not everything; aspirin and fish reduce also the infection messenger RNA. What has this got to do with blood and heart diseases? Its cause is the high blood fats? WRONG! Since a long time it has become clear that high blood fats are only half of the time the reason for heart attacks so high blood fats are not necessarily the reason for the heart attacks. More and more is believed that the changes in the veins and arteries has got to do with infectious processes; like a ping-pong game between; infectious messenger RNA, overflowing repair and immune troops and the artery walls that let the deposits of plaque happen. Fish: The Natural Aspirin against Infections Since 1997 is it known that men that have more infection messenger RNA in the blood have three times more the risk to get a heart attack and double the risk for strokes then men with lower levels of infection messenger RNA. This risk is totally unrelated with the levels of fat in the blood. The intake of aspirin could reduce these risks by half, but only in the men that had the most infection messenger RNA. The men with little infection messenger RNA were not affected by the aspirin, they only got stomach aces. Aspirin is no remedy against heart attacks for everybody. The effect from Aspirin is therefore not only important on the blood consistency but maybe more on the reduction of infection messenger RNA. TOP: Infections in the arteries are the main causes for heart attacks! Live longer like the Japanese with lots of fish holding omega 3 fatty acids that are the building blocks for anti infection tissue hormones. Omega 3 fatty acids can affect directly the infection messenger RNA as the fat EPA from fatty fish is the direct building block for the infection or inflammation stopping tissue hormone. If you therefore reduce therefore the inflammation messenger RNA by eating fish, you also reduce the chances of getting blood and heart diseases. Some studies have proven this: fish reduces the risk for blood and heart diseases by 30 to 40 %. Omega 3 Fatty Acids – A good Rhythm for the Heart The omega 3 fatty acids in fish are very conductible. The heart muscle needs very precise, fast and constant electric nervous impulses in order to beat regularly. Heart rhythm disruptions belong to the most frequent heart diseases and to the most dreaded causes of death. An irregular heart beat or the heart chamber spangling after a heart attack are the causes of death in 60% of the patients directly after a heart attack: the heart just doesn’t get its rhythm back!! This Tip you only get seldom from the Doctor Too fast and too often are medicaments proscribed in case of heart rhythm disruptions by doctors that do not check whether something is missing in the food intake. Only recently has it been revealed that deadly heart rhythm disruptions can be reduced by 40 to 50% when the good omega 3 fatty acids are available in the heart cells. The following food components determine also the heart rhythm: magnesium, the different B – vitamins, Carnythin, Co-enzyme Q10, und above all the omega 3 fatty acids. Cardiologists Recommend Hardly Ever Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Interview with Prof. Werner Richter) It is known that the omega 3 fatty acids have a stabilizing effect on the heart muscle. From omega 3 fatty acids are Eicosanoids made; tissue hormones. Extra: What Are Eicosanoids? Eicosanoids are “super hormones" because they affect the synthesis of virtually every other hormone in one’s body. Eicosanoids are the body’s cellular check and balance system. Eicosanoids are controlled by dietary fat and insulin. In other words, eicosanoids can be controlled if one is consuming the correct amount of Omega-6 and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (“PUFAs”) and controlling a good hormonal balance between insulin and glucagons. Eicosanoids come from the Greek word “eicosa” which means twenty. They are twenty carbon compounds which are powerful substances that influence 60 trillion cells in our body. Eicosanoids are either “good” or “bad” and have opposing actions. A BALANCE of these opposing actions spells good health whereas an imbalance spells disease. Decreases in insulin, loss of excess body fat and a state of wellness are all indicators relating to a good balance of eicosanoids and are all benefits of the Zone lifestyle. An imbalance of eicosanoids can be responsible for many reactions in our body including: allergies, asthma, arthritis, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, chronic infection and Alzheimer’s disease. Medication in cases like heart rhythm disorders and blood related diseases is always standing in the forefront of physicists and the food intake is only standing in the back ground. It is better to at least make patients aware of the omega 3 fatty acid intake and if they get the regular dose a day it will have a natural effect anyway without being damaging which cannot be said of all medicaments. One to two meals with fatty sea fish a week is recommendable to sustain a level of 1 gram omega 3 fatty acids a day. Fish for a Healthy heart and a Long Life Fish oil omega 3 is good for: a better liquidity of the blood, less sticky blood palates, slow coagulation, inflammation stemming tissue hormones, fast impulse transfer in the brain and the heart. Fish eaters have less risk of getting heart attacks and blood and heart diseases. The Japanese have on average 6 years more to live then the Germans. In many studies has been demonstrated that the eating of fish diminishes the long term heart diseases. Even in patients that had already a heart attack it has an effect on the chances of getting again a heart attack. Good to know: Fish protects against heart diseases Participants Time Frame Reduction in Deaths Due To In the Study Heart Diseases 2777 Men 20 years 34% less deadly heart diseases due to eating omega 3 fatty acid holding fatty fish 44895 Men 6 years 26% less deadly heart diseases between fish eaters and non fish eaters 1822 Men 30 years 48% less deadly heart attacks between fish eaters and non fish eaters 852 Men 20 years 50% less deadly heart diseases in fish eaters then non fish eaters Good Protection Also After a Heart Attack 2033 Men 2 years 29% less risk for new heart attacks in that group that ate fatty sea-fish 11324 Men 3, 5 years 50% less risk for a second heart attack in the group that ate fatty sea-fish Fish from the High North Have the Most Omega 3 Fatty Acids The special fat composition in the fatty fishes from the poles allow them to thrive in these areas as otherwise they would just freeze up into ice cubes. These fishes and sea weeds have a lot of EPA and DHA. EPA solidifies only at temperatures of 44 degrees centigrade minus and DHA at 54 minus. EPA and DHA are high unsaturated fats, they are very liquid; they allow the cells in the body to stay permeable even at very low temperatures, they allow life at this kind of temperatures. With saturated fats like butter, schmaltz, coco-fat, that are solid even at room temperature would this not be possible. The chemical transitional fats are super solid, they become liquid only at temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees plus. This is why they block the exchange of nutritional substances and messenger RNA between the cells and nerves. This exchange is standing for LIFE and therefore is these saturated and transitional fats so dangerous. Tip: Lean fish hardly Healthy for the Heart In a study with 2777 men has come out that those men eating fatty fish were reducing the risk in getting deadly heart diseases by a third. Those that ate lean fish hardly had any effect on the risk. Liquid or Solid – Postulates Life It is build in nature to have liquid and solid states of the fats in fish as a herring from the north will have more EPA and DHA, it is supposed to survive in these extreme colds, then a herring from warmer waters or even the tropics. The solid-liquid balance helps the fish to maintain its body temperature and the functions of the cells. Animals can have more saturated fats then plants due to the body temperature, the high body temperature can keep these fats liquid. Plants have only a certain amount of saturated fats as they do not have to deal with body temperature, therefore do they have more unsaturated fats, and the saturated fats are only to maintain the structures of certain cells. Seeds from plants that grow in the north hold more poly unsaturated fats then the same plants in more southern regions, their oils stay liquid even in the fridge. In the Mediterranean are found a lot of olives and avocados that hold more mono unsaturated fats then poly unsaturated fats. They do not like it when it gets too cold therefore; the metabolism is stopped when it becomes too cold. In the tropics there are plants available that have a lot of saturated fats in them from which the likes like coco fat and palm fat is produced. Nature decides and regulates this way the balance between saturated and unsaturated fats in plants and animals in order to maintain body temperature and in correspondence with the climate they are in. Fast Transmission in Heart, Nerves and Brain through Fatty Acids In the human body different organs need different fats. In the brain we need a very liquid, conductive and active fat that can help in reaching the transmissions at speeds of 300 km/h; 30 % of the fats in the brain are therefore DHA fatty acids. Our eyes are also dependable on these omega 3 fatty acids to transfer even the slightest rays of light to the brain. A limited view by night is often due to a lack of omega 3 fatty acids. Another example is the fast impulse transfer in the heart. Brain, heart, eyes and nerves need the conducive omega 3 fatty acids. Good to know: The following list of fish shows how much DHA and EPA they contain. The fattier the better, lean kinds of fish do not hold a lot of the good omega 3 fatty acids; to buy and eat these kinds of fish is like buying and eating fruits and vegetables with fewer vitamins inside. The colder the waters in which the fish was caught the more omega 3 fatty acids they will contain. In crustaceans, lobsters, mussels, oysters, crabs, shrimps, scampi, is less omega 3 available but instead more cholesterol. Crustaceans contain the most cholesterol of all animals anyways. EPA and DHA in 100 gr. Fish Fatty Sea-Fish: Tuna: EPA 30% DHA 70% Herring: EPA 90% DHA 10% Salmon: EPA 30% DHA 70% Mackerel: EPA 40% DHA 60% Buckling: EPA 80% DHA 20% Sardines: EPA 45% DHA 55% Fish oil Capsules: EPA 55% DHA 45% Lean Fish: Trout Scholl Flounder Sole Cod Bars Shell fish Fish in Tins; what to watch out for? Omega 3 fatty acids stay preserved in conserves. Mackerel, Herring, Sardines, Tuna and Salmon are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids. There is lots of choice and many different tastes are available. A tin of tuna in tomato-sauce is a true omega 3 bomb. Our cells retain and store the valuable omega 3 fatty acids and they serve as stores for the future when they are needed in the production of tissue hormones. Once or twice a week fatty fish is enough to have the storage filled. The following with conserves or tins is important: - The fishes should never be tinned in oil, better is water or tomato sauce. The extra fats from the tin are most of the times unnecessary. If in oil it is better to dip it away from the fish if possible. - To know the exact fat contents written on the box are from the fish and not from the vegetable oil in which they are swimming, one should take conserves with a fat free sauce in which the fishes are tinned. - Always look for the fattiest fish in the least fatty sauce. Easy Access: Fish Oil Capsules DHA and EPA A lot of people however do not like fish and definitely not every week a big portion. In order to get the right dose of omega 3 fatty acids a day; that is one gram a day, it is necessary to eat 200 grams of fatty sea fish a week so it’s still a shame if you would not take the right amount of these so important fats to you every week. Therefore has the medical industry made it easy to get to the right dose by producing tasteless fish oil capsules. Good to Know: Fish oil capsules; concentrated omega 3 fatty acids These capsules do not have any saturated fats and therefore no extra calories. Products that are sold under medical terms have been rigorously tested and tried so these capsules are very safe to take. The oils need to come from wild salmon or wild other fatty sea fish. Fish that has been bread and given lots of wheat and grain feed supplements hold less omega 3 fatty acids and more omega 6 fatty acids and are therefore not recommendable. They should be kept in the fridge. The high omega 3 fatty acids are very unstable and oxidize very easily, therefore are it recommendable to have extra vitamin E in order to keep the fats in the veins more stable. Fish-oil is won from the fat of cold water sea fishes. Cod Liver Oil is won from the livers of the fish and hold therefore a lot of vitamin A and D; 2 kinds of vitamins that are easily taken to much of and liver oil can hold bad (toxic) substances as the liver is in fact a detoxification organ. Pure fish oil is therefore recommendable and also good for the development of the brains of the unborn children. Pregnant women should never take liver oil. Fish needs to be VERY Fresh! Tips when buying fish: Fish needs to be fresh. Smelly fish (when it has a fish smell) is already deteriorating. The smell comes from the omega 3 oils that are going rancid. Fish that comes from the boats are mostly already 72 hours old and have to be put on ice and kept at very low temperatures 2 – 3 degrees max. When buying in a specialist fish mongers ask when he gets fresh fish in and buy only on those days. Ask if you can push the fish and when the meat pushes back to its original color it is fresh, otherwise leave it there. The kills need to be fire red and the skin intact and slimy. When you bought a fish you should eat it the same day as your fridge at home is not cold enough. When need for traveling take a bag with ice in a cool box or something similar to transport the fish. The best and in fact freshest fish is frozen fish processed on the boat. Freezing is not bad when it has been done the proper way; immediate after catching, cleaned and cut and quick frozen, on the boat still. All other processes are lengthy and therefore less good. Fish oils -EPS hinder the Chances of Getting Auto Immune Diseases The infection inhibiting tissue hormones from EPA fatty acids reduce the occurrence of certain auto immune diseases and chronic diseases. This is known from population studies about the Eskimos and the Japanese. More recent studies show more and more evidence of this protective trait in fish eaters: - Twice a week fish will reduce the risk for arthritis in half - Kids that eat regularly fish have less asthma - A study amongst 8960 smokers showed that those smokers which ate regularly fish had 40% less chronic bronchitis and 70% less emphysema To change meat with fish and to eat less omega 6 rich vegetable oils will help you already a lot in reducing the auto immune diseases. Fish as Therapy by Arthritis, Asthma, Lupus, Crohn - Disease, Psoriasis The above mentioned diseases and infectious intestinal diseases can be successfully treated with fish oil. It reduces the production of infection making tissue hormones that play a role in all these diseases. If you start to use fish oils in cases of the above mentioned auto immune diseases it will take easily up to 6 months before enough EPA has been stored in the cells of the body in order for the hormones to get balanced and regulated. Firstly; all the bad fats need to be reduced in the food and pushed aside in the cells by the good fats in order for them to stop having an effect on the bad hormone production. EPA Produces Good Tissue Hormones for the Brain Infectious RNA (messenger substances) – The reason behind destroyed nervous cells Infections are not only important in the development of heart and blood diseases but probably also for the destruction of nervous cells (neurons), the diminishing of the brain capacities and the origin of Alzheimer disease. The first indications to this came from people that regularly had aspirin also had lower chances of getting Alzheimer. The infection reducing capacities in aspirin made for less infectious messenger RNA and less infection making tissue hormones. The infections work as a slow poison for the nerves in the brain; and through the high intake of omega 6 fatty acids that promote the making of infectious tissue hormones is the balance of these hormones in the brain badly affected. The tissue hormones made out of EPA fat (omega 3) have an infection stopping effect. Older people that eat lots of fatty fish and fish in general have therefore a better protection against mental decay. Two studies in Holland with elderly participants have shown that in 5386 participants of the Rotterdam study, the risk for mental decay was reduced with 50% in fish eaters. In another study in Zutphen with 476 participants the risk of dementia was also reduced by 50% in the fish eating part. Less Omega 6 Fatty acids are good for the Brain Omega 6 fatty acids doubled the risk for mental decay and dementia. It is held that the infectious making tissue hormones, made from the omega 6 fatty acids, are at the base of this finding. Chronic infections through tissue hormones that went out of balance seem to have the effect of a nervous poison. The slow destruction of the nervous cells can be added to the list of auto immune diseases. So do not eat lots of vegetable oils full of omega 6 fatty acids, margarines, mayonnaises, salad dressings and deep fried products sucked full of omega 6 fatty acids, your brain will be happy. Health Info: EPA (high unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids) - Reduce the sticky ness of the blood and the gluing together of the blood palates - Prolongs the bleeding time (aspirin effect) - Protects against heart attacks and strokes - Protects against heart rhythm disorders and heart chamber shimmering (main reason of death after a heart attack) - Building block for the infection reducing tissue hormones - Reduces the sensibility for auto immune diseases - Can via the tissue hormones reduce the blood pressure Influence of unsaturated fats on the blood fats: - Reduces the unfavorable LDL cholesterol - No influence on HDL cholesterol - Reduces the triglycerides Omega 3 Deficiency and the Aftermath (Interview with Artemis Simopoulos) The composition of and the quantity of the different fatty acids in our food has changed drastically in the last 200 years: - Fish and meat came from the wild and had less saturated fats in them - The balance omega 6 and omega 3 was nicely balanced in the food as the animals ate fruits and wild vegetables in which omega 3 and 6 are balanced (nowadays are almost all animals fed with omega 6 rich grain products) making for more omega 6 in the meat and this is getting similar with bread fish. - Aqua culture has caused for many changes in the fish meat and fatty acid composition, more omega 6 and even more saturated fats (fish from the seas bred or not are still very good sources of omega 3 however) - Also in the poultry have we seen radical changes in the fat composition; before the animals would wander around and eat worms, grass and other grains and wild plants. In the way we feed them now they get more omega 6 then what is good for us. Even the egg from wild grazing chickens held a good balance of omega 3 to 6 of 1 to 1, whereas nowadays the bred birds eggs hold 20 times more omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3 and 6 were supposed to be in balance of one to one with each-other. They provide the building block for the tissue hormones and hormone similar substances like Eicosanoids and messenger RNA. Omega 3 tissue hormones and omega 6 tissue hormones have opposite effects. All the functions of both kinds of hormones are important and therefore is the balance between the two so important. Our food intake in the North West of Europe has been so changed that the omega 6 fatty acids find too easy a way in our bodies. So that the hormones from these fatty acids building blocks will have a larger affect on the body then the omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids if they are too many can even block the production of tissue hormones from omega 3 fatty acids this is because the enzyme needed in this process is only limited available. Olive oil is the best alternative to omega 6 rich oils like sunflower and corn oil as olive oil will reduce the amount of omega 6 fatty acid intake. The reduction of omega 6 is important and a higher intake of omega 3 fatty acids to get the balance back. Olive oil is the only oil that reduces LDL and does not affect the good HDL. It stabilizes the LDL blood fat particles in which it reduces the oxidation within the LDL. Sunflower oil on the contrary stimulates this oxidation. And oxidized fats provoke the making of plaque deposits in the veins. For long has the medical world considered cholesterol and high blood fats as the reasons behind blood and artery diseases, nowadays this has been proven wrong as: - The provoker of the coronary heart diseases is the injuring of veins that calls for infections. If omega 3 fatty acids would be plenty in the veins it would make them more pliable and less touchable for getting injured which makes them less injury vulnerable. - Omega 3 has anti inflammatory effects and protects the veins through this for infections. This reduces the need for white blood cells, blood palates and growth factors which all need to be washed out of the veins and could also cause for obstructions in the veins. Alpha linoleic acids are very important in keeping the blood running and the veins clean. They are also used in the making of EPA which is then used for the tissue hormones that have an infection reducing function in the blood. Baby’s and the elderly have problems to produce EPA from alpha linoleic acids and need to have it ready available in the food. For babies the addition of EPA in the milk is a wide used solution nowadays. The enzymes needed for the production in the elderly are reduced in their functionality and therefore is it more difficult for them to produce EPA by themselves. Omega 3 is used in the treatment of rheumatisms and arthritis two auto immune diseases, manic depression and in women with depressions after and during birth. The reason why omega 3 fatty acids are so good is that they were part of each cell in the body. To change the food intake, especially for people that get many of infectious diseases, the elderly and babies is the best thing that can be done for the body and mind. DHA is the fatty acid that is the most available in the brain. DHA influences the communication between the brain cells, the neurons, and the metabolism in the brain. Even in the conversion of the DNA is DHA participating. Vitamin E and Unsaturated Fats – Health for Your Cells Vitamin E and Omega 3 Fat – An Unbeatable Team The best is to combine unsaturated fats with the intake of vitamin E. Vitamin E protects all unsaturated fats from oxidizing. The more omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fat from fish one takes the more vitamin E is needed to keep the fats stable. The combined effect from both is very important for the veins. The analysis of the study with the 76000 nurses shows: - The risk for deadly heart attacks was reduced by 43% in those nurses that had the highest omega 3 fatty acid intake. - And the risk for heart attacks was further reduced to 64% in those nurses that had the additional highest intake of vitamin E Vitamin E the Protectors of the Unsaturated Fats In the human evolution it is only now that our fat intake through normal eating has doubled. In order not to let this fat mass oxidize in the blood we need lots of vitamin E (an anti oxidant). The vitamin E is transported through the blood in the HDL and LDL fat transporters, this is important as it protects the unsaturated fats in these transporters (that carry up to 2700 fatty acids of which 50% unsaturated fats) at the same time whilst in transit towards the cells where it is needed. Whenever a free radical wants to attack the unsaturated fats, the vitamin E will catch the free radical. The more vitamin E available the better the fat transporters and their cargo are protected. The free radicals are made ineffective. The fatty acids oxidize less; the more vitamin E is available. The less oxidized fat in the veins the fewer deposits are possible as it is only the oxidized fats that become sticky deposits. Vitamin E - 30 to 40% less Heart attacks Some studies have proven: 100 milligram vitamin E pro day over a period of 2 years could reduce the risk of deadly heart attacks with 30 to 40 %. 4 studies with altogether 145000 people show these results. 100 milligram daily should be taken as the minimum dose for it to be functional in the body. Good to know: Participants Time Frame Result Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E 76000 Women 10 years 64% less deadly heart attacks by using lots of omega 3 fatty acids and additional vitamin E Only Omega 3 fatty acids 76000 Women 10 years 43% less deadly heart attacks by eating only omega 3 fatty acids Only Vitamin E 87245 Women 10 years 41 % less deadly heart and blood diseases in comparison with those participants not taking vitamin E 39910 Men 4 years 32% less deadly heart and blood diseases in comparison with those taking less or no vitamin E 5133 Women 12 years 32% less deadly blood and heart diseases 11178 Men 8 years 41% less deadly blood and heart diseases Vitamin E Protects the Unsaturated Fats in the 70 Billion Cells in the Body Not only the unsaturated fats in the blood but also the unsaturated fats in the cell membranes are protected by the vitamin E. It is the unsaturated fats that render the cell membranes more permeable. But they are then also more attractive for the free radicals and without the protection of the vitamin E would our cells become like Swiss cheeses full of holes. Vitamin E protects also the cells so the free radicals cannot penetrate the cells and destroy the DNA and genes. Through damaging of the DNA or genes can healthy cells turn into cancer cells. FACT: every third German dies of cancer. Vitamin E is very active against the most common cancers: stomach, lung and intestinal cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends therefore an extra intake of 100 milligram vitamin E per day on top of a normal food intake. Vitamin E Protects the Unsaturated fats in The Brain, Nerves and Eyes Vitamin E also protects the fast conducive omega 3 fatty acids in the nervous system and the brain. These fast conducive fats are especially vulnerable for oxidizing. It is widely acknowledged that a shortage in vitamin E and unsaturated fats are hanging together with many neurological diseases. In the Alzheimer disease is the oily layer of the brain cells targeted. In the Parkinson disease it is the oily layer of the nervous cells that lead from the brain to the muscles that is targeted. Also in the eyes can the vitamin E help to protect the DHA fatty acids in the 130 million light sensitive neurons that conduct at speeds of 300 km/h information to the brain. The result: unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in general can make our nervous system super conducive and the brain highly wired as well as the cells very active and fit, however they need protection form vitamin E. Natural vitamin E is the most effective; RRR-alpha-tocopherol. 100 milligram pro day extra as more fat floats in the blood nowadays, can reduce the risk s for blood and heart diseases with 30 to 40% Vitamin E from Oils and Margarines are not good Sources of Vitamin E Vegetable oils are concentrated with unsaturated fats in an unnatural way. The pressure on the organism once inside of the veins is enormous in order to keep this fat mass stable. During the evolution the eating of nuts, kernels and vegetables or plants was done to help keep the body fit. Even-though the packaging reads that the contents might be good sources of vitamin E hardly ever is enough left for the brain cells, the nervous system and the other cells in the body. The most part of vitamin E is used to keep the fats in the margarine or oil itself stable. The pressing of the oils leaves also for a loss of vitamin E and other natural substances. In whole nuts all natural substances, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium are still available whilst nothing really is left in sunflower oil and definitely nothing anymore in refined and purified vegetable oils that in turn increase the risk of oxidizing in the blood veins. Good to know: When Eating Unsaturated Fats it is necessary to take extra Vitamin E Vitamin E keeps the unsaturated omega 3 and 6 fatty acids stable in the body. BUT it is nonsense to take margarine and other vegetable oils as Vitamin E sources as: From the 10mg vitamin E in the margarine is left 0 mg for the cells and nervous system after the unsaturated fats have been digested and in the veins. With omega 3 fatty fish, walnuts, and flax oil you need extra vitamin E as these oils are very vulnerable for oxidation. Unsaturated fats from nuts and olive oil are the most stable and leave also some vitamin E for the rest of the body. It is therefore recommendable to take additional 100 mg vitamin E in order to get also adequate protection for the cells and the nervous system/brain. Rest of Vitamin E after Digestion and Absorption in the Body From Vitamin E Level in 100 g LEFT Olive Oil 50 mg +5 mg Corn Oil 34 mg 0 mg Margarine 10 mg 0 mg Thistle Oil 44 mg -10 mg Hazelnuts 35 mg +22 mg Almonds 35 mg +18 mg Walnuts 6 mg -21 mg Herring 15 mg -5 mg Mackerel 12 mg -2 mg Deep-frying Oil – The Damaging Domino Effect Deep frying is very popular almost everything is getting deep fried nowadays; deep-fried fish in a jacket, French fries, deep fried parsley and other herbs from the household to the restaurants. It is the most idiotic preparation method that ever was invented. It makes from natural products fat bombs and calorie bombes that on top of that are full of damaging rancid tasting fat radicals. Deep frying oils are aggressive vitamin E killers; especially when the oils are heated for hours in a row like in fast food restaurants and at the fish and chips trolley. These fats and oils are full of free fat radicals that cause other fats in the body to oxidize. In stomach and intestines where they arrive first they cause cancer. The fats in the cells oxidize this way one after the other like in a domino effect. This can go on until a Vitamin E molecule is there to catch it and render it harmless. After this rescue action the vitamin E molecule is used up. After eating deep fried foods it is recommendable to eat immediately extra vitamin E. Health Info: Vitamin E: - Protects unsaturated fats in oils from oxidizing - Protects unsaturated fats in the cell membranes, brain, nerves and eyes - Protects unsaturated fats in the blood fats and in the arteries and veins - Protects for heart attacks and strokes - Protects against cancer Trans Fats The KILLERFATS Killer Fats are hidden in Many Products Trans fats are chemical man made concoctions that occur during the process of artificially hardening liquid vegetable fats. Trans fats are THE killer fats all together. It is one of the largest food related scandals that trans/killer fats are allowed in the food production completely uncontrolled. These fats stay solid even at body temperature, but they are in the body easily mixed up with normal natural vegetable liquid fats due to their molecular structure. The damaging effects of this: - Trans fats are used in the cell membranes and make them hard and inflexible. - Trans fats hinder the production of tissue hormones from omega 3 fatty acids. - Trans fats influence the blood fats more negative then any other fat. They increase the bad LDL, and decrease the good HDL, there is no other fat that has a worse influence on the blood fats. Even more incomprehensible; these killer fats increase the risk for deadly heart and blood diseases when eating only 2% more of them by (and that’s only 30 calories) 100% (double) and increase the risk for diabetes by 36%. No other fat therefore has a worse influence on the health. Scandalous: No indications on the packaging of food products The real damage is in the fact that trans fats do not have to be mentioned on the packaging, and there are no regulations on maximum quantities in the food. There are even other misleading things allowed to be put on the packaging of the food like produced under the supervision of a state approved food technician, or something in that trend; only that what needs to be tested what has to be legally declared on the packaging. The best protected secret in the food industry is the content of trans fats in the food products. Whenever there are solidified vegetable fats in the food products one can assume with 100% certainty that the food also holds quantities of trans fats: bakery products, Berliners and doughnuts, croissants, puff pastry, chocolate, French fries, the pane crust on all different kinds of deep fried foods, deep fried foods in general, sausages, chips, margarine, … But how much? There are very little studies done on these trans fats and only certain products have been tested; much material to work with is therefore not available. Depending on the brand can these trans fat contents vary from 12 to 57% of the total weight of the food product! Trans Fats NO consumer knows how many Systematically is the food industry playing down the contents of trans fats in its concoctions. The German margarine institute (the spokes arm of the margarine producers) claims, that in German margarine contain only 1% trans fats. But in a test of margarine brands form Germany were found more hen 5% on average of trans fats in the year 2000. A branded margarine for baking held even 19% trans fats. In the 80 have lots of people stopped using margarine as it was said that it was not that healthy after al. the industry reacted by reducing the trans fats from 21% or more to less or equal to 5%. That is similar to the trans fat content of butter. Margarine therefore has become healthier over the last 10 years. A different picture it is with all the other food products that are made with transitional fats. The trans fat content in 17 tested branded crackers varied from 17 to 51 %; in nut nougat cream from 1 to 12% and in doughnuts from 4 to 41%. No consumer can know really how much trans fats are in the food products they take form the shelves in the supermarket and how much of it will land in the veins. Where do we find Trans Fat? It is impossible to know how many trans fats land in our digestion every day as the averages in the table underneath do not tell us how much exactly it is; one pack can hold 1% and the one next to it of a similar product 46%. Even though that it is always put forward that only 2% is inside; this value however on average of the total food intake is very close to what it really is. Some products can hold however 20 times more then the one next to it. The consumer buying these products had bad luck, but there is, no way, in knowing as it is not indicated on the packaging. Without these exact measurements and contents on the packaging nobody can know really how much trans fat is inside. The regulations on the packaging and labeling have been demanded by many experts since long only without results. Best thing to do is not to buy this kind of products altogether. Now again we need the rejection of these products by the consumers in order for them to be regularized or taken out of the stores. The food industry will react prompt to win its customers back either by writing the exact contents on the packaging or by producing better products. Good to know: Killer Fats – better to boycott these products Nobody knows how many killer fats are swimming around in our food industry made concoctions. Averages tell us rather little as the brands are having different contents, in the next table in the third column you can see the content as “from-to”. Our tip: leave products with partly hardened fats inside also in the shop! Amount of Tested Branded Average of trans fats Trans Fat Content Products in the total fat content From: To: 3 Salad croutons 42% 23 52% 14 Crackers 40% 24 51% 16 French Fries 38% 5 57% 16 Ready Gravy Sauces 33% 2 60% 13 Donuts 30% 4 43% 3 Biscuit Mixes 30% 28 30% 19 Cookie Mixes 23% 1 46% 8 Pane chicken breasts 27% 12 57% 3 Croissants 18% 6 41% 6 Toast breads 18% 1 35% 7 Muesli bars 11% 5 22% 9 Chocolate bars 9% 1 36% 10 Hard Baking Margarine 6% 1 20% 9 Choco-paste 6% 1 11% 9 Sunflower margarines 5% 2 6% 6 Potato chips 5% 0, 4 25% Hardened Fats: Longer Shelf Life For the food industry are hardened vegetable fats interesting due to the fact that they keep longer then normal fats. The food industry is using these hardened fats in almost any case possible as they become slower rancid then natural fats. With this it increases the shelf life of its products and that means more production and more money; it keeps chocolate bars hard, it replaces expensive butters, in conserves it gives a smooth taste and in chips it gives the long lasting crispness, and in deep-frozen French fries it keeps the fats hard also after the thawing. It is even used in certain deep frozen vegetable products. Read as consumer carefully the labels on the packaging, you will be astonished in how many food products partly hardened fats are contained. If it is not declared as hardened fats it is written as “vegetable fats” which in turn have a good reputation with consumers. Tipp how to avoid TRANS FATS: - Trans fat content is not declared on the packaging (yet). Take it as a rule that if on the packaging is written “contains vegetable fats” or “partly hardened vegetable fats” that there will be a mixture of many different fats inside of the product of which definitely some trans fats. - If there is written: “does not hold trans fats” then it really doesn’t hold trans fats. - Avoid all kinds of deep fried fats from fast food restaurants and canteens as well as fish and chips stands. Here the fry oils are heated for hours in a row and hold chemically restructured fatty molecules as-well as free fat radicals. - When deep frying at home throw the oil afterwards away. - Rinse pans immediately after baking and frying and throw the oil away afterwards. - Do not buy hardened margarine, the softer the better, the less trans fats they contain. Reform-margarine is better on which is clearly marked unhardened and unasserted. - Buy preferably natural oils, in deodorized and filtered oils have many of the good omega 3 fatty acids been degenerated to trans fats or they have oxidized. Cold pressed and natives (extra virgin) oils are better in quality and healthier. Hardened Fats The Origin Hardened fats are industrially produced out of vegetable fats. They are heated at 150 to 240 degrees for hours in a row, 6 to 8. A lot of fatty molecules are created in this process that does not occur in nature at all. The reactions these fatty molecules have in the body have not been studied to the fullest yet so they do not know what these molecules do in the body. The fatal results from trans fats we know however exactly thanks to many studies; they are more damaging then saturated fats. Images say more then a thousand words: Good fats are fluid and do not stick What is bad about and how do trans fats work? - Trans fats are exactly as animal fats thick and sticky fats - The unsaturated fats are non sticking and even anti sticking they bounce of the veins and stay liquid. Looking at the fat molecules of fatty acids the difference is straight forward: trans fats and saturated fats are straight molecules that are easily stacked on top of each other. The unsaturated fatty acid molecules are curbed, omega 6 and 3 even a lot, they are almost round; so they do not stack up easily on top of each other. Omega 6 Fatty acid Molecules Omega 3 Fatty acid Molecules Melting Point: -5 degrees Celsius -12 degrees Celsius Particularity: Not sticky ANTI sticky Structure: Curbed Heavily curbed The unsaturated fat molecules push themselves away from each other and are there less coherent. They do not stick and omega 3 is even anti sticking; which is very important in the veins. Unsaturated fatty acid molecules do not cloth together nor do they ball up with each-other. Omega 6 fatty acids solidify only at temperatures of 5 degrees minus, omega 3 even lower at -12, omega 3 fatty acids need more space as they are even more curbed then omega fatty acids this makes them more flexible and this makes them anti sticky. Trans fats are Solid and Sticky in our Bodies The molecules form trans fats or saturated fats are straight. They are easily stacked on top of each other or deposited in cells and veins. They are very sticky and the melting points are very high so they stay solid also in the body. These molecules stick easily to each-other and any other molecule they encounter. In the body they are used there where hard structure is needed, so they are needed in the body but not in excess. Saturated Fat Molecules Trans Fat Molecules Melting Point: +44 degrees Celsius +70 degrees Celsius Particularity: Sticky Sticky Structure: Straight Straight When these fats are absorbed in the body and used in the cell membranes the cell membranes become very un-impermeable so that the nutritional substances can not enter the cells anymore. The same with the veins full of these sticky fat blubbers and deposits. These fats will start to stick everywhere and destroy with that the health of the blood and veins system. The blood palates become sticky, less flexible, the blood less liquid and the blood fats keep on going up. Keep the Veins and Arteries Fit and Reduce the Risk for Heart and Blood Diseases by Half The sources for a good and long healthy life are the 240000km of veins and arteries in the body. This transport system is responsible for the transport of all oxygen and nutritional substances to the 70 billion cells and to take away all the bad left over products and used up substances back to the liver, intestines or kidneys. With these trans fats and saturated fats you ruin your transport system. The risk for heart and blood diseases is reduced by 56% when only eating 2% less of these trans fats. Trans fats the More and the Longer The Worse it is for You The more trans fats you eat the higher is the risk for blood and heart diseases. This is why more and more experts are crying out loud that these fats need to be mentioned on the packaging of the food products. The longer one eats these trans fats the higher the risk for blood and heart diseases. This is logical as the veins get block and narrower over a long period of time. From the Harvard study we know the following: In 43757 participants was the risk for blood and heart diseases increased with 36% after 6 years. In correspondence was it 98% higher after 14 years with the nurses study. The difference: good food intake will let you do your 100 meter tracks in the swimming pool still at age 80 whilst next door in the not swimmer basin the fast food generation victims are being helped in rehabilitation after the first stroke… Good to know: The more and the longer an intake of trans fats and saturated fats the higher the risk for heart and blood diseases. Participants: Time Frame Risk With Increase of Risk With Very High 2% More Trans Fats Trans Fat Intake 21930 Men 6,1 years 39% more deadly blood and heart diseases in the participants eating the most trans fats, compared with those eating the least 667 Men 10 years 28% more risk for blood 100% more risk in and heart diseases comparison to those that ate the least 43757 Men 6 years 36% more risk 80082 Women 14 years 93% more risk Keep the Cell Membranes Fit Each cell in our bodies has an outer layer the membrane that consists of to put it simply different kinds of fats. The building blocks for this come from the food intake. If one would analyze these membranes one could tell what was eaten in the last 6 months. From the fat intake will these cell membranes be more flexible or not and the more permeable they will be. The cells will be more transport active or not, flexible or not, permeable or not, the more permeable the cell membranes are, the more active they can absorb nutritional substances like vitamins, fatty acids, sugar, minerals and vegetable substances. Also hormones and transporters can get easier access to the cells if they are more permeable. Trans fats and saturated fats render the cell membranes sticky, un-flexible, un-permeable, and block the coming in and out of substances, unsaturated fats do the opposite. Diabetes and Trans Fats The blocked cell membranes through saturated fats and trans fats are one reason for getting diabetes. The hormone insulin that is responsible to stack sugar in the cells needs permeable cell membranes. Each obstruction in the permeability of the cell membranes disrupts the effect of the insulin namely transporting sugar into the cells. The more hard and sticky, blocking trans fats and saturated fats are build into the cell membranes of your body the less the insulin can do its job, then even more insulin is produced as the sugar level in the blood stays at its same high point. This phenomenon is called insulin resistance, from this in a later stage comes diabetes. The body is not capable anymore to absorb enough sugar molecules from the blood into the cells. A habit of eating lots of sugar rich products, alcohol and carbohydrates for long periods of time can also lead to diabetes, everybody knows this but it is new that the fat intake can contribute to it too. Diabetes Risk and Trans Fats In the study with the 84000 nurses has been found that only by eating 2% more trans fats the risk for diabetes goes up with 36%. In those that were over weight and hardly did any sports the risk even went up to 82% this was seen in 1237 nurses that ate lots of trans fats and did hardly any sports. When you are in the category of people that is over weight and that does not do lots of sports you should eliminate the trans fats completely from your menu. Good To Know: This I how trans fats increases the risk for diabetes Participants Time Frame 2% More Trans Fats Women with Higher Diabetes Risk and Eat Lots of Trans Fats 84204 14 years 36% increase in risk 82% higher risk for women that are over weight for diabetes and do little or no sports 60% increase in women drinking alcohol 51% increase in women with family problems with diabetes What you should do 2% trans fats is enough like one portion of French fries with mayonnaise, less in the daily intake will reduce the risks for diabetes and heart and blood diseases considerably like with 53% and the diabetes risk with 40% if you eat instead unsaturated fatty acids. Instead of French fries eat a salad with a dressing from olive oil or walnut oil together with the steak. Instead of cookies and chocolate bars it is better to eat in between a fruit or walnuts that hold lots of unsaturated fats. A decrease of 28% in diabetes risk is reached by exchanging the trans fats holding foods with complex carbohydrates, like instead of French fries you take a jacket potato, whole grain rice, whole grain pasta or whole grain/wheat bread. Or you take an apple in between meals. It is a matter of recognizing the trans fat holding products and to exchange them for better healthier products. Health Info: Trans fats - Render the blood palates less flexible and fluid able - Render the blood fats sticky - Increase the risk for heart and blood diseases - Advance arteriosclerosis - Render the cell membranes harder - Increase the diabetes risk - Block the effect of essential fatty acids - Block the production of tissue hormones from omega 3 fatty acids - Increase the bad LDL fats in the blood - Lower the good HDL - Worsen the balance between LDL and HDL The Harvard Studies (Interview with Prof. Eric Rimm) WE ARE WAT WE EAT Studies on more then116000 women and 51529 men from 1976 till 1986 and again from 1989 with more then 100 staff, doctors, analysts, profs, students etc The biggest part of the answers is covered in the rest of this text however important is: Those people that lead a healthy, sporty life style can reduce their risk for heart and blood diseases with 82%. Just by eating less saturated fats and NO to almost none trans fats, by getting a good daily intake of folic acids (vitamin B9), get enough fibers and natural substances and eat more fish with omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated oils, also get more vitamins, minerals and specially vitamin E not from food complements but from the real food products. Saturated fats Reduce the Unnecessary Fat Blubber Stay Lean and Fit! The use of butter and cream in the kitchen has been ongoing since long time and considered as normal. However too much is too much. One soup spoon of butter per day on top of the normal food intake can have an impact over a year of 13 kg more on the scale!! And that you do NOT want. If you want to stay lean and fit then you will have to reduce this fat blubber wherever it goes. Saturated fats are nothing more then unnecessary calories that are not necessary. Problem is saturated fats are 60% of our calorie intake nowadays. Good to know: Healthy and fit till in High Age Tips to reduce saturated fats, the saturated fats in our food intake are coming from: - 20% sausages - 20% butter - 18% milk products - 5% meat So less sausages, butter and cheese, more fat free or light milk products that are already 60% less saturated fats in the food intake, this is the easiest way to stay lean, fit and healthy. These products hold the most saturated fats: Sausages and meats: Speck 89% Salami 49% Different Sausages 41 to 45% From Liver and Intestines Lamb Cutlets 32% Brat sausage 32% Mortadella 32% Meat Sausage 27% Frankfurter 24% Chicken liver sausage 22% Lamb Leg 18% Pork Chops 9% Beef Belly 8% Turkey Sausage 5% Roast Beef 3,8% Veal Cutlet 2,6% Veal Fillet 1,6% Chicken Breast 1% Turkey Breast 1% Milk Products: Butter 80% Camembert 50% Butter cheese 50% Emmentaler 45% Gouda 45% Edamer 40% Gorgonzola 32% Cream Quark 30-45% Cream Fraiche 30% Quark 20% Cream yoghurt 10% Coffee Cream 10% Full Cream Milk 3,5% Fat Free Yoghurt 1,5% Fat Free Milk 1,5% Fat Free Quark 0.5% Butter Milk 0,5% Fat People Become Easier Sick Almost nobody will increase with 13 kilos per year but it is possible. On average it is a kilo per year for the North Europeans, that’s why each 5th German is heavily over weight and each second to fat. Saturated fats are the main contributor to this. Fat and overweight can be calculated with the body mass index. The higher the BMI the worse you are off. A high BMI (when you are overweight) diminishes the production of testosterone, so no mood for sex. A high BMI influences then not only the fitness of the body and the erotic but also the health of your body and soul over longer periods of time, the risks for diabetes and hear and blood diseases and high blood pressure multiply them. Table: - BMI of 32; More the overweight, 2 times more risk for a stroke, triple the risk for high blood pressure, 20 to 30 times more risk for diabetes and 3 times higher cancer risk. - BMI of 28; Overweight; 2 times more risk for heart and blood diseases, 7 times for diabetes and 3 times for bile stones. - BMI of 21; Normal weight, lean people live longer. - Lower then this is also not healthy. But that’s another problem. How to calculate the BMI: The Body Mass Index Formula: Your Weight divided by the quadrant of your height For example: 80 kg ----------------------- = BMI 28 (1, 70m X 1, 70 m) The Scale: BMI lower then 20: see a doctor: abnormal BMI 20-25: NORMAL BMI 25-30: Overweight BMI 30-35: FATT and ugly Eat more Poultry and less Red Meat Fatty meats lie in the stomach for hours and causes cardialgia (heartburn), due to the aggressive digestive juices that are needed to digest the fats in it. A roast steak often leaves the stomach only after hours. After a fatty meal with lots of meat one can forget a clever mind, fitness and erotic; you will be slow, tired and busy digesting for hours. It is better therefore to exchange red meat more often with chicken or turkey meat. These kinds of meat do not lie in the stomach for hours as they contain less fat. The skin from the poultry should be removed however; that’s where the most fat is contained. The fat composition without the skin from poultry is a lot better then that of beef or pork meat. Chicken has in relation to the fats less saturated then unsaturated fats. Good to know: Fatty Composition of the Different Meats: Mono Uns. Fats Poly Uns. Fats (Om 6t) Omega 3 Sat Fats Mutton Fillet: 45% 3% 2% 50% Beef: 50% 3% 3% 44% Pork: 48% 9% 2% 41% Chicken: 32% 15% 2% 51% Turkey: 31% 26% 9% 34% Avoiding Saturated Fats, the Ten Best Tips: - Cut away the fat on cutlets and steaks (even better before cooking) - Fatty sides of cold-cuts and hams should stay on the side of the plate - Eat more fat free turkey or chicken sausages or raw ham - Avoid cream sauces on salads and use yoghurt or vinaigrettes instead - Creamy sauces on meat, leave it and use cooking juices, vinaigrettes - No cream soups, no need anyways the vegetables by themselves have taste enough - Paste the bread with creamy yoghurts (preferably fat free types) and yoghurts that have been nicely made fluffy, they taste creamy without the fat - Low fat quark instead of full cream quark - No full fat milk, use low fat milk - The concentrated coffee cream is easily replaced by normal low fat milk - Use yoghurt instead of cream whilst cooking - Do not eat the skins of chicken and poultry TIPP: NO BUTTER whatsoever; replace it with Alba Oil from Sweden, this is pure Rape oil with butter taste, it holds 60% unsaturated fats and extra 10% omega 3 fatty acids. Saturated Fats Are Solid and Stick Saturated fats are solid when at room temperature or in the body, this is use-full as butter will glue the ingredients for cookies and cakes together and after baking will keep them solid. Tropical vegetable fats can give a chocolate bar so much solidity that the bar will not melt in the hand. A lot of these saturated fats become liquid only at temperatures of 70 degrees centigrade. These fats do not taste as fats or oils neither and a lot of it is necessary to get a taste effect uberhaupt. Saturated fats for m blocks of fat and stick to each other, this is due to their straight shape as molecules. The easy stack ability makes them ideal for the use in building our cells. Too many of these fats in the cell membranes however cause negative effects in the good running of the metabolism between the different cells, the blood and the nutritious substances. Our cells become in this process deficient as too many saturated fats clog up the veins and the cell membranes. The blood fats increase, the blood palates become sticky and on the sides of the veins deposit saturated fats; the beginning of arteriosclerosis. The Amount of Fat is the Same, The EXCHANGE of saturated fats Pays Off In the Harvard Study with the 80000 nurses was no difference made or seen between the amounts of fat that were eaten, and the sensitivity in risk increase or decrease for heart and blood diseases. This should not be surprising as through the whole of this text the emphasis has been put on exchanging bad fats for good fats and not necessarily to reduce fats. But statistics have shown that by exchanging only 5% of saturated fats by unsaturated fats the heart and blood diseases decreased with 40%!! Health Info: Saturated Fats: - Main energy supplier for the North European population; 60% of all fats consumed are saturated fats - Contribute directly to blood and heart diseases - Render the blood palates sticky - Cause deposits in the arteries - Render the cell membranes hard and impermeable - Increase the total cholesterol Influence of the saturated fats on the blood fats: - Increase the unwanted LDL - Some kinds of saturated fats can reduce the good HDL - Unsaturated fats can increase the triglycerides Special: Against the Cheese-Sausage-Butter of everyday life - Hummus, chick pea mousse from the middle east - Baba Ganoush, aubergine (eggplant mousse) - Guacamole, from the Mexican kitchen; avocado mousse - Vegetable and Herb mixtures with good oils on the bread; like tomato, basil and garlic in extra virgin olive oil. (Garlic reduces the agglomeration of the blood palates and can help reduce the LDL cholesterol up to 10%) - Fresh sprouts like Alfa alfa, soy, cress, mixed with yoghurt, flax oil and lemon on the bread or as snack - Tartar of lean red meat, it has less fat and hold important vitamin B12 and proteins; it should be prepared with natural ingredients, lemon, egg yolk and olive oil only, not fatty mayonnaise - Fish, fatty sea-fish in all different kinds and forms - Quark and marmalade - Quark in all its different forms is the king of food products thanks to its taste and diversity of uses, it holds 3 times more protein then yoghurt and it has calcium in it. It can be made up with different kinds of herbs, spices, vegetables, onions etc - Tzatsiki from the Greeks and the Turks its easily made by mixing low fat quark and a little yoghurt, squeeze a garlic toe inside, pepper and salt and a salad cucumber, some lemon juice and a little olive oil, ready! - Green sauce, made from herbs, spinach fresh in the mixer some boiled eggs inside if wanted and a little yoghurt, very nice with salmon too. Increase the Fat Burning with L – Carnitin Fat is pure energy and can keep you going throughout the day. The fat in your legs, belly, hips and ass would be enough to keep you going if only it could be absorbed back in the body and used as energy. However too many people suffer from metabolism blockades: - The insulin level in the blood is too high - You eat too many calories so the use of these fat depots is not necessary - You do not burn enough fats/calories, there is not enough muscle activity - The fat is not transported properly to the burning centers in the muscles as there is a shortage of aiding substances like L-Carnitin (biocatalyst) The One Way Road towards the Fat Cells In order to get to the speck depots in the body first of all needs the insulin level to be steady. Only Then will the billions of fat cells give the transport fats free in the blood, the triglycerides. Every time when in the blood the insulin level is too high, the fat in the fat cells is blocked. Insulin increases after each meal and reduces the sugar in the blood and makes absorption of he sugar possible in the cells. The level can be increased very fast when eating sugar rich foods and fast (glycogenic) carbohydrates. So from the cake after a meal, the chocolate bar in between and the sugary drinks, the white flour in pasta and bread, the sugar in the coffee all make for the insulin level to go up very fast as the sugar levels in the blood rise too fast too. This overflow of energy is turned into fat immediately and deposited in the fat cells for later… Too many people get very quickly too fat because of a constant and too high sugar (carbohydrate) intake. This is the one way street to the fat cells. If you eat constantly sweets in between meals and lots of potatoes, white rice, pasta etc then the fat deposits in the cells will never find their way back onto the metabolism. Tipp: Burning Fat depots only when: - Flat insulin level - No or almost none fast glycogenic carbohydrates - More movement to increase the fat burning ovens in the muscles - Less saturated fats - Take biocatalysts as L – Carnitin Too many Calories all together Every second German has got a nice layer of love handles around the belly. All the over flow of saturated fats and sugar are packed up there. From all the theories that are around in regards of overweight only one has got it right with 90%: we eat too many calories from sugar and saturated fats that are not burned. 60% of these calories come from saturated fats and only 2 to 3 % from unsaturated fats. This chapter is specially written to show that it is easy to loose weight. A part of these fats can be reduced by changing to a Mediterranean food intake with lots of mono unsaturated fats. This food is healthy and tasty. And an additional 100 calories per day are reduced by staying away from fatty sausages and milk products. Not Enough Fat Burning Ovens For fast fat burning one needs also a good muscle mass. The muscles are the largest fat and calories burning machine. This is why you should under no circumstances loose muscle mass. The more muscles you build up through sports and protein and the less muscle protein you loose through a good fat burning, the more muscle fat burning ovens you become. Increase the Fat Burning through with L – Carnitin It is necessary to get the right substances in the body in order to burn of the fats; co-enzyme Q10, magnesium, vitamin C, the B Vitamins, proteins, and above all L-carnitin are busy with the fat burning. Of these substances lots of people have exactly not enough, the blood values are too much down. L- Carnitin plays a central role in the burning of the fats and in the energy production. It is a similar food product as a vitamin. Without this substance can the fat never reach the fat burning ovens; the mitochondria that are in all the cells. Our bodies can produce in the muscles by itself L carnitin, but it needs to build down muscle protein to produce it; 30 grams muscles for one (1) gram L carnitin. In order to avoid muscle deterioration for the production of L carnitin it is important to get enough out of the food intake. It comes mostly from meat and milk products. When eating only small to none amounts of these products it is good to substitute with food supplements. L – Carnitin the Taxi towards the Fat Burning Ovens (Mitochondria) Especially the muscles and the brain hold the most L carnitin fat transport shuttles as they are the main recipients of fats. The results of L carnitin deficiency are often difficult to see: - Tiredness; fats are not used sufficiently as energy - Muscle loss or bad muscle production; instead of fat is every time again muscle protein used for energy production. - Heart deficiency; 80% of the energy of the heart is coming from fat. Specially when getting older the symptoms can be angina pectoris and heart deficiency - Bad loss of weight; during a diet is the fat in the belly and the hips only reduced very slowly. More Loss of Fat through L Carnitin in the Diet Only with L carnitin can the fat blubber not be reduced. It has become clear through studies that the taking of L carnitin without the reduction of calorie intake does not result in a reduction of the body weight. Why in any case should the body in one time start to burn extra calories from the fat reserves? That does not make sense. It works only when the general intake of calories is reduced and more activities and sports are done in order to BURN the calories (fats). EACH little bit of too much sugar and each gram of fat too many will come directly on top of the hips. During a diet where fewer calories are eaten Carnitin however can help enormously in the fat reduction. In a study with 100 patients all on the same diet one half got extra Carnitin, the other just white powder; in a period of only 4 weeks was the weight in the Carnitin group reduced with 25%; About one kilo in 4 weeks on average. The intake of extra Carnitin can triple the burning of the fatty acids that are eaten daily. This fat cannot be stored already in the body, but is reduced as energy is produced. Less Muscle Loss through a Diet with L-Carnitin The participants with L carnitin had also less muscle reduction; the body did not need to reduce the muscle protein for energy supply but went straight to the fat rolls on the hips. L – Carnitin improves also the building of proteins in the muscles in order to produce more muscles. This way it keeps the muscle mass fit for more fat burning, plus it helps this way for a more muscular body with less fat. The more muscles a person has the more he can eat without getting fatter. With fatter people the fat or calories land immediately in the fat deposits as they have not enough muscles to burn up all those calories. By retaining the muscles during a diet the yo-yo effect is kept at bay and will it be more difficult to get fat again afterwards. Other Advantages of Eating Extra L Carnitin in the Diet When burning muscle protein instead of fat there is production of ammonia as one of the burning rests, these work as a nervous poison that make tired. If on the other hand the body uses sugar out of the liver and the blood (glycogen) for the energy supply then you get hunger attacks and you become nervous, as the brain and nervous system get in an energy shortage (the brain needs a constant sugar supply). The top of L Carnitin is to reduce the hunger feeling through a better fat burning for a good energy supply. Like this (with extra L Carnitin) is it easier to be on a diet. When during a diet the energy supply through fat burning goes too fast, produces the body ketene particles, they are responsible to give the body the indication that it should save on energy and the metabolism is reduced again. When eating then it comes back to the yo-yo effect; as the body is in slow absorption mode and the supply of calories has gone too much up again. L-carnitin makes for less production of ketene particles so the fat burning keeps on going at the same level. Good Fat Burning for Energy and Muscles in the Elderly When growing older the L Carnitin absorption from the food and the auto production from it reduces Older people have therefore less L Carnitin at their disposal. At the same time is the fat burning reduced through getting older and more fat is stored. Instead of burning fat does the body burn more muscle protein and through this process reduces the muscle mass. Specially when getting older it is imperative to burn more fats and to keep the muscle mass the same or even produce more of it. Muscles are there to keep the body fit in general. L Carnitin helps to keep the muscle mass stable and the use of fat as energy source. Tipp: Extra L Carnitin protects the muscle mass, by helping to burn fat instead of muscles. It keeps the fat burning for energy in the heart healthy and it assists the immune system, brain and nervous system. Good to Know: The right way to get to L Carnitin For the normal doses a day 250 to 500 mg are needed; in these proportions it is also best absorbed in the intestines. For extra fat reduction higher doses can be used. Small portions at a time are the golden rule when taking extra L Carnitin. Three grams of L Carnitin a day can be used in the case of blood fat reduction, diabetes, and heart diseases. (See a doctor) Also in the assistance for the immune system is L Carnitin used. In sporty people can the regeneration time be reduced when taking extra L Carnitin and the muscle hang over is reduced. The best brand is L Carnipure. It is pure L Carnitin; it is produced similar to yoghurt. Chemically produced L Carnitin can have as side products also D Carnitin which has the opposite effect of L Carnitin and is therefore not recommended. Fat is the Super Power Supply in Sport and Hard Work The unsaturated fats are a good energy supply for the body as it doesn’t over ballast the body and health in people that do lots of physical activities. It has little volume in the stomach. Sportsmen do not have fat free diets anymore like 10 years ago. It is not possible to do top sport without the right fat intake ant the right fat burning as energy source. The more fat is burned in the muscles the more sugar (glycogen reserves) is saved in the muscles and liver, which is needed to keep the brain and nerves happy and fit. When doing sports; even as much as 55% from the normal bodily activities; L Carnitin can become necessary in the burning of he fats. Through this the recuperation phase can be reduced. L Carnitin can improve the burning of fats under bodily pressure; reduce the unnecessary muscle reduction as the body uses fat instead of muscle protein for energy, it reduces the risk for muscle damage and reduces the recuperation time. Vegetarians – Less Energy through Bad Fat Burning L Carnitin is especially rich in animal products. Vegetarians get less of it through food. Vegetarians are therefore weaker then non vegetarians in sporty activities. The consequences of not enough L Carnitin can be less fit, fast damaging of the muscles and less endurance. It is not made from meat and is produced biologically. It is a vegetarian product. Specially for pregnant women is extra L Carnitin necessary, when vegetarian or not. A Fit Heart through a Good Fat Metabolism (Burning) 80 % of the energy for the heart comes from fat. If the fat burning doesn’t work the result is heart insufficiency, pain in the chest (Angina Pectoris), heart rhythm disruptions and other symptoms, that hang together with a bad energy production from fat. Through studies it was shown that L Carnitin can reduce these symptoms as it makes for better energy production in the heart. Make the fat burning FIT L Carnitin shortage reduces the burning of fats and results in tiredness, muscle loss and less endurance. Over longer periods of time it can influence heart attacks and heart insufficiency. Those who need more L Carnitin: When you are older then 60 When you are vegetarian Vegetarian kids Sporty People Pregnant or breast feeding On a diet Diabetics Liver Problems Kidney Problems Too high Triglycerides Interesting Websites on Fish and Cod Liver Oil: A note of caution: Other websites related to this matter: Chemical and Medical explanations and Research: Body Mass Index: General Food Nutrition Facts: General Sites on Health: Fitt mit Fett Healthy with Fat or in Fat there is More Dr. Ulrich Strunz &Andreas Jopp (2002) Strunz U & Jopp A 2002, Fitt Mit Fett, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag GmbH & Co., Munchen, Germany 1. Introduction A Longer Life with the Right Kind of Fats Believe it or not but the truth of healthier and sounder living lies also in eating the right kinds of fat. The secret of Japanese and Mediterranean long-lived life lies in eating the right kinds of fats and oils. This is proven by research and the presence of large numbers of 90 to 100 year olds in those countries. Problem is that we all eat fat but do not know what they are and how they work in on our bodies, how many different kinds there are and where we get them from. The common knowledge of fats are outdated; “cholesterol is bad, olive oil is good, animal fats are bad, fat from plants are good, but is this knowledge still enough for a substance or a group of substances that makes out 40% of our diet? Revolutionary knowledge However: - To much oil from plants and margarines are not healthy - Cholesterol from our food consumption plays hardly a role in heart-circulatory diseases - Hardened fat from plants link the risk for diabetes and multiply the risk for heart-circulatory diseases. - The more fatty acids in fish the better it is for the brain and the heart - Fatty nuts reduce the risk for heart-circulatory diseases with 40% We speak here about an oil change or fat change: not necessarily less fat, but the right fats and oils in and the wrong fats and oils out. Some fatty acids are building blocks for tissue-hormones that regulate everything from anti-inflammation over blood-pressure to the immunity system. These hormones bring down the risk for heart-circulation diseases tremendously and the degeneration of brain cells. Fat is good for the brain (makes intelligent) and makes happy, that is, the right fatty acids. Our brain consists of 60% fat and previously taken for granted that the brain becomes smaller with age is now replaced after thorough studies with; our brain continues to grow… The fatty substances that are responsible for the grow of the brain are DHA-fats and they are also responsible for making happy and are working against depression. It helps in the production of Serotonin which makes happy and content. Good fatty acids give the building blocks for the brain, make the nervous system more active and influence the psyche and emotions. The right fatty acids reduce the risk for diabetes as they influence the cell-structure and cell-membranes. Bad fatty acids are responsible for rheumatism, arthritis, heart and circulatory diseases, high blood fats, diabetes, heart attacks, depression and bad brain condition. The food production industry has kept a very tight secret on the production and use of transitional fatty acids (trans fats) or industrial killer fats. It is also wrong to believe that a low fat diet is good for the body, as it reduces also the intake of necessary healthy fats and oils. Fact is that with a little knowledge every person can start influencing the intake of good or bad fatty acids, oils and fats, right at the start, there where they are bought. Eating tips, commercials, marketing or facts Good meant tips from friends and colleagues of how to eat might be nice but are they scientifically tested? Is everything written on the packet true or is it just a way to sell you a product? Diets, do they really work, also in the long run? Or like in this essay should you rely on: - Population studies, demographics etc - The facts and outcomes of the Harvard School of Public Health that researched over 167500 people over a period of 14 years. - New studies on metabolism - Reference: will be made to those studies Not everything that’s Fat is Fat A More and better fat intake In the last 200 years our fat intake has more then doubled. 40% of all calories we take in nowadays are from fat. Most of these fats are however the wrong ones and this needs to be changed as it affects our health tremendously. More then ever are people dying of heart and blood diseases due to to much bad fats. The Way Our Fat Intake Has Changed: - 200 years ago 20% of all calorie intake came from fat, nowadays that’s more then double - Animal fats or saturated fats are doubled due to the larger intake of meat. This is thanks to the animal farming industry that has developed tremendously over the last 100 years. These fats are easily recognizable as they are solid in appearance; just imagine what these solid fats are doing in your body… - Since some 50 years a new fat has appeared: industrially made transitional fats, these fats appear by the production of industrially solidified vegetable fats or oils. They are found up to 10% in margarines. In the 70ies even up to 40%. These fats are real killer fats. They are even inside the body still solid as they only melt by 70 degrees centigrade. This artificial industrial pollution makes for the cell membranes to clog up, the metabolism to be retarded and the arteries to clog up. Fact is that these fats make for processed food products to have a longer shelf life and are therefore popular in the food industry. - Olive oil is the most popular unsaturated fat or oil. In the Mediterranean it has been used for centuries as the only oil or fat. It is believed to be the healthiest fat available. It works neutrally and positively in the body. It is only now that we are seeing the health potential of olive oil and it can easily replace margarines and butter. Unsaturated fats by the way are and stay liquid. - Multi unsaturated fats: Omega 6, Linol-acid, AA fat; the intake of vegetable fat in liquid form (Linol acids) has only been developing in northern Europe as of the 80ies. In the 60ies these vegetable oils were made popular as for their health under industrial commercials where also the solid form margarine was popularized. The message was that margarine is healthy. Normally however vegetable oils are liquid; under industrial processes it becomes only solid. There are also animal omega 6 fats and out of vegetable oils, animals and humans produce in the body Arachide Acids or the so called AA-fats. Through the eating of more and more meat, more of these animal omega 6 fats are taken into the body; this however is not good if it is too much. Also through eating too many vegetable oils from omega 6 holding plants like corn oil and sunflower oil has the intake of omega 6 risen sharply. - Omega 3 fats, Alpha Linol Acids and EPA Fat, DHA fat, are very important vegetable fats of which the intake has sharply diminished lately. They are found in nuts, beans, wild plants and leafy vegetables (Flax, Rape, and Walnut Oils). In these the gradation omega 3 to omega 6 is one to one. They are very important for our health. However due to the industrialization of the cattle breeding and the farming of grains have the omega 6 fats taken over from the omega 3 fats. Cereals hold 120 times more omega 6 (Linol acids) then omega 3 (Alpha Linol Acids). Omega 3 acid molecules bounce off each-other and are therefore very good in the non stick coating of the bloodstream. Another good source for omega 3 fats is fish, but the eating of fish has strongly diminished and become unpopular. From the vegetable omega 3 fat inside algae, fish make a lot of long chained omega 3 fats namely DHA fat and EPA fat, the human body produces the same too if we take in sufficient omega 3 fats. However the eating of fish and wild plants and nuts has stark diminished and this affects our health. The omega 3 fats are the building blocks for the tissue hormones and have many other functions in the body as-well as being building blocks for the nervous system and the brain! It is exactly this omega 3 that we should take more to us. Intake over the last 200 years: Total fat intake: from 22 to over 40 % Saturated Fats: from just under 10 % to more then 20% Unsaturated Fats Omega 6 from around 8 % to over 12 % Unsaturated Fats Omega 3 from around 5 % to less then 2 % Transitional Fats From zero to more then 10 % Quick Diagram of the Different Fats: Animal : Vegetable: Used fats/Processed fats Saturated Fats Unsaturated Fats Degenerated Fat/Trans Fat Mono or Simple Unsaturated Fats Poly or Multiple Unsaturated Fats Omega 6 Fats Omega 3 Fats Linoleic Acids Alpha Linoleic Acids Saturated Fat Everything contains saturated fat. Every day our bloodstream is flooded with saturated animal fats form meat, cream, butter, fatty milk products, processed meats and sausages… 60% of all fats that are eaten in Europe are coming from animals. Our body does not absorb these kinds of fats as they tend to stay solid. This blubber goes direct to fat depots in our body. It is true that we could have an intake of up to 3 times a day of these fats; bread on butter for breakfast or a butter croissant, bread and butter with a sausage or a piece of meat for lunch and dinner nice cheese and bread with butter, and why not a bag of chips as TV snack? Fast Fact: 25% of kids are overweight and 75% of teenagers have already fat depots in the bloodstream / the veins. After a fatty meal with lots of saturated or worse trans fats, the bloodstream will be flooded for hours in a row with blobby fats. It’s a CHAOS for our metabolism. A lot of saturated fat makes us fat 100 Gr. Saturated fat holds double as much calories then out of 100 gr. of carbohydrate from potatoes, bread or fruits. This way it’s easy to eat quickly too many calories. Cheese, butter and sausages (fatty ones) do not contain fiber and make you feel full only when it’s too late already (the stomach doesn’t need to work hard on them to get them into the digestion). This way it is simple to eat too much on a continuous basis and rapidly it becomes too late. Each fourth child, that is one in four, is now already too fat due to the intake of too much saturated animal fats. Every second German is overweight (average in North Western Europe every third). Fat people and people that eat a lot of saturated fats are more likely to get diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, blood circulatory diseases, arthritis and other blood related disease as well as other auto immune diseases. Aerobics for Stable Animals Our body was made to eat different from what we eat now; the human being is a carnivore, meaning it should eat from everything. Meat is important for the right intake of certain vitamins like B12, however it holds more necessary components but has become fatter and fatter. 100 years ago meat was a lot healthier and in the ice times an animal would have put only 3% fat on the scale. Now due to the immobilization in stables of animals this has risen to 20 to 25 %! This is because it is easier to keep the animals in stables and get them on the right weight faster then to let them graze in wide pastures. Game meat is however more lean and contains less fat. On top of this is the feeding of animals based on feeding them lots of omega 6 holding plants like corn residues and wheat products. Through this the meat holds also more omega 6 fatty acids. So it is better to find meat from animals that have moved around in the fields or from game that has lived in the woods then fatty pork meat or stable cow meat. The omega 3 fatty acids are available in wild plants and grasses which stable animals rarely get to eat. Game Meat Holds More Unsaturated Fat Due to the eating habits of game and animals living in the wild like getting natural foods in the forests and fields, the meat contains more unsaturated fat. The omega 3 fats from the plants they eat are in a higher percentage available in their meat and make them healthier. Also due to the exercise they do the meat becomes leaner. The meat fats are therefore different and hold more unsaturated fats. Fast Fact: Nowadays we have more saturated fats in the meat: Wild Buffalo: Stable Beef: Total Fat: 3% 25% Saturated Fat: 10% 20% Saturated Fats Glue Our Transport System Together 5% of Ten year olds in North Europe show signs at that age already of bloodstream damage. A person is as young as the 240000 km of blood veins he has. By eating a lot of unsaturated fats the veins are clogged at a rate of 2% a year. Its pure mathematics and a matter of time to get to the results. 30 and 40 year olds show now already signs of high blood pressure and chest pains, due to over intake of saturated fats. The heart is put under extreme pressure like this as it needs to pump harder and harder until it just stops. In the other extreme some of the fat depots come loose and block the oxygen transport to the heart completely (Heart Attack) or the brain (Stroke). Half of all Germans die from blood and heart diseases and digestive deficiencies, most of these diseases were caused by eating too many of the wrong kinds of fat. Transitional or Transient Fats Hardened Vegetable Oils and Fats These are artificially solidified fats that the food industry has invented. They become hard through the heating of the vegetable fats to temperatures from 15 to 240 degrees for hours in a row. During this process a completely new fat molecule is produced; the transitional fats which our body does not recognize. Afterwards these transitional fats do not dilute anymore. These transient fats are having a longer shelf life and are therefore used more in the food industry. These fats are simply put on the packing of ready food products like sausages and choco-paste as vegetable fats but in essence do they contain these transient fats that are even more dangerous then animal fats. Transient Fats are Killer Fats In a Swedish study of 20000 men they found that the part that ate a lot of transient fat had a higher risk of heart attacks of 39%. Even with an intake of only 2% more transitional fat two studies involving 700 older men and 80000 nurses have indicated that over a period of 10 respectively and 14 years of eating 2% transitional fats a day made the chances of getting a heart attack go up with respectively 29% for the men (10 years) and 36 % for the women (14 years). It’s almost unbelievable how these fats (an so little of it) can have such an impact on the health. Eating 2% more killer fats increase the risk for a heart attack with almost a third. No More Killer Fats In order to live life better and longer and healthier it’s not necessary to eat less fat but more of the right fats. Just by eating less or NO killer fats one can easily sink the chances of a heart attack with 50%. (No deep fried stuff or ready made sausages and other composed foodstuffs) By us humans nowadays comes 40% of our calories intake from fats and oils. Unsaturated Fats Live Important Fatty Acids Believe it or not life’s building blocks are only 47 in number. These are: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and two fats: omega 3 (alpha-linol acid) and omega 6 (linol acid). The last two are life essential and cannot be produced by the human body; they need to come from food intake. All other fats can be produced by the human body. The omega 3 and 6 fats are vegetable fats which are mainly found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains. Essential Fats are no Fuel Omega 3 and 6 fats are hardly used as energy sources in the human body. They are used for the building of cell structures and membranes; they are building blocks for the brain, they keep the nervous system conductive and they are used in the production of RNA (messenger RNA) which are responsible for the blood-pressure control, the blood consistency and flow ability, the control of the immune system and even in the reading of the genes. Without these fats life would be impossible. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are antagonists O3 and O6 fats have opposite activities in the body. Through the RNA one is responsible for the blood pressure to go up, the other for the going down of the blood pressure. It is therefore important to have a healthy balance in the body of these fats. Problem is nowadays not enough omega 3 is taken into the body. To much omega 6 and not enough omega 3 fats In the Stone Age and thereafter the intake of omega 3 and 6 fats was equal or close to 1/1, nowadays it’s at 20/1. This is simply due to the intake of more margarine, sunflower oil, corn-oil, soy oil and vegetable oils in bakery products and less intake of oils from fish, green leafy vegetables and nuts. It should be minimum 5 to 1 and therefore the eating of nuts, linseeds, linseed oil, flax oil and canola oil. Not enough omega 3 fats and too many omega 6 fats make that the omega 6 will disturb by the production of hormones. Long life through Omega 3 Fats Omega 3 fats are healthy. It’s known that the Eskimos who eat 60% of fat and the people of Crete who eat 10% more fat then the Germans… The eating of wild plants, vegetables, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and omega 3 rich eggs by the Crete’s gives them a high intake of omega 3 fats. The Eskimos eat a lot of fish. The Crete’s live the longest in Europe and have 20% less heart attacks then the North Europeans. The Eskimos do not know heart attacks. Also the Japanese that eat a lot of fish have one to five times higher life expectancy in comparison with other industrialized nations. The right kind of fat (more omega 3 and fewer omega 6) is important. Good to know: Omega 3 fats are good for the arteries, sea-fish, walnuts, rape oil, canola oil, rape oil, flaxseed, linseed, linseed oil, hold omega 3 fats. Less margarine and sunflower oil take the omega 6 down. The worst the balance between omega 3 and 6 the more chance for heart attacks; Land Omega 6 to Omega 3 Deaths through Heart Diseases Europe, USA 20/1 40% Japan 10/1 12% Crete 4/1 4% Eskimos 1/1 Unknown 2. Simple or MONO Unsaturated Fats Olives the Liquid Gold from the Mediterranean A Greek uses 20 l of olive oil a year, a German maybe half a liter… Since thousands of years, olive oil is the main fat and oil source in the Mediterranean. Olive trees are seen as symbols of long life and health. To kill an olive tree is like stealing a horse in the States. Olive oil is considered the healthiest fat source in the world. First cold pressed olive oil is the best and has found its way to many gastronomical restaurants instead of butter. In the Mediterranean there are 5 times less heart attacks then in Northern Europe. Mediterranean Eating Habits Only a fifth of heart and artery diseases and half as much cancer which only a study in the years 70ies pointed out; this study went on for 25 years with 13000 men. Responsible for these figures are a high intake of vegetables and fruits which lower the risk for cancer and the intake of lots of unsaturated fats form olive oil and less intake of saturated fats from meat and sausages. Even-though in certain Mediterranean regions the intake of fat is 10% more then in North Europe still the heart attack rates are still lower. Olive Oil and a Healthy Heart Olives are healthy because: - Olive oil holds different kinds of anti-oxidants and vitamin E. - Olive oil has only simple unsaturated fats that in contrast to the multiple unsaturated fats are more stable and oxidize more difficultly - Olive oil can bring down the levels of cholesterol in the blood, specially the bad LDL cholesterol Natural Olive Oil Holds Many Natural Substances Olive oil is the only 100% natural oil that is mass produced and comes only and 100% from plants. The olive can be pressed cold, the chemical products to get the oils out of the fruits are not necessary. Other oily seeds need often more pressure (heat) and chemicals to get the oils out of the fruit. The heat that is caused by the pressing of these seeds makes that some of the natural products disappear and that the unsaturated fats oxidize. Therefore is it necessary for these oils to be refined afterwards to get rid of the oxidized materials and the bad tastes. The best olive oil and the most natural oil in the world is Native Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is won by cold pressing only, it is won 100% without heat or chemicals. In unrefined olive oil there is an extra wealth of natural substances about 50, of which some PHENOLS and Vitamin E, which are both very strong anti oxidants and that protect the oil naturally of oxidizing. Like This the Anti Oxidants Protect the Blood Fats from Oxidizing Oxygen is the catalyst of oxidation. Free radicals attack everywhere in our body where oxygen is available, like it the veins and there where oxygen is used for energy production (muscles). It is therefore that anti oxidants like vitamin C and E patrol there where the free radicals are in order to protect the body form damage. The anti-oxidants vitamin E and Phenol from olive oil are very active in the neutralizing of the free radicals in our bodies. This is the case not only for the veins and arteries but also the whole body; nervous system, brain, cell membranes, where the anti oxidants protect the unsaturated fats from oxidizing. There are more then 50 different anti oxidants in olive oil and they all contribute in the protection of the unsaturated fats in the body. Special: How to Buy Olive Oil: Olive oil has got, similarly as wine the typical taste of the region where it is coming from. There are strong European rules on olive oil production and quality: - Native Olive Oil Extra (Extra Virgin Olive Oil): the best quality where only 1 gram free-fatty acids per liter is allowed. Like with wine the fruits are taken very well care of. - Native Olive Oil: can hold up to 2 grams of free-fatty acids, native means that the oil has not been mixed or further processed. - Olive oil: Are refined olive oils, its lesser in quality as lot of natural elements get lost in the refining process. - Olive oil from rests (Pomace): is won out the rests from the first pressings through the aid of chemicals and heat. This is the lowest quality and has nothing left from the good olive oil anymore it contains chemical rests and has virtually no natural elements anymore. When buying olive oil look for Extra Virgin Olive Oil from a first cold pressing. Olive oil can be won without adding heat during the pressing process, that’s why we are talking about cold pressing, it’s important to know this as other oils from pulses and grains need heat to get the oils out of them. Important is that heat will always deteriorate the quality of the oil no matter what the producers says. The color of olive oil depends only on the ripeness of the olives, which are green in the beginning and dark violet to black when they are ripe. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is expensive due to the amount of labor that goes in the process of growing, keeping the trees, collecting and harvesting the olives, selecting and pressing the fruits, up to 80% of the labor is by hand. A mature tree will give only between 3,5 and 5 liters of oil. Olives need to be harvested by hand in sometimes difficult circumstances. Like with wine, the aroma and quality often comes from where the tree was standing, how much sun it got and how much the farmer cared about the trees and its fruits. All extra Virgin Olive Oils are similar in the amounts of anti oxidants they contain and the amounts of unsaturated fats they have. To know where the oil comes from should be checked from bottle to bottle. Similar to wine production for olive oil are also DOC and ADC, this means that the oils come from a certain region only and this region is protected by law. The oil needs to come and be produced in the same area. They are more typical in taste as each region has its own characteristics and kinds of olives. These oils can be even more expensive as normal Extra Virgin Olive Oil as the production is a lot smaller then the other olive oils. Also visit: How to Keep the Arteries Healthy? Only OXIDATED fats clog the arteries! Olive oil is very stable and ideal for baking and pan frying. Mono unsaturated fats oxidize less in the bloodstream then poly unsaturated fats. Olive oil stays good for years if placed in a cool, dry and dark place, and closed bottle with a good cork or cap. Olive oils stay stable even under high temperatures. It will hardly ever smoke or start stinking or becomes brown like the poly unsaturated fats or the saturated fats. Mono unsaturated fats oxidize less easy under heat and light then poly unsaturated fats. Many poly unsaturated fats oxidize already by little heating or under the influence of light, like sunflower oil. This makes mono unsaturated fats healthier for your arteries then poly unsaturated fats as only oxidized fats will clog up in the arteries and stick to the sides and eventually block them. In our body through our normal metabolism a lot of free radicals are released in the bloodstream that causes the poly unsaturated fats to oxidize rapidly, whereas the mono unsaturated fats from olive oil don’t. How Come these Fats in Our Arteries? The blood fats are transported through 240000km of veins and arteries. For this it needs fat transport ships like LDL. An LDL holds about 3800 small fatty acids. Whilst in transport these fatty acids are oxidized in the bloodstream through the free radicals. To protect for this the LDL holds a lot of vitamin E. A lot of vitamin E in the LDL helps to protect for oxidation. If some of the fatty acids of the LDL are oxidized and are dumped in the bloodstream the eating-cells come into action and eat them away (they are keeping the bloodstream clean) and this is the best scenario, however when there is not enough vitamin E there is too much oxidation and there will be too much oxidized fat particles in the blood, couple this to the fact that the eating-cells can get saturated and deposit themselves on the arteries. The result; the first fat deposits set themselves on the arteries. On these deposits more and more substances stay glued. This is the first step for arteriosclerosis. Mono Unsaturated Fats are good for the Arteries We can decide ourselves how the LDL and its 3800 fatty acids are composed, by what kinds of fat we eat; poly unsaturated fats are easily oxidized, mono unsaturated fats are not and olive oil holds on top of that many anti oxidants. Tip; How does Vitamin E protect for Oxidizing in the Blood? Poly unsaturated fats (sunflower oil, corn oil…) are healthy as they keep the blood liquid and less sticky; however they tend to oxidize easier. Oxidized poly unsaturated fats are then bad for the arteries. To avoid too much oxidation the intake of vitamin E can reduce the oxidizing process. A daily intake of 100 to 400 mg of vitamin E will reduce the possibility of a heart attack with 35%. Mono unsaturated fats (olive oil…) also keep the blood flowing and less sticky, these fats also oxidize less easy. Saturated fats without having been oxidized stick by themselves on the arteries, they also make the blood cells sticky and the blood less flowing. How Does Arterioscleroses Happen? 1. Fat deposits from saturated fats and oxidized fats 2. Only fat-particles (LDL) with the protection of vitamin E are protected from oxidation 3. Fat particles (LDL) without vitamin E oxidizes and deteriorates 4. Eating (cleaning) cells eat the oxidized fat 5. Eating cells get saturated and deposit themselves to the arteries High Blood Fats, More then 2 in 3 North Europeans is Affected Mono Unsaturated Fats Help Cholesterol Go Down Two thirds of North Europeans have to high Cholesterol. The Mediterranean figures show less high blood fat levels as they eat less animal fats and use more olive oil. One simple way to reduce these blood fat levels is to change the diet: less animal fats and more vegetables, olives, fish, nuts, olive oil and fruits. Only by changing the oil usage the LDL cholesterol can be lowered with 20%. LDL Cholesterol Fat Transporters in the blood and Depots LDL fat transporters transport the fatty acids from the liver trough the arteries to the cells, that use these fatty acids as energy, building blocks for cell structure and different base products. Each LDL transports up to 3800 fatty acids of which 1300 unsaturated fatty acids. LDL carriers contain cholesterol and other fatty acids but in general are referred to as LDL cholesterol. These LDL transporters carry all these different fats around and go to the receptors of the different cells in order to deposit the fats. The cells are either saturated or full or they need more fats. In the case when they are full (saturated) the LDL is not absorbed by the cells and the fats stays in the bloodstream. These leftovers could become dangerous if they become to much and definitely when they oxidize in the bloodstream. LDL cholesterol is therefore also called bad cholesterol as it carries unsaturated fatty acids through the bloodstream that could easily be oxidized and deposit itself on the arteries. HDL A Necessary Cholesterol Vacuum Cleaner HDL is the collector of leftover cholesterol in the bloodstream. It is capable even of loosening the LDL deposits in the arteries when this is still possible and make it to excretion through the intestines. These loosened and deposited in the intestines LDL deposits will easily be excreted when one eats enough fiber rich foods. Good fiber is available in all non purified products, fruits like apples and whole wheat products or crushed oats. Without the fiber in the intestines the cleaning process from the HDL of the LDL in the bloodstream will seize as the cholesterol will be again absorbed in the bloodstream and everything starts from the beginning. The eating of fiber rich foods is therefore also important for the automatic cleaning process of our body to be sustained. Up to 10% of the bad cholesterol can be lost only by eating lots of fiber rich foods. Important is to have a lot of HDL cholesterol. All Cells Close, Too Much Total Cholesterol The bad and good cholesterols LDL and HDL make out the largest part of the total cholesterol in the body. As of 200 milligram per deciliter blood, the cells in our body will be all occupied for intake of fatty acids. The LDL for depositing fatty acids and the HDL for the removal of trash (oxidized fatty acids, leftover LDL) are at the peek of occupying all the cells. Above 200 mg/dl the leftover LDL will stay floating in the blood stream. Here the unsaturated fatty acids inside the LDL transporters can start oxidizing. Therefore the levels of total cholesterol should not be more then 200 mg/dl. LDL and HDL, the Balance is Important Probably more important then the 200 mg/dl is the balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol. It is important not to have more then 4 times the amount of LDL then HDL as above this level the HDL will not come to do their job anymore namely the taking out of the leftover LDL and deposits. Even if the total cholesterol is on or below the 200 mark, the balance of 1 to 4 if not maintained, can still cause heart and blood diseases. Saturated Fats Lower the Cell Deposit Accessibility of the LDL The cholesterol cell deposit zones can also be occupied by animal saturated fatty acids. They cause a blockade of the cell harboring zones and make for the LDL to stay in the bloodstream. This mechanism is the one of the main reasons for the blood fat levels to go up. Unsaturated fatty acids do not do this and therefore is it better to replace the saturated fats with unsaturated fats in order to remove the blockades and reduce this way the LDL with 30%. Tipp: In order to reduce cholesterol drastically it is necessary to keep the cell intake zones free from saturated fats as they clog up the intake system. They just block the cell intake zones and nothing more. By reducing the intake of saturated fats and instead eating unsaturated fats (that do not block the intake zones) one can reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood drastically. It is not the cholesterol intake from food that is the main reason for the LDL levels to be high, it’s the intake of saturated fats that clog up the system that are the cause of that. Lower the Cholesterol Made Easy: Whole wheat and fiber work wonders. By eating more fiber rich foods, fruits and vegetables the chances to get a heart infarct or a stroke reduce. The fiber withholds the energy rich substances to go directly in the blood-stream; they reduce the rate at which this occurs. By doing so the values in the blood are also reduced. Fiber rich foods, fruits and vegetables hold also many vitamins and protecting elements, good for the body. Oat-flakes and oats hold dissolvable fiber products that studies have shown can reduce the cholesterol with 10%. All whole wheat products, apples, fruits and vegetables however, hold dissolvable fiber products that can reduce the LDL and the total cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol Low Food Products With cholesterol low foods one can only reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood little. The tables on the side of the boxes (another trick of the food industry to influence our buying behavior) say in essence nothing about how your body will reduce its cholesterol. The best way to influence the cholesterol levels is by making the intake system of the cells free by reducing the levels of saturated (animal) fat intakes. Eat an Egg without Problems Eggs have a very bad reputation in the cholesterol debates; however eggs contain very important vitamins and egg whites. The reality is (coming from a Harvard University study involving 37000 men and 80000 women) that the eating of eggs did not increase the risk for heart and blood diseases. It was the same for those eating an egg a week or an egg a day. But its better to leave the fat bacon and the butter on the bread away as it are exactly those saturated fats that increase the risk. Anti-aging for the Blood-Circulation A change of fat intakes is necessary if one wants to keep the veins healthy and up and running even in later stages of your life. Up to 10 years active and healthy life more when you start sooner then later with a different diet a more Mediterranean diet. Live up to 10 Years Longer (or more) Till now there was no data on life expectancy when and condition of the veins and arteries if they have been transporting blood with low fat levels for 30 or 40 years A study of 80000 men under 40 has been observed for 34 years, the outcome: if the blood cholesterol stays lower then 200 mg/dl the life expectancy of those men was increased with 8, 9 years. Two Thirds of North Europeans has too High Cholesterol Studies (with over 350000 people) have shown also that men with a cholesterol level lower then 200 mg/dl and with a low blood-pressure can live up to 9,5 years longer and women up to 5,8 years longer. This longer living means still being fit and active and this only thanks to a change in fat intake. The cause of bad blood fat levels comes 80% from taking the wrong fats in. Vegetable Oils Are Good To Reduce Cholesterol An oil change in a car after 200000km will also not help the car anymore. When the long lasting effects of an oil intake started early will have serious impact on your health and active life. Cholesterol can be reduced with lower fat intake but also through the eating of unsaturated fats from vegetables and fish instead of saturated fats: - Eat just little fat in general, but by doing so one does not only reduce the bad LDL but also the good HDL, that works on the collection and transport to the intestines of the leftover LDL. - Eat more unsaturated fats from plants then saturated fats from animals Unsaturated vegetable fats reduce the bad LDL and leave the good HDL untouched. Mono unsaturated fats and poly unsaturated fats equally have the same effect. Olive oil is however more stable then other vegetable oils. Blood fat Composition and Explanation Total cholesterol: Good or OK: 200 mg/dl Border level: 240 mg/dl To high: Above 240 Most North Europeans have a total cholesterol level of 300 mg/dl. As of 240 mg/dl the risk of getting a deadly heart attack is 3 times higher then at the normal level of 200. Over a period of 35 years that could mean 8,9 years less to live and with level as high as 350 mg/dl the risk for heart-attacks is catapulted eightfold. LDL or transporters TO the cells: Every second North European has to high levels of LDL, over 160 mg/dl. Ideal: 100 mg/dl OK: 130 mg/dl Border level: 130-160 mg/dl Bad: 160 and above When one has got a predefined genetic or running in the family problem with heart and blood diseases, when one smokes, has high blood pressure, diabetes or is overweight one should lower or have lower levels of LDL. Persons with the above risk factors should have LDL of fewer than 160. In case of multiple of the above mentioned risk factors it should be lower then 130. In case of heart and diabetes patients it should be less then 100. HDL the cholesterol vacuum cleaner in the direction of the intestines: Low levels of HDL are good for the balance between the different blood fats, however lower then 35 mg/dl would double the risk for heart and blood diseases. Protective: 60 mg/dl Border: 40-60 mg/dl Bad: under 40 Balance between HDL and LDL: One to four is ideal. Four times more LDL then HDL Balance between total Cholesterol and HDL: Under 3.5 is ideal 4 is normal Over 5 is bad Calculate your own risk factor: Olive Oil Lowers LDL Poly unsaturated oils like sunflower oil have long been considered to de cholesterol lowering. This is also true for mono unsaturated oils like olive oil. Tipp to lower cholesterol: To eat very little fat all together lowers lowers bad LDL lowers Good HDL Less saturated fat and more poly unsaturated fats; lowers LDL Stable HDL Omega 6 Less saturated fat and more mono unsaturated fats lower LDL Stable HDL The PARPADOX More Fat Less Heart Attacks What will happen when one would start changing 5% of the carbohydrates with fats? Well when taking 5% of carbohydrates out of the food and replace it with unsaturated oils then the risk for heart attacks is lowered with 20%. Good to know: 12000 men were followed for 15 years: in the Mediterranean are up to 5 times less heart diseases due to the fact of eating olive oil 84000 nurses were observed for 14 years; the risk for heart attacks was lowered with 20% when 5% of the carbohydrates were replaced with unsaturated fats. 14 studies altogether have found that olive oil of the best quality can lower the LDL cholesterol with 20%. The Latest News: Mono Unsaturated Fats Protect Against Diabetes! “Eat less fat and more carbohydrates and still people become fatter and fatter…” And more people start to suffer from diabetes…by eating more carbohydrates and less unsaturated fats… The solution: eat more unsaturated fats and nuts; it will help lower the risk to get fat and to get diabetes. Why? The unsaturated fats do not affect the blood sugar level like the carbohydrates do which are in fact sugars. Carbohydrates from white bread, boiled potatoes and refined sugars are absorbed in the blood VERY fast and make the blood-sugar level go up very easily. The energy released in the blood this way needs to get a way out for which INSULIN is responsible. It makes it possible for the cells to absorb the energy (sugar) but also store it in between as fat, when the levels are too high and the cells saturated. This fat is directly deposited in the areas around the kidneys and the liver. This process is going rather fast and soon the blood sugar levels will be lower again and the body will ask for more food. As long as there is insulin in the blood no fat will come out of any cells. The Latest News: With less hunger and a More Stable Blood Sugar level Whilst eating more unsaturated fats makes for the blood sugar levels to stay more stable without feeling hungry as the energy is diluted slower and steadier. Fat doesn’t affect the blood sugar neither. This way will the pancreas not constantly produce insulin to reduce the sugar levels in the blood, which when it does could lead to diabetes. The study with 84000 nurses has the answer how it affects the diabetes risk: Those that ate 5% more carbohydrates and lowered the intake of unsaturated fats with 5% increased the risk for diabetes with 56% So; practical tip: Eat more nuts and olives as snacks as they hold more unsaturated fats and give longer a full feeling. Have more unsaturated oils like olive oil, they do not influence the blood sugar level but give the same energy and lower the risk for heart and blood diseases. The Swedish Alba Oil with a butter aroma is the best available alternative for butter. It contains 61% unsaturated fat, 10 % omega 3 fatty acids and no cholesterol. Positive Points from the Mediterranean Cuisine It is all about the fact that omega 6 poly unsaturated fatty acids (like sunflower oil) are less stable and oxidize faster. So the intake of oils that hold lots of omega 6 fats is bad as they will make the LDL cholesterol more unstable and make for it to oxidize easier. The oxidized LDL cholesterol is exactly that kind of fat rests that will glue on the insides of our arteries. It is therefore important to take mono unsaturated fats, (olive oil) into the body as they are a lot more stable and do not oxidize so easy. The Four Plus Points from a Healthy Diet: - Less saturated fats all together as it will reduce the blocking of the LDL docking zones in the cells. This way the LDL is faster absorbed in the cells and out of the blood. - More mono unsaturated fats from olive oil will lower the number of LDL transporters in the blood. - The mono unsaturated fats will stabilize the left over LDL so they will not oxidize so fast - The amount of natural substances and vitamin E from olive oil, nuts, fish and many vegetables and herbs make for the LDL and the whole body to be more protected from oxidation. - Mono unsaturated fats on top of this lower also the risk for diabetes. Medical Facts: Mono Unsaturated Fats: - Oxidize less fast then poly unsaturated fats, which is positive for the arteries as only oxidized fats glue themselves on the inside of the arteries. - It makes for the blood cells to stay coherent and not sticky - Higher intake of mono unsaturated fats lowers the risk for heart and blood diseases. - It has a working on lowering the LDL and stabilizing the balance between LDL and HDL - The HDL stays the same or might increase slightly - Can slightly lower too high levels of triglycerides Source: Some Olive and Mediterranean Eating Tips: - Bruschettas with olive oil, tomato basilica or olive paste - Marinated olives in traditional ways from France, Italy, Turkey or Greece - Olive Paste with any kind of added flavor, from garlic to sun-dried tomatoes - Avocados; hold up to 70% mono unsaturated fats. - Nuts; almonds and hazelnuts hold up to 70 to 80 % mono unsaturated fats - Pesto; walnuts, lemon juice, garlic, basil. Walnuts are more worth then pistachio nuts as they also contain omega 3 fats. All the other ingredients are very healthy and hold many important substances like vitamin C, E and fiber. Nuts; Small Concentrated Food Packets Nuts Have Lost their Attractiveness in the Low Fat Hysteria… Nuts hold everything necessary for new life (a nut tree or bush), minerals, vitamins, trace-elements, protein, and essential fats. No other food product has got these necessary substances in such high concentration and pressed together as nuts. Nuts are very nutrient and have been considered very important for many thousands of years. In China they are part of the five holy alimentary-products. In many Asian cuisines they are used daily in the preparation of food. Nuts hold mainly mono unsaturated fats and lots of vegetable substances that protect the fatty acids of oxidizing. Nowadays through the ultra low fat hysteria and the media regarding this have nuts become something for tree huggers and muesli fanatics. Low fat hysteria has called for the ban of all what is fat. “No fat is the best” while it is nonsense… Unsaturated fats are the best and the healthiest if they are kept as close as possible to the environment where they come from. Not for nothing were nuts labeled: student food as they really are good for the brain and the keeping going of the nervous system. However what’s new is that nuts are gaining again ground and are again considered supper foods containing everything the body needs in one small tasty package. Nuts without Lobbying There is no pocket filling patent for nuts, so no commercials are made about them, only produced sugar holding and fatty products are coming on TV or in the radio. That’s why nuts have gone out of popularity, they don’t bring enough… Nuts however have been investigated only recently and in these small packets are more then we would have expected. Nuts do NOT make FAT On the contrary, nuts give a full feeling for much longer through the protein content and the mono unsaturated fats. The protein sends a full feeling message to the brain, so the brain does not tell the body to eat more. The fibers release only slowly the energy so that the influx of energy goes steady and not too fast and in a constant stream. It takes hours before they are digested and keep at the same time the brain fit. This is in contrast with the vicious circle of: sugar holding snacks or fast carbohydrate rich foods that make the blood sugar level go up fast, for which insulin is needed that takes the sugar too fast out of the blood, with which the blood sugar levels go too much down again for which then again a sweet snack is needed or fast carbohydrates holding foods… a never ending story. A study with 34000 people has shown that nuts do not make fat on the contrary, those people eating nuts were considerably less fat then the others! Energy for the Nerves and the Grey Mass Our brain consists of 60% out of fat. One third of this fat is omega 3 fats, which walnuts hold a lot of. It’s exactly because of this omega 3 fats that the brain is speedy and conductible. Nuts Reduce Cholesterol and Heart and Blood Diseases Nuts do not have cholesterol in them. On the contrary NO natural oil or product holds cholesterol. It has also clinically proven that nuts help the bad cholesterol go down; this is thanks to the natural substances especially the group called phytosterines. Hemp seeds and walnuts hold on the nut kingdom the most omega 3 fatty acids. Nuts Hold the Best Unsaturated Fatty Acids Next to these fatty acids do they also hold vitamin E and natural substances which protect against oxidation. This is when nuts are eaten naturally, when in oil form it is possible that many of these substances are lost in the process. Nuts; a Lot of Unsaturated Fatty Acids Nuts have in essence a perfectly balanced fat combination of which most are mono unsaturated fats and almost no saturated fats. Nuts Diminish the Risk for Heart and Blood Diseases with 40 to 60% In many studies it has come out that the substances found in nuts have a special working against heart and blood diseases: Vitamin B and E Phytosterines Phenol Selenium Zink Copper Folic Acids The protein Arginin And the combination of the mono and poly unsaturated fats Some other substances which are contained within nuts have not yet been investigated… All these substances help with the floatability of the blood, the protection against oxidation, the diminishing of the bad cholesterol. In a study with around 150000 participants it has come out that nuts reduce the blood and heart diseases with 40 to 60%! Group Time Risk with daily intake of nuts 80000 Women 14 years Down 41% 30000 Men 6 years Down 52% 35000 Women 8 years Down 67% Nuts Reduce Heart Attacks – But How Do We Know This? It is in the time and the amount of people in the groups that have been investigated where the answer lies and how over time the food intake influences the health. All eating and living habits are drawn up for each individual in exactly the same way with exactly the same questions. If the scientists then see that one segment has got less heart attacks and they eat on a daily basis nuts even if they smoke, are thick or thin, drink alcohol or not, smoke or not, or whatever, then we can say its because of the nuts. As in these tests (and different ones came to the same conclusion) over time, it has clearly come out that the nuts kept on coming out as the source of less heart attacks. Tip: Nuts that taste bitter have gone sour; the fatty acids have oxidized and are bad for the body. Nuts should be kept in cool places (even the fridge) in airtight and dark paneled containers as light, air and heat and warmth help the fatty acids to oxidize. Especially walnuts belong in the fridge for storage. Nuts – Every Day Nuts can be eaten at all times of the day and many variant ways are there to enjoy them. Nuts as snack, in muesli or yoghurt for breakfast, as additions to certain dishes and especially as taste maker in Asian food stuffs, many ways there are to eat nuts. As pesto, roasted on salads and sharp or spicy dishes, many many applications for nuts in the gastronomy, and they can be used for sauces like peanuts in peanut sauce even they can be drunk; nut-milk and in bakeries as powder form for cookies and cakes. 3. Omega 6 Fatty Acids Linolic Fatty-Acids-Rich-Vegetable Oils – Too Much of the Good Stuff We eat too much omega 6 fatty acids! Poly unsaturated vegetable oils are necessary for the body and are healthy; In the commercial we see a healthy couple pouring lots of sunflower oil over the salad, they are happy and look very healthy,…the customer thinks: vegetable oil looks good-has low cholesterol-is healthy. However too much omega 6 fatty acids; which only came out of recent medical investigations show that they; can be harm-full for our health. Too Much Vegetable Oil Have a Negative Outworking on the Tissue Hormones Certain vegetable oils consist mainly out of omega 6 fatty acids, which are indicated in the contents as Linolic Fatty Acids. We eat nowadays 20 times more omega 6 then omega 3 fatty acids whereas the ideal would be 4 to 1, or even 1 to 1. A lot of vegetables hold on a balance of 1 to 1 omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. In most vegetable oils which are made from corn, sunflowers and thistle the balance goes up to 120 to 1. The balance is important in the production of tissue hormones. Tip: The balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids is very important in the production of tissue hormones. Even with an out of balance of 10 to 1 the production of tissue hormones is reduced with 50%. The omega 3 fatty acids are stopped by the omega 6 fatty acids and at a balance of 20 to 1 the production of these hormones is completely disturbed. Eat less omega 6 fat containing oils that’s already one step in the right direction. Influencing the Hormones Just by the intake of the right fatty acids one can influence the production of the tissue hormones. From the production of the right hormones it depends whether the human body stays longer fit and healthy or whether it will become weak and open for diseases. Tissue hormones influence a lot of chronic diseases: - auto immune diseases like rheumatisms, arthritis, lupus, coronary diseases, psoriasis, allergies, asthma - depressions and nervous diseases, Alzheimer and Dementia - Heart and Blood diseases, high blood pressure, heart attack, sticky blood plates, artery infections - Osteoporoses In order to stay long healthy and fit in body and soul it is important to reduce the omega 6 fatty acids and this way stimulate the tissue hormone production, the so called good EICOS, through eating more omega 3 fatty acids. Eicosaniode – the Right Balance is Important Even by just eating food in different places and at home the intake of omega 6 is more then enough as it is so widely used. Therefore is it important to reduce its use at home dramatically and to watch out what oils to use in the preparation of food at home. The most important is the balance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids in order to have a healthy production of tissue hormones. By taking away the vegetable salad oils holding omega 6 fatty acids and replacing them with omega 3 rich oils like flax oil, walnut oil and Canola oil, Colza oil or rape oil it is possible to bring the balance to 4 to 1. Some sunflower seeds are healthy; however our body is not made for the tons of vegetable oils produced out of them. The special cannabis oil has got the perfect balance of 3 to 1 omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. The rich in omega 3 oils are: Oil Balance Omega 6 to Omega 3 Flax oil 1 to 4 Canola Oil 2 to 1 Cannabis Oil 3 to 1 Walnut Oil 4 to 1 Wheat Germ Oil 6 to 1 Eicosanoides – the RNA of our Cells Eicosanoids are molecules of the fatty acid metabolism normally released temporarily in irritated tissue. There they act as inflammatory and wound healing factors by activating specific surface receptors of cells and proteins which regulate gene activity. Eicosanoids or our tissue hormones that cary the messages to our cells; are the regulators of the blood pressure, bloot production, immune system and as mentioned above they are active in inflamatory reactions. These eicos are active only for a very short time but are nescessary to sustain human life. The eating habits influence the production of these tissue hormones directly the intake of the right fatty acids provide for the building blocks of these hormones. Tip: Visit: Opposite Tissue Hormones From Fatty Acids The tissuehormones are responsible to give signals to the different cells in order to activate or deactivate many different functions. The different building blocks for these polarised hormones come either form omega 3 or omega 6 fatty acids and in many cases are they used for exactly the opposite workings. If in the case where the balance is 20 to 1 then one type of eicos is produced more then the other and gets them out of balance. Over the years certain chronic diseases can be the result: - An open wound needs to be closed, the tissue hormone number 2 made from omega 6 fatty acids is made that makes the blood thick and the wound closes, however too much of this hormone makes all the blood too thick and the blood doesn’t stream so good anymore. - The same hormone increases the blood pressure, this is ok in certain situations like stress, however a constant increased blood pressure is unhealthy if there are not enough eicos number 3 from omega 3 fatty acids that regulate the blood pressure down. - The eicos 2 activate the immune system and tell the attack cells to get rid of infected cells, however if this hormone is too much produced it will risk the immune system to go into auto immune diesease and have the risk of causing astma and allergies in which case the immunesystem turns agains the own healthy cells. This in turn can lead to rheuma, artritis, asthma, psoriasis and lupus. The omega 3 fatty acids which make eicos 3 reduce the activity of the immune system. Good To Know: From the vegetable fatty acids the body produces (indirect intake) the longer fat molecules AA from omega 6 and EPA from omega 3, they are the direct building blocks for the tissue hormones. From other foodstuffs (direct intake) comes AA from meats and EPA from fish. From these two substances are produced the tissue hormones or eicosanoides which have different and opposite workings. In the case one eats too much meat and oils containing omega 6 fatty acids the production of omega 3 eicos is reduced and in a balance of 10 to 1 even cut in half. This leads to chronic diseases. Essential Fats Diagram: Omega 6 Fatty Acids Omega 3 Fatty Acids Linolic Acids Alpha Linolic Acids Corn Oil, Thistle Oil, Sunflower Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Walnut Oil, Green Leafy Margarine, Deep-fry Oils Vegetables, Canola Oil AA EPA Meat, Eggs, Cheese, Pork Fat Fish, Seaweed Pig liver, liver sausage Eicosanoids 2 and 4 Eicosanoids 3 and 5 Thinning of the arteries and veins Opening of the arteries and veins To make higher the blood pressure to lower the blood pressure Make thick the blood Make thin the blood To influence the infection to stop the infection Activate messenger RNA and the Immune System Stops the Immune System and the Messenger RNA Fats and Eicos – the Metabolism - the program of the Evolution One can not expect with an altered fat intake of 20 to 1 omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids for the RNA and hormone system still to work properly. The necessary fatty acids are therefore more then just calories they are directly influencing the health and wellbeing of our bodies. During the evolution the balance has been around 1 to 1 or 1 to 4. It has never been 20 to 1; our bodies are not made for a high intake of omega 6 fatty acids. The building blocks of the tissue hormones are AA and EPA, AA is available in meat and EPA in fish; moreover is it then important to eat regularly fish instead of meat. The Japanese due to their high intake of fresh fish have the lowest heart attack rates in the industrialized world; they also have the highest life expectancy and the lowest amounts of auto immune diseases and arthritis. Omega 6 Vegetable Oils Do Not Diminish the Risk for Heart attacks As long believed would the use of vegetable oils reduce the blood fats and with that the risk for heart attacks, however recent studies have shown two bad aftereffects of omega 6 fatty acids: - They have a bad influence on the tissue hormones - They are not stable in the bloodstream like mono unsaturated fatty acids from olive oil It are exactly these rancid oxidized fatty acids the LDL that deposit themselves on the inside of the arteries and cause them to get blocked. The more omega 6 fatty acids the more the LDL transport ships can get rancid and oxidize. With olive oil the blood fat particles stay a lot more stable. As an example there is the country of Israel that has the highest intake of omega 6 fatty acids in the world, 8% more then the US and 12% more then in N Europe. Israel has a very high heart attack rate while it is a Mediterranean country. 300 Km further in Crete where a lot of olive oil and omega 3 fatty acids from fish are eaten the rate is 5 times less. And by the old Cretans that eat still very traditionally the rate of heart attacks is even 20 times less. Omega 3 fatty acids; ensure a good balance in the tissue hormones Olive oil ensures the stability of the blood fats. Vegetable Oil in the Media and Commercials Till now the working of vegetable oils and in particular the Linolic fatty acids from vegetable oils (omega 6 fatty acids) has still not been proven to have a good effect on the heart and blood diseases. The balance between Omega 6 and 3 should be maintained at a level of max 4 to 1 Omega 6 fatty Acids Short: - Linolic acids are essential fats and necessary or our cells - Linolic acids is a building block for the necessary tissue hormones By too much intake: - Influence the tissue hormones negatively - Prevent the use of omega 3 fatty acids - Renders the blood fatty acids open for oxidation - Works Inflammatory Influence on the blood fats: Good: diminishes the bad LDL Bad: In large quantities can also diminish the good HDL AA (Arachide Acids) the Meat Connection Poly arthritis finds its source in the way how the own immune system starts to attack our own healthy cells and causes them to get infected. These diseases are called auto immune diseases. The food intake is a direct source of these kinds of diseases; the Eskimos that eat hardly ever meat don’t know Rheumatism or Arthritis. The question is why? The answer is simple: the fats that meat and fish contain. Change More Often For Fish Meat holds a lot of AA, an omega 6 fatty acid. AA is the direct building block for the bad infection developing tissue hormones. For almost all auto immune diseases these hormones are too high. Fish on the other hand hold a lot of omega 3 fatty acids out of which the good tissue hormones are made. Auto immune diseases can be easily avoided through the intake of more omega 3 fatty acids. Chronic diseases are influenced through the long time intake of omega 6 fatty acids in too high quantities. What’s new is that by Arteriosclerosis, the thickening of the arteries, the tissue infections play a role also. 4 Million Germans Have Rheumatism The most typical form is Poly arthritis where the joints and knuckles are infected. This causes a lot of pain, swelling of the joints, difficulties in taking up things and moving normally around. 2500 years ago did Hippocrates already state that there must be a link between what we eat and the diseases we get, including Rheumatism. It’s only recently that this scientifically has been proven! Even though that a lot of Rheumatism patients complained from more pain and infections after having eaten meat and other products containing a lot of AA or omega 6 fatty acids. For this they would get then painkillers and other tablets that stop the infection messenger RNA. Nowadays we know that the AA in meat is the direct building blocks of the infection influencing RNA. But also linolic acid from vegetable oils is changed in the body to AA fatty acids which are also used in the production of infection influencing tissue hormones. Especially oils from corn, sunflowers and thistles are high in linolic acids. For auto immune disease patients, like rheumatism it is therefore better to avoid meat and vegetable oils containing lots of linolic acids, this way also gives the omega 3 fatty acids to get to work better. Fish Oil – Block the Production of Bad Eicos The best way to reduce the production of tissue hormones from AA is by eating a lot of fish, fish oil capsules, and Flax seed oil, especially the high concentrated fish oil capsules with omega 3 – fat EPA- the direct building block for the infection blocking hormones. By changing the diet this way, the production of bad infection influencing tissue hormones, can be reduced with 90%. For rheumatism patients, a doze of 2 to 3 grams of fish oil is used in therapeutic treatment. Less AA from meat and vegetable oils and more EPA from fish and flax oil is the best strategy against and in the treatment of rheumatism and other auto immune diseases. The Cells- The Fat Stocks Warehouses For The Tissue Hormones The process for the omega 3 fatty acids to get effective after having been eaten is rather slow; they first need to rebuild the cell structures and composition, and then it takes time for the omega 3 to group and get to the right places in the cell membranes and have pushed out all the other fatty acids. The cell membranes are the warehouses for the tissue hormone production. This whole process takes up to a couple of months until the right amount of omega 3 fatty acids is available and only then will the tissue hormone production change. This is why a good balanced diet with the right intake of the right substances is best when it is started early and maintained throughout the whole of the life! Eleven Studies Verify Less Pain From Arthritis Still some years ago doctors argued that something could be done about poly arthritis through a different food intake. Eleven separate studies have been conducted and it has been found out that fish oil capsules reduce the pains in patients with Poly Arthritis. For a period of 3 to 6 months the patients were given fish oil capsules or olive oil capsules without the doctors or the patients knowing what was what, in order not to influence the patients. The olive oil did not influence the tissue hormones, so there was no difference with these patients, but with the patients that got fish oil remarkable changes occurred: less stiff in the mornings, better grip, less swollen joints and less pain. The medication for these patients could be reduced after 3 months of taking the capsules. Do the test: Too much AA or not? Do you eat a lot of products from animals? Do you eat a lot of intestines, sausages, red meat? Do you eat a lot of fatty milk products? Do you eat a lot of linolicacid rich oils and margarines with lots of AA? People that should lower the AA intake Are you suffering from heart – blood – metabolism diseases? Do you have too high blood fats? Do you have an auto immune disease like arthritis, rheumatism or the likes? Margarine or Butter? More Commercial then Working Margarine in the old days was more like this rancid fat mix that looked like butter. Nowadays still too much margarine is eaten, hence this chapter. Margarine BEFORE: The 60ies, 70ies were the flower periods for the margarines; it was invented in the 20ies as a rancid tasting fat that could be held good for days and weeks in the trenches for the soldiers. The rancid taste comes from the hardening of poly unsaturated fatty acids in a process where the oils are heated for hours in a row at temperatures of 220 degrees and above. The rancid taste does not disappear completely anymore. The leftover chemically and physically changed mass is past able and can hold for weeks. Under the pressure of the cholesterol hysteria and the commercialization of this product came on the 50ies the margarine on all tables. Margarine found its way on the school bread of kids and was used even to fry food in, herewith oxidizing the last poly unsaturated fats in it. On top of this withheld the margarine from this era up to 40% of very damaging trans fatty acids or transitional fats. These transitional fats are actually worse then the saturated fats from butter, whereas it should be healthier and replace butter. Our bodies do not need these transitional fats, in fact it doesn’t recognize them as they are new fat molecules altogether. They increase the risk for diabetes and heart and blood diseases; they increase the LDL cholesterol (sticky) and lower the good HDL cholesterol (garbage removal). No other fat is therefore more fatal in its applications. Still nowadays these transitional fats are available in many products at high percentages. The Harvard study with the 80000 nurses showed that even with an intake increase of 30 grams a day the heart attack ratio went up with 50%! Only in the 80 became the knowledge that margarine not only tastes worse then butter it is also more damaging then butter. Back came the butter and the oil. So the food industry had to think of something new. Margarine NOWADAYS: The difference in taste between margarine and butter has disappeared. They taste very good nowadays. More important has the % of transitional fats been reduced. Some, good margarines have been produced differently and hold only 5% transitional fats. The harder the margarine the more transitional fats it contains. In diet margarine and reform margarine there are no transitional fats at all anymore. These special un-solidified margarines taste also the best. Un-solidified vegetable margarines are healthier then butter: - they contain a third of the saturated fats then butter, which is the main point - they contain no cholesterol - they contain 10 to 20 times more unsaturated fats then butter which lower the LDL cholesterol The recent margarines from olive oil and omega 3 oil have become better food products. They contain less omega 6 fatty acids. Good to Know: Saturated Fats / Mono Unsaturated Fats / Poly Unsaturated fats / Transitional fats / Cholesterol Butter 69% 24% 3% 4% 249mg Vegetable Margarine 30-40% Depends on 25-49% 2-19% / For Baking Producer/Brand Vegetable Margarine 25-35% Depends on 25-49% 2-6% / Producer/Brand Diet Margarine 20% Depends on 50% 0% / Producer/Brand The Way Liquid Oils Become Solid – How Many Changed fats do you Want? To eat wholesome foods that have been the least altered is the best for a good diet! The food industry has got laboratories where the natural food molecules are taken apart and under chemical processes are put back together. So how much of this does you want to have? There are three methods to solidify the natural vegetable oils: One result is always the increase in solid saturated fats to unsaturated fats, the oils. Method 1: The WORST method The oils are only partly solidified. Through the hardenings process (high heat over very long periods of time) are unsaturated fats turned into saturated fats. Even if the oil before the process contained 60 to 80 % unsaturated fats after the process there is only 25 to 50 % left of it. What is not controllable is the amount of new chemical fat molecules that are formed through the heating process. Amongst these the killer transitional fats and other unidentified new fat molecules. Method 2: In this method the chemical composition of the fat molecules is altered in order to render the oil solid. The whole fat molecules are taken apart and put together again in different combinations. Saturated fats are added and the melting point is increased. These way new molecules are created that our body does not recognize. Any side effects are not found yet, however the oil is still chemically altered. Almost all margarines in the supermarkets are made this way if they are not hardened. Method 3: Here the solid effect is reached by adding to solid palm fat vegetable oils. It is the most natural method of the three. This margarine also called reform margarine can never be hardened or made by the second method. The oils and their composition is not touched and stays the same. The Right Way to Buy Margarine Margarine with lots of poly unsaturated fatty acids is NOT suitable for frying and baking, they will get black, start to stink and smoke and oxidize. Oxidized fats are instable and will in the bloodstream affect other fat molecules and render them also unstable after which they will oxidize easier. For baking and frying the industry has got so called mass produced margarines that are so much altered that the melting point lies very high. They contain a lot of saturated fats and are very hard; indicating they contain a lot of transitional fats. Till 1994 the part of these transitional fats was still up to 30 % which is now brought back to 5%. Vegetable margarine: Read the label on the container: partly hardened margarine we buy NEVER. The process needs to be indicated, otherwise when not it will always be one of the bad methods mentioned above. All vegetable margarines have only omega 6 fatty acids in them which disturb the tissue hormone production. Diet Margarine: Needs to contain more then 50% of poly unsaturated fats, no transitional fats are allowed and in comparison with butter only a third of the saturated fats and 10 to 20 % poly unsaturated fats more. She has not been hardened; it is made through molecule changes or by mixing in natural solid palm oils. This margarine contains too much omega 6 fatty acids and hardly any omega 3 fatty acids; 100 to 1. Reform Margarine: A past able emulsion of natural oils and fats without any chemical reactions or heat, making that there are no changes to the natural oils. Also no conservatives or colorants but it contains still too much omega 6 fatty acids. Full Margarine: For bio freaks are made with the best oils from cold pressing without any chemicals for aiding the extraction of the oils, also the seeds or oily fruits used are bio products. Hard margarines are just simply bad, they are even worse then butter. For baking would be the best to use olive oil or Rape oil. The Increasing or Decreasing Effects of Different Fats on LDL Cholesterol: Decrease: First: natural fatty nuts like walnuts: decrease LDL Second: vegetable oils Decrease LDL Third: dietary margarines, but they still hold more saturated fats then the oils they are made of Neutral to Bad: Fourth: Partly hardened margarine with about 6% transitional fats have little positive working Increase: Butter: worsens the veins and blood fat composition through the saturated fats Margarine for baking: full of transitional fats and saturated fats change the blood fat composition negatively and are even worse then butter. More Omega 3 Fatty Acids and More Mono Unsaturated Fats The worst point about margarines is the high content of omega 6 fatty acids; some with a balance of 60 and 100 to 1. The ideal margarine would hold more omega 3 less omega 6 and more mono unsaturated fats. Olive oil mono unsaturated fat decreases the blood fats, same as other vegetable oils, however it has two advantages: - it does not influence the tissue hormones - it is very stable in the arteries and veins and does not oxidize as fast as omega 6 Modern Margarines – Omega 3 Margarine: the Best Choice “Vita quell” omega 3 margarine contains omega 3 fatty acids from seaweed, rape seed oil and flax oil. The balance omega 6 to 3 is 5 to 1; it contains more mono unsaturated fats. Olive Oil Margarine- the Mediterranean on the Table “Olima” von Eden and “m’Olivo “from Vita quell contain 50 to 60% mono unsaturated fatty acids from olive oil. They contain vitamin E which keeps the blood fats stable. 100 gr. m’Olivo contains 80 mg. vitamin E, that’s 10 times more then olive oil itself. Rape Oil Margarine – The Ideal Fat Combination The ideal fat combination: 60 to 70% mono unsaturated fats, 7% omega 3 fatty acids, in fact the same combination as the Cretans. This margarine is already quite popular in the US and Australia, N Europe will follow soon. Margarine with Phytosterine – Vegetable Products against High LDL Becel Pro Active contains only 50% fat then normal margarines and has a balance omega 6 to 3 of 7 to 1 on top are phytosterines added natural substances that can reduce the LDL with 10 to 15%. Phytosterines are available in many nuts. They make for less absorption of cholesterol in the body. Butter or Margarine – The blood Fats Thank You 20% of the saturated fat intake in N Europe comes from butter. Just by eliminating the butter we reduce the intake of saturated fat by 20 %. If on top of this we do not replace it with margarine but other pastes or olive oil it becomes even better, low fat cream cheese or pesto. Up to 11% can the bad LDL be decreased, just by changing from butter to a good margarine. In over 20 studies on the use of butter and margarine by men it has come out that the use of margarine can reduce the chances for a heart attack by 10%. Margarine- More Commercial then Effect 10% is not a lot in comparison to the 30 to 40% of effect on the reduction of heart attack risk that can be reached with the intake of vitamin E, nuts, fish, omega 3 oils. Only by eating daily walnuts the risk can be reduced with 30 to 40%. By adopting Mediterranean eating habits the risk can even be reduced to 70%. The effect of margarine on the heart and blood diseases has been highly exaggerated by advertising. The main plus is margarine reduces the intake of saturated fats then butter. The thing is that margarines are still not natural products and a lot in the processing of these margarines on natural substances is lost. With a lot of advertising tam-tam it is then put back inside. Best thing, no butter or margarine at al, use olive oil to dip the bread and to bake, use other different oils for salads and dressings, it’s a lot healthier then all this chemical mixes whatever the media says. Mediterranean Eating Habits - A Lot More Successful Olive oil, olive paste, pesto, hummus, nut-paste, avocado crème, low fat cream cheese are all a lot better then any margarine or butter. 4. Vegetable Omega 3 Fats Alpha – Linolic Acids of Which the Body Needs More In the village of Campodimele, people live the longest in the world. There are more people above 80 and even 90 and even people above 100 years then anywhere else in the world. In N Europe people (men) have a life expectancy of on average 74 years of age. On the isle of Crete there are also very big amounts of long living people and they have the lowest heart attack risk rate in Europe, So is it the genes, the sun, the nice relationships with the family and friends, is it the easy going life? The genes it is not as the descendants that left for the cities in N Europe and started eating and drinking like there got as much problems as the other N Europeans with heart and blood diseases. Studies have pointed out that the only grounds for this phenomenon is the food intake. Olive oil, fish, good bread, lots of fruit and vegetables, olives and nuts and the intake of green leafy vegetables as-well as red wine are all parts of the diet in these areas, supplying it with the right mono unsaturated fatty acids, alpha-linolic acids and lots of natural substances and anti oxidants, whereas the N Europeans take in to their bodies very different things, influencing this way the sensitivity for cancer, heart and blood diseases and diabetes. Cretans Hardly Know Heart Attacks In the blood particles of the Cretans it came out that they hold a lot more omega 3 fatty acids. These omega 3 fatty acids come from green leafy vegetables, wild plants and herbs and from meat and eggs of animals that have not been fed in stables but have been wondering around in the fields and woods. The omega 3 fatty acids from fish and seaweed are the reason why the Japanese know so little cases of heart attacks. The Japanese also eat omega 3 rich rape oil and soy oil that also has a higher omega 3 content. The Lyon Heart Study: 74% less Heart Attacks If it’s not the genes, the stress less life, the climate, then it must be the food intake, and exactly that was tested, the Lyon-Heart-Study was conducted and the results let the pharmaceutical industry flabbergasted. 606 patients, who had suffered already a heart attack, took part in the study. They were divided into two groups. The one group continued to eat the normal regular N European food whilst the other group changed the food intake to a Mediterranean one with more fruit and vegetables, more olive oil, fish and rape oil, rape oil margarine. Only four years later has the second group already 74% less deaths due to heart attacks then the other group, such a difference was never before recorded in a heart and blood study. Blood fat reducing medicines on average reduced the death rate by heart attacks only by 22 to 24 %. Mediterranean Eating Culture Healthy and Tasty Even in people that have already blood and heart diseases the Mediterranean eating habits show a positive impact. Most patients of the second group did not change back to the N European eating habits after the testing period. Mediterranean Eating Habits – Less Killer Fats, More Good Fats The fat intake from the test was altered in the Mediterranean fat intake. The patients were given good, healthy fats instead of killer fats. Fit with Fat! The exercise existed in changing the wrong fats to the right fats and not necessarily less fat. This way the food was changed: - 80% less omega 6 rich vegetable oils - Less AA fatty acids from meat and sausages - 7% more omega 3 fatty acids through oils like rape oil - Less saturated fats; less meat, sausage, cheese and completely taken out were; butter, cream and rich milk products, instead more light feathery birds, chicken sausages and light milk products - Only olive oil and rape oil, both consist of 70% mono unsaturated fatty acids and butter was changed with rape oil margarine - More fruit and vegetables - More cereals and fiber rich food products The way Mediterranean Food Works Good to know: Mediterranean Effects What to Eat? Food – Health Factors Less Saturated Fats Decreases the bad LDL Less Meat, Sausage, Cheese, Cholesterol Butter Less Omega 6 Fatty Acids Less Bad Tissue Hormones Les or no Linolic Acid rich From Omega 6 Fatty Acids Vegetable Oils The Blood fats are less Vulnerable for Oxidation More Mono Unsaturated Fats Reduces the bad LDL More Olive Oil Rape Oil Cholesterol, Renders the Nuts Blood fats more stable against Oxidation More Omega 3 Fatty acids Renders the blood more More Flax Oil, Walnut Oil, Liquid and less sticky, Hempseed Oil, Rape Oil More good tissue hormones and Rape Oil Margarine Less Infection Messenger More Leafy Green Vegetables RNA from bad tissue More Fish Hormones More Fiber Reduce bad LDL More Whole Wheat Products Cholesterol Vegetables and Fruits Unrefined and Unpeeled, Sometimes raw More Vitamins, Natural Protect the blood fats from Whole-wheat products Substances, Spore-Elements Oxidation Fruits and vegetables Omega 3 Fatty Acids – We All Need Them In the Lyon-Heart-Study the patients did have blood and heart diseases, however when tests were done by 76000 healthy nurses the findings were astounding; the change to alpha linolic acids was very successful. The omega 3 fatty acids came from soy oil in mayonnaise and from dressings with omega 3 rich oils. After 10 years to conclusion was a reduction in heart attacks of 43% for those that used the most omega 3 fats from Alpha-Linolic Acids. Alpha-Linolic Acids – Where to Find? Our eating habits have changed so much that we do not get a natural intake from omega 3 fats anymore, most products have gone out of fashion or have disappeared entirely; nuts, wild plants and fruits, meat from game (not from the farm), wild sea-fish ( not cultivated), green leafy vegetables. Because of this extra omega 3 fatty acids need to be added to the normal food intake of nowadays, if one does not have the means to change the own eating habits. The easiest way is through the consumption of flax oil. It is pressed from flax seeds and holds the most Alpha-Linolic Acids. Walnuts and Rape oil are also very good sources. Good to know: Alpha-Linolic Acid Rich Balance Omega 6 / Omega 3 Food Stuffs (mg per 100g) Flax oil 55300mg (Dutch: VlasZaadOlie) 1 / 4 Pure omega 3 source Flax seeds 16400mg 1 / 4 THE best source of omega 3 and natural substances Rape Oil 8600mg (Dutch: KoolzaadOlie) 2 / 1 The IDEAL OIL; high concentration of mono unsaturated fats and omega 3 fat Hemp seed oil 19000mg (Dutch: HennepzaadOlie) 3 / 1 Has been in use for 100rds of years and has a very nutty taste Walnut Oil 13400mg (Dutch: WalnotenOlie) 4 / 1 The pure taste maker Walnuts 7000mg 4 / 1 Potent package holding: anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fats From all nuts they hold the most omega 3 fatty acids Wheat Germ Oil 8900mg (Dutch: Tarwekiemolie) 6 / 2 The oil with the most vitamin E, ideal for good stability of the unsaturated fats Soy oil 7600mg (Dutch: Soya Olie) Good source still for omega 3 but too much omega 6, Rape oil would be better How to Keep the Cell Walls Fit and Healthy? Blocked Cell Membranes and the Transport of Sugar The transport of sugar in the cells will tell us how important it is to change the oil intake; the cell walls are constructed of many different fats. When there are too many transitional fats, saturated fats and sticky solid fats in the cell walls, the transportation in and out of the cells becomes more and more difficult because of this burden. The nicest example is sugar. When the sugar cannot be absorbed in the cells the blood sugar level stays too high, if this stays on for a long period of time one can get diabetes or sugar disease. The hormone insulin regulates the sugar transport and the absorption of sugar in the cells. The latest research has found out that it is a lot easier for the insulin to anchor on the cells if the cell walls consist more out of fluid, permeable, unsaturated fats are in the cell membranes. The insulin job is rendered very difficult when the cell membranes hold too many saturated, cloggy, thick fats. This causes the overproduction of insulin in order to do the same job. The pancreas needs to produce too much insulin on a long term basis and can become sick, this is when diabetes develops. Unsaturated Fats against Diabetes The positive influence of unsaturated liquid fats in the cell membranes on the function of insulin is the reason why two separate studies come to the conclusion that the diabetes risk is decreased when more liquid (unsaturated) oils are used in the food. One study showed that by 35000 women the risk for diabetes was reduced by 20% when eating more unsaturated fats. And by the 84000 nurses it has come out over a period of 14 years that the diabetes risk was reduced by 25% when using a lot of unsaturated fats. Those that kept one eating a lot of transitional fats had an increase in the risk for diabetes of 35%. Olive oil and rape oil are ideal to keep the 70 billion cells we have fit and healthy and permeable! Oil Change and Diabetes In the study with the 85000 nurses it was possible to measure the impact of an oil change. Only 2% less transitional fats (thick blubber) changed with 2% more liquid unsaturated fats brought back the risk for diabetes with 40%. And if only a bit of the saturated fats from animals is diminished and exchanged with unsaturated fats the risk is brought back to 35%. So get rid of the butters and margarines full of transitional and saturated fats and eat more unsaturated fats from olive oil, rape oil etc. Good to Know: Unsaturated fats diminish the risk for diabetes. Participants/ Time Frame Less Diabetes Risk Study 35000 Women 11 years 20% less risk for the ladies that ate the most unsaturated fats against those That ate the least unsaturated fats 84000 Women 14 years 25% between those that ate the most unsaturated fats and those the least unsaturated 40% Reduction in risk when 2% transitional fats Are exchanged with 2% unsaturated fats Health Info: The effect of omega 3 (Alpha-Linolic Acids) - Holds the building blocks for the good tissue hormones - Is effective in the blocking of infections - Renders the blood more liquid - Reduces heart and blood diseases - Makes the cell membranes more permeable and transport active - Reduces the risk for diabetes Influence on the blood fats - Reduces the bad LDL - Leaves the good HDL untouched - Reduces Triglycerides The Fat Content on the Food Labels tells us nothing It tells nothing about the quality of the fats inside of the food. What is important is to know exactly which fats are inside of the product. Hemp Seed (Cannabis Seed) Oil – Omega 3 Fatty Acids from the Oldest Cultured Plant The cannabis plant has been known to man for may 1000ds of years and was used in the medicinal industry from China to Germany. The psycho-active substances only come from the blossoms and not from the seeds. The balance omega 6 to omega 3 fats is 3 to 1 and therefore is one of the top oils holding omega 3 fatty acids. Hemp is a nut not a seed actually and the oil has a very nutty taste to it. As the oil oxidizes easily it is best kept in a dark bottle in the fridge. It is good as dressing or as an addition to hot dishes and is not good for baking or frying. Special: An Oil Change that Does Good to the Body; Flax Seed Oil: Omega 3 Power Complement for Every Day One teaspoon of Flax oil a day is sufficient to cover the daily intake of Alpha-Linolic Acids, of which we all need daily a bit more. The human body needs the Alpha Linolic Acids, these building blocks out of which the EPA is produced in order to produce the right kind of tissue hormones. In fish is this EPA directly available. From 11 g. of Flax Oil, the body can produce 1 gr. of EPA. After using the oil for a couple of months the cells will have a nice omega 3 content which can then be maintained through a normal diet and a salad dressing with flax oil from time to time. The tissue hormone production will stabilize and the long omega 3 molecules will be produced which are good for the brain and the nervous system. Flax oil is one of the most important food compliments one can take to the body, the most important is not to take too much of it; BALANCE is everything! How to Buy and Store Flax Oil? Flax oil is very sensitive for light, temperature and air it oxidizes fast. For the food industry it is therefore not interesting, for the body it is however very good. Look at the “to consume by date”, 3 to 4 months minimum. Take the ones available in Reform Stores or Bio Stores, the oil should come from a dark place and preferably the fridge. Always keep it in the fridge. The best oils are pressed under vacuum and without any light. Flax oils can differ in taste from brand to brand. Good oils should taste like the plant it comes from. Tipp: Flax Oil: only for cold dishes, and keep it in the fridge, next to this once the bottle is opened use it as fast as possible. Special: The Omega 3 Kitchen In order to keep the flax oil full of the omega 3 fats it should never be used for baking or frying. To create extra taste effects Flax oil can be used in soups and as dressings either pure or mixed with other ingredients like in low fat cream cheese on top of a potato in the skin. Its ideal in dressings mixed with lemon juice and balsamic vinegar or with some olive oil. In dressings with yoghurt and mustard it creates a special effect. It mixes also nicely with other oils there the taste is very intense, like with Wheat germ oil or olive oil. It will increase the amount of omega 3 fats in the oils and add to the taste experience. Special: Crushed flax seeds and fiber – A good digestion, Omega 3 Fats and a Precaution against Cancer Flax seeds hold lots of fibers that are good for the intestines. Lignin is a natural substance that is active against cancer and which is available in the flax seeds. At the same time one gets an intake of omega 3 fats. It is ideal in yoghurt and in the muesli. They can also be used to bake cakes and cookies; some of the fibers can reduce the amount of cholesterol. It can very easily be added to the normal flour used for baking. Tips: - Add 10 to 15% ground flaxseeds to the flour - You can reduce the other fats or butters due to the high fat content of the flaxseeds - Use Rape oil instead of sunflower oil or butter by the baking of bread or cakes, rape oil holds mono unsaturated fats and additional omega 3 - Bake the cakes or bread with a temperature 25 degrees less and shorter time as the flax seed mix will become faster brown - When using yeast, use 25% more yeast Interview with Dr. Michel de Lorgeril Mediterranean Eating Habits and Heart and Blood Diseases Dr. de Lorgeril was the scientist that conducted the Lyon-Heart study on 600 plus heart attack patients, where they changed in one half the food intakes to a Mediterranean food intake. The results are also discussed in previous chapters. What is important to know is that the fats in the blood do not necessarily need to be reduced but changed. The right balance between the different cholesterols, omega 3, omega 6, AA, EPA etc are of great importance on how our body and blood structure is kept fit and healthy. Oils and Oil Production Discover the tastes of the different kind of oils and become an oil connoisseur! High-grade oils are fireworks of tastes. The different tastes of the different oils can be as exciting as the opening of a good bottle of wine. But not all oils are suited for all dishes. They can make or break a dish or give a dish the extra kick it needs... Hazelnut oil on pasta… Pistachio nut oil on a risotto… Walnut oil on a salad… Olive oil to dip the bread… Different olive oils with different tastes from different regions and countries can vary in taste like the alphabet is long. Good oils taste like the fruits and seeds they come from; they carry the aroma from where they come. It’s because of this variety in tasted that the people in the Mediterranean have adopted a diet with the use of many different good oils. And the gastronomy has followed suit. Bad oils with almost no taste are therefore a disgrace for the body and the taste buds. For Noble Oils there is only Little Production The production of a native, cold pressed, high quality, unrefined oil is many times little sometimes even less the n 50%. That’s why they are more expensive the refined mass produced oils. Good nut oil can cost as much as a bottle of port wine, but the impact of this oil on a dish, a salad or a drop in the soup are worth every penny! The production process is determining the quality; it determines how much of the aromas, natural substances, vitamins, minerals, spore elements are left in the oil, good for the consumer to know then how the oils in the supermarket are produced. Oil Production – Caution is everything when looking for Quality 1. Heated raw materials; 80% of cheap oils are produced by pulverizing the seeds and heating them for hours at 120 degrees. The cell structures break up and the oils come out easier. Most cheap oils are produced like this. The omega 3 fats oxidize, the natural substances disappear and the raw materials oxidize, leaving nothing but a lot of fat and omega 6. The only oils in mass production that are not won like this are oils from oil rich fruits like olives and avocados. 2. Extraction; is done by adding chemicals that loosen the oils in the grains or nuts or they are mechanically pressed. This pressing is the best way and there are different ways of pressing oils out of the fruits, nuts or seeds. The optimal way; is by extraction with the mechanical press under low temperatures (cold) and in a vacuum; the omega 3 fats oxidize very easily when they get in touch with light, temperature and air. Especially flax oil that holds up to 56% omega 3 needs to be extracted under the best of circumstances. The best way to get the oils in the bottles is cold pressed under vacuum, in a dark room and with a special gas that has an anti oxidation working so the oil goes completely un-oxidized and pure in the bottles, which are dark to protect from any light and sealed airtight. The best oil available in Germany is: “Oxyguard Lein Ol” from the brand Rapunzel. Low Temperature / Low Pressure; for all other oils it is very important that during the extraction the temperature goes not above 40 degrees centigrade. The higher the pressure the higher the temperature; when using less pressure however the extraction is less, more fruits, nuts or seeds are necessary for less oil. The advantage however is that the omega 3 fatty acids are kept in the oil. The measure has been put forward by the regulatory institutions that the oil seeds should not get higher temperatures during extractions then what they undergo in the sun whilst still on the fields. High Temperature / High Pressure; the large industrial oil extraction plants have methods to heat the raw materials up to 95 degrees centigrade under pressure. There is no way any omega 3 fats are still in these oils afterwards. During these processes some free fatty acids are produced and unfamiliar tastes which in further processing need to be filtered out again. Extraction with Dissolvent From the leftover pulp after the first pressing sometimes the leftover oils are still extracted. This is done with the aid of gasoline or other dissolvent agents. They are mixed with the pulp and then heated to 150 degrees centigrade after pressing in order for them to evaporate out of the oils again. It has a bad quality this oil and needs still more procedures to get it filtered and made neutral. These oils are mixed with good vegetable or olive oils to get a passable taste in the end. This practice however is done even with quality oils under the name of being native or extra virgin oils. The truth however is that the dissolvent agents the rests of these are always left in whatever quantities in the oils. What the industry tries to tell us it is still a chemical unnatural process and these oils are therefore not good. All good elements are anyway gone. Refining – the chemical cleaning of the Oils Through temperature, pressure and dissolvent agents arise different by-products and bad smells; to be accurate these are oxidized and rancid fats, transitional fats, spoiled natural elements and bitter agents. These substances are then filtered through chemical processes out of the oil. These chemical processes degenerate even further the oils to colorless, tasteless and useless fats: - De-acidification; free fatty acids are removed through aggressive sodium hydroxide solution - Whitening; color pigments are removed like beta carotene and chlorophyll; the oil is heated to 90% centigrade and with aluminum silicates and active coals filtered, in this phase however are also the omega 3 and 6 fatty acids affected and they are reduced the harmful side products; like fat radicals and adjoined fatty acids. These substances cannot be taken out of the oils and can be traced in a laboratory. - De-odorizing; through high temperature (200 degrees) for 30 to 60 minutes are the last of the taste and smell substances evaporated. A tasteless, odor less, smell less oil fat actually is left over, which by the way is still a vegetable or natural fat… Through the high temperatures in the last phase some transitional fats and hardened fat molecules are formed. Mono Unsaturated Oils as BASE Oils from olives and avocados are the least refined as the extraction through pressing goes very easy. Both oils are all-purpose oils and can easily be heated. The omega 3 rich rape oil through its high content of mono unsaturated fats can also be used for heating; the omega 3 fatty acids are unfortunately lost in the process. Oils from nuts are very noble and expensive and have the nicest aromas, they should however not be used for heating. The natural substances and other products inside would go lost when heating them and the aroma will become different. Omega 3 Rich Oils as Complement Omega 3 rich oils are the perfect addition to the salad dressings made form other oils like olive oil or soy oil. Flax oil, walnut oil and wheat germ oil have very intense aromas and are ideal to be added to cold dishes just to give the extra tone. Aromatizing Oils - The Summer Aromas in a Bottle Through oils, the nice aromas from many different herbs, citrus and garlic can be stored. These aromas are gasses that are almost all of them soluble in fat they would dissolve and disappear too fast when stored in wine or vinegar. The oils are perfectly suited to hold the aromas for longer periods of time. Through aromatizing the oils with herbs one can easily have a smell of summer on the plate in the middle of the winter. Through adding the herbs in the cold oils and leaving them in the fridge of r weeks or months the oils soluble aromatic substances are diluted in the oil and so the oil gets the aroma of the herb within. Tipp: Aromatic oils are best made in small quantities. Water holding taste makers like basil or pepper mint need to dry a day or two first. Garlic oil should be kept in the fridge and needs to be used in two or three weeks. Rosemary, thyme or chili are easily added to the oil and then stored in a cool and dark place. 5. Long Molecular Structured Omega 3 Fats DHA – Life-long Building Blocks for Nerves and Brain Our Brains Consist of 60% FAT The human brain is superior in all ways to the most powerful computer, it can use intelligence, save data, extract date, create date, put things together, it makes feelings possible and many things more and all this most of the time whilst controlling all our movements and internal activities… Our complete body is a neurological and integrated network of muscles and bones, intestines and nervous system, perfectly balanced towards each other. No match for any machine. As of our birth we have 100 billion neurons, 60 % of our grey mass is fat; it needs very special fats, 30% of these are the special omega 3 – DHA fats. Fats have therefore a great influence on the capabilities of our brains. There is no other building block in the body that can influence so many things at the same time; our long term capabilities, our intelligence, our capability to learn, our capability to have feelings like depressions and aggression etc. These building blocks need to be permanently available to regenerate our brains and nervous system. Omega 6 fatty acids are plenty full available; the omega 3 fatty acids however are less and less taken into the body. Too much omega 6 and too much transitional fats are causing the omega 3 production into DHA to be disturbed. For long did the medicinal world believe that the brain did not continue to grow as of a certain age and it was even believed it would shrink. This is wrong. Our brains keep in growing and expanding till the end. It might loose in weight but it continues to reticulate. Each neuron can build up to 20000 synapses in order to combine different experiences. Learning processes are constant processes of neurons that network with each other and ramify on a continuous basis amongst one another. For each new ramification and contact certain fatty acids are needed, as only these fats are capable of guiding electric impulses at the optimal speed of 300 km/h. These new synapses are build till good old age but only when the brain is kept active by holding the body fit with physical and mental activities and by doing things by ourselves and in groups. These fatty synapses are the reason why only after a certain time and age the experiences are translated into use-full information, they take time to build and get interlinked with each other. In the new connections sits the real thinking process and learning. One becomes experienced and intelligent that is: one becomes networked in the brain. One becomes old when the stream of new experiences stops and explanations gradually fail and one only looks back at networks that have been building already. In order to stay mentally fit one needs to seek permanently new experiences and learn new things all the time. Brain Exercises – New Connections for You To be old means how old you feel and how much you still challenge yourself. To challenge means to get new connections in the brain. It’s thanks to new questions, experiences and impressions that our brains grow. The grown and fitness of the brain was tested with old, bored mice. They were taken out of their cages and placed in a fantasy land for mice where lots of new experiences waited for them. After several months the mice were behaving more active and younger. Their reactions were faster, they solved problems easier and they were better then the younger mice of the same breed. When conducting the dissection it became clear that the little brains had grown in amount of synapses and connections between the neurons in-spite of the age of the mice. For us humans this means we need to stimulate the brain on a constant basis by learning, getting new experiences and being creative. Without sense for new discoveries our brains get tired. AND offer the brain the right building blocks to do what it’s supposed to do: network! High – Unsaturated Fats Make for the Best Communication The best fatty acids for the brain are the high-unsaturated fatty acids that are the reason behind fast communication and flow of information in the brain. Especially DHA is in this process active. A certain frequency in the brain called p300 that communicates information very fast is particularly involved in the process of fast learning and the making of thoughts. When getting older the speed of this frequency diminishes. To find out if the DHA influences the frequency p300 24 adults where taken for tests; their brain frequencies were measured. After having taken DHA the frequency was measured again and it had clearly increased. A study with animals showed the following; from sunflower oil the body can produce AA but not DHA. Mice that were fed solely on sunflower oils were very slow in solving certain problems in contrast with animals from the same breed that were fed with omega 3 fatty acids form which DHA can be produced. Eat more DHA – Rich Fish specially when getting Old or Studying In order to get good measures of thinking and learning it’s important to feed one self with the right foods over many years if one wants to be at the top of the bill. When eating a typical North European diet not enough DHA rich foods are taken into the body, which when growing old will lead to insufficient DHA fats for the brain. In a study of 1100 65 year old men the blood was checked for DHA. In the following 9 years 64 men became dement, those men with the lowest DHA in the blood had an increased risk of 160% to get problems with the intellectual abilities or dementia. In another study in Holland, older men were followed for 10 years; those men that ate the most or more DHA – fat rich fish were less frequently suffering from diminished capabilities of the brain. The brain synapses use from all cells in the body the most DHA. We need these building blocks in order to keep our brains highly functional and for it to build the very complicated structures. More DHA from fatty fish gives the body the right brain fat. Fish Oils and Alzheimer In the famous “Framingham” study, with the 1133 patients it came out that those suffering from Alzheimer had in comparison half of the amounts of DHA in the blood then the others. Those people that had lower levels of DHA in the blood had higher risks of getting Alzheimer in the next 10 years and they had a four times higher risk of scoring lower in brain capability tests, Fatty fish and fish in general hold the DHA that older people cannot produce themselves anymore in the body out of omega 3 fatty acids and helps herewith to keep the brain fit and the degeneration process to be slower. Tipp: DHA makes intelligent and happy. It’s the building blocks for the grey mass. Through DHA can we keep our abilities to learn and concentrate. DHA is capable of breaking the degeneration process in the brain and keep depressions at bay. Especially the elderly, the pregnant, kids, those with depressions, vegetarians, babies, young kids, adolescents and those with stress need a lot of DHA form the food intake: - Eat twice a week fatty sea-fish - Or substantiate with fish oil capsules, they hold per capsule 120 mg DHA DHA – Building Blocks with Supply Problems At all times of our lives we renew our synapses in the brain and regenerate it at a constant pace. How good one learns or how well a person remembers depends from the fat composition of our brains. DHA is highly concentrated in the synapses. When getting old the auto production capabilities of DHA from Alpha – Lynolic Acids in the body diminishes. The transitional fats and a large amount of omega 6 fatty acids block the production process of DHA. At all times in life should we give our brain what it needs. The brain reacts very easily on a fat change or a disturbance in the balance. The older we get the more we need to get the DHA out of the food intake. DHA is essentially available in fatty sea fish which the Japanese eat a lot. It is important to change minimum one time a week a meat meal to a fatty fish meal. Transitional Fats – The wrong Fats for the Brain When there is not enough DHA in the blood the brain takes other fats to replace them. This way it can happen that transitional killer fats find their way in places in the brain exactly there where DHA needs to be sitting as it is the best fat for the communication in the brain. So stay away form deep-fried stuffs, margarines with hardened oils, chips, any deep fried food stuffs like chips, crusted goods and cakes with lots of fat inside. Especially should mothers that are breastfeeding watch out; in a study with 195 Canadian women was found that these transitional fats from the regular food intake came straight through in the mother milk and like this straight into the baby and into the growing little brains. DHA against Aggressions The brain fat DHA influences the human emotions and behavior. The kids from nowadays get more and more aggressive. The reasons could be discussed but are not always to be found in what the child watches on TV or which education it gets; it could very easily be a problem in the metabolism in the brain and the nerves. In studies it has come out that children with lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids in the blood were often more aggressive and they had learn and concentration difficulties. In treatments with alpha – lynolic acids and DHA did the aggression, hyperactivity, mood-swings, and learning difficulties diminish after a couple of months. Some parents spoke about a child exchange, that they got even new personalities. DHA against Stress During periods of stress the brain uses a lot of DHA, which in the worst cases could lead to aggressive behavior. Against these aggressions during stress DHA use shows tremendous effects. In many tests has this been one of the findings; in one with 41 male and female participants the aggressions were tested in a psychological test. In the following 6 months one group was given DHA capsules and the other normal soy oil, what they did not know. After the six months during the examination period the tests were done again. In the group with the DHA did the aggression and the nervousness come down with 13% whereas the group with soy oil it increased with 56%. DHA Against Depressions – Fish Makes Happy! In regions where a lot of fish is eaten, people in general are happier. Even with less or almost no sunshine do the Eskimos not know depressions, and they are not suicidal. They do not know the “winter-blues” or mood changes through failing sunlight. The oil change in the brain plays a bigger and bigger role when it comes to depressions. The Japanese eat 15 times more omega 3 fatty acids then the Americans and statistics have shown that the Japanese have ten times less depressions then the Americans. When growing older the possibility to make DHA in the body diminishes through this the depression rate at older ages of the population increases; 44% of the elder in America suffer from depressions whilst the fish eating Japanese only have 2%. DHA makes Happy! In 1995 a study was conducted on the inhabitants of a Japanese fisher’s village by a team of psychologists. Not one case of depression could be found. In America however has the grade in the number of depressions and the diminishing intake of omega 3 fatty acids over the last 80 years multiplied with a factor 100. In the US 500000 kids are given medicine against depression. In the depressed blood has been found lower levels of DHA, especially the youngsters still get enough omega 3 fatty acids to make DHA. Also the omega 6 from meat and the transitional fats from junk food block the production of DHA. The use of DHA in cases of depression is still standing nowhere or at least they have started studies in the field, in the medicinal world. Anyway, one thing is clear DHA plays an enormous role in our nervous system and the brain. Eat therefore some more fish, it doesn’t harm anyway! Eat More DHA When You Have More Often a Stiff Drink Between 40 and 50% of all alcoholics suffer from depression. Nowadays we know that alcohol is one of the only substances that can reduce the DHA in the brain. When consuming lots of alcohol for long periods of time this happens more often; hence do lots of alcoholics loose their mental sharpness as the synapses in the brain do not have enough DHA at their disposal. Through animal tests it has become clear that even small amounts of alcohol can cause the destruction of the DHA. Because of this, pregnant women that drink alcohol will get children with brain deficiencies; the first 90% of the brain is made in the first 9 months of our lives. Alcohol also blocks the production of DHA form omega 3 fatty acids. For people that drink regularly it is essential they get more DHA out of the food intake, they should eat often fatty sea fish. Health Info: DHA – High Unsaturated Omega 3 Fat 30% of the brain is DHA. It’s important in the production and composition of our neurons and synapses in the brain. DHA influences the speed of our thinking and the speed in the transportation of electro impulses. It helps the learning and concentration capabilities to get better. DHA from Cold Water Fish – The More the Better The omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for the calling of fish as healthy food products. The DHA is highly concentrated in coldwater fish and seaweed. The omega 3 fats that only freeze at temperatures of minus 40 find the ideal living places in areas with very cold water. The colder the water the higher the concentration in coldwater fish and seaweed is of omega 3 fats – DHA and EPA. The new findings show that fatty fish from cold water areas like mackerel, herring and salmon are a lot healthier then lean fish, which got popular in the low fat hysteria and whereas the fat fish got unpopular. The more fat the coldwater fish is the more it holds omega 3 fats EPA and DHA. It is absurd to eat low fat fish from fish farms only to reduce the amount of fat intake in the body. It makes as much sense as eating fruits with specially cultivated low vitamin content. Tip: Once or twice fatty fish in the week keeps the brain fit. Special: The Way the Brain Originates The brain grows at all ages. The power food for the brain is for babies and grown ups the same. The development of the brain as hardware and the intellect takes place in the womb. The way it grows and the way it develops the intellect depends of the food products that are put to its disposal. The building blocks DHA are the most important in this development. Whilst pregnant and just after birth it is important to take in a high percentage of DHA rich foods. A good brain development from the beginning onwards can help the child and later the adult in many ways; it can open doors and make for children and teenagers that have less learning and other brain related problems. The following is a list of new developments and discoveries in regards of DHA as a brain building block: - DHA – Building block for the brain: the human brain consists of 100 billion neurons at the time of birth. In the brain of a fetus 250000 neurons are constructed each minute. In the sixth week is the brain bigger then the whole fetus together and in the 3rd months the brain uses 70% of all the energy in the fetus. The special brain fats (the building blocks) AA and DHA are coming directly from the mother as the baby cannot produce them by it self. AA fat from omega 6 fatty acids are plenty full available from vegetable oils and meat. What is most of the time lacking are the omega 3 fatty acids to produce DHA. If the DHA is missing, the development of the fetus’s brain in the womb and afterwards while breast feeding is disturbed. The amount of DHA the fetus gets depends on the food intake of the mother and how much tissue she can reproduce in her own body into DHA. Alcohol is a no-no during pregnancy and breast feeding, but that speaks for itself. - Barbie did not have intelligent kids; too many women nowadays eat too much fast food or low fat diets where omega 3 is missing. Most women have only 18% of the DHA that is needed when being pregnant. Only 2% of all women in N Europe get the right amount of DHA of 200 milligram per day. Pregnant women should therefore have lots of alpha – lynolic acids from flax oil and above all eat fatty DHA holding fish to make the brains of their children develop properly. Flax oil alone is not enough and vegetarians definitely need to find food compliments to get to the right levels of DHA, like 200 mg DHA from seaweed. In successive pregnancies it is important to keep the DHA influx from fatty fish as after the first baby the levels might have gone down too much. - Babies that are born too early; need extra brain fats AA and DHA, these babies suffer the most from the direct stop in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. In a span of 3 days can the concentration of these fats drop with 80%. One can imagine the impact in the brain, as 70% of it are build in the first years of life and last till old age. It’s only recently that we know that these babies need to be fed with additional AA and DHA fats in order not to block the development of the brain and nervous system. - Babies need DHA, straight after the birth it is important during the breast feeding to keep the diet rich with DHA holding foodstuffs. At birth the little brain weighs 350 gram, which in the span of one year will go to 1000 grams and in this period the learning process is one of the fastest ever. It is a real job for the mum to keep the smart fats coming for the babies little brain. The rich DHA foods need to prevail during this period with lots of fatty fish or food compliments from seaweed or fish oil capsules. Due to this need in the baby for DHA the mothers get literally sucked empty of DHA fats. In many pregnant women after birth drop the DHA levels to one third of the levels of before the pregnancy. Due to the lack of DHA fats have lots of young mothers and pregnant women depressions, as for the own brain there is not enough DHA available. Nowadays this is treated with extra DHA from fatty fish, seaweed or capsules. - Mother milk makes babies more intelligent; the mother milk holds the prefect combination of AA and DHA, this is not new and it has been like that for millions of years. They are not magic substances but they are necessary for the brain development of the baby. Babies that were breast fed are in general more intelligent. In the analysis of 26 different studies was found that babies that were breast fed scored 5 IQ points better then babies that were bottle fed. These 5 points can be determining what your baby will do in later life; school problems and learning disabilities leading to disrupted professional lives. But not all mothers can breast feed and un-till shortly the AA and DHA were missing in the bottle milks for babies, the addition is now in many countries mandatory, about 70 countries have it available. - The IQ test for babies; results with or without smart fats; AA and DHA strong baby milk tallies the natural mother milk in contrast with normal baby milk from cow milk. In a study about the baby intelligence (one group got fed milk with extra AA and DHA, the other just normal milk) have they found that: 1. the babies that got extra AA and DHA milk scored 7 IQ points higher then the ones with normal milk, with a IQ average of 105 of which five had and abnormally high IQ of 115. Can be noted: none of the AA and DHA fed babies got lower points then 85 and 2. that the babies that got fed with normal milk only had an IQ of 98, and 2 fell even below 85. AA and DHA are very important during the first years of life, therefore. - Emotional intelligence; kids with too much omega 6 fatty acids and not enough omega 3 fatty acids tend to be more aggressive, mood-swings and often have learning difficulties. Of babies that got mother milk is often said they are emotionally more balanced. This is a form of emotional intelligence. If this is caused by the extra AA or DHA fatty acids during breast feeding is not yet completely explained, however the chemicals of our brains influence our emotions and our personalities so still a lot of research needs to be done to find out how DHA influences our personalities. Tip: DHA for yourself, your kids and the rest of the family! Flax oil, fatty fish, sea fish and DHA capsules: - Eat a lot of Alpha – Lynolic Acids and fatty sea fish during the pregnancy and during breast feeding - Fish oil capsules are OK, fish oil is NOT cod live oil or castor oil as they hold too much vitamin A and D. (always look at the label and ask the pharmacist) - Vegetarians need to supplement if they do not eat fish, capsules with DHA from algae are called “Neuromins” - DHA capsules should be taken as a complement to the normal food intake especially during breast feeding - Depressions after birth are easily helped with extra DHA from capsules or fatty fish they help to refill the own DHA depots in body and brain. Extra: How to keep the Brain Fit with Fat? This very recently the believe was that the brain once fully grown would only degenerate. This however through tests has been proven wrong; 70 year olds still make brain cells. Sports stimulate on top of that the production of brain cells. In tests with senior citizens doing lots of moving, swimming and sports have shown that they produced more neurons and brain cells. The realization that with the right intake of the right foods we can support the reconstruction and renewal of our brains is very recent. Serotonin a nervous-messenger-substance is affected through the intake of DHA. DHA influences the cells, the nervous system, keeps it fluid and strong and has an influence on the genetic materials in the cells. Infectious processes cause through the free radicals oxidation from unsaturated fatty acids in the brain and body, herewith loose these important fats their functionality. The omega 3 fatty acids have a protective effect against these infections and help in the damage protection of our brains. Like vitamin E it is important to keep the omega 3 levels in the brain at the right levels. One of the processes in the brain that is responsible for the learning process and the processing of knowledge is caused through the production in the brain of dendrites, which are new networks between the neurons that allow us to remember. The production of these dendrites, is blocked, through saturated fats and causes our brains to start working slower. Two mayor diseases cause directly damage to our brains; diabetes and heart and blood diseases; Heart and blood diseases can cause small strokes that can damage whole parts of the brain. These strokes happen almost unnoticed and can lead to dementia. They cause also infections that can lead to destruction of nervous cells. A food intake with the wrong fats is the reason behind these heart and blood diseases. Diabetes in itself (as most diabetics have also problems with blood and heart diseases) can also cause the impairment of the learn-and remembering capabilities of the brain. The brain needs sugar to function; if the sugar is not absorbed in the cells or there is too much insulin in the brain, it will affect the brain. In the case of insulin resistance more and more insulin is produced in order to get the right amounts of sugar in the cells. Transitional fats and saturated fats increase the risk for diabetes and insulin resistance as they block the cell membranes and make for more difficult sugar absorption into the cells, the sugar this ways stays in the blood and the pancreas produces more insulin. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the insulin resistance. EPA and DHA play a very important role in keeping the brain fit and healthy; EPA reduces heart attacks and strokes, which could damage our brain cells. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce insulin resistance, which can hinder the brain functionality as the sugar doesn’t enter in the cells. EPA reduces infection factors that could lead to destruction of brain cells. DHA keeps the brain cell membranes permeable and highly fluxional to keep the information flowing at high speeds. It supports the production of new nervous cells so we can learn more, which is important in a population that is growing older and older. On top of this influences DHA the brain metabolism all the way to the genetic layers of our cells where it can influence the RNA messenger production. Our moods and ways how we take decisions are influenced this way! EPA – Fatty Acid Building Block for Tissue Hormones Eskimos do not know Heart Attacks In the 60 it was noticed by scientists, that Eskimos did not suffer from heart attacks but had constantly bloody noses. Both were influenced through the omega 3 fatty acids in the fish they ate. Omega 3 fatty acids render: - the blood more thin and liquid - the blood platelets less sticky - and reduce the flow of the blood through which the time of bleeding increases All these characteristics have an effect against heart attacks: The omega 3 fatty acids are built into the red blood cells, this makes the platelets very flexible so then can easily get through small blood vessels; the blood becomes thin and liquid. The omega 3 fatty acids make for the veins to stay clear from sticky blubber. The time of bleeding is increased as the blood can’t cloth up so easily anymore. This makes for wounds to keep on bleeding longer. This is not bad for the heart and arteries as we are not supposed to be bleeding out of our noses or cuts anyway and secondly thick sticky blood that closes a wound fast can also close the artery going to the heart and cause a heart attack; the plaque in the arteries and the fast clothing of the blood in the arteries (thromboses) cause many people to suffer heart attacks and strokes when the cloth becomes a full blockade of the main arteries going to the brain or the heart; two thirds of them actually. Fatty sea fish works as simple as an aspirin, as it renders the blood more liquid. Aspirin has the same effect on the blood it makes it more liquid and makes for it to have a longer bleeding time; it therefore is considered a medicine against heart attacks. Blood coagulation – the cause of 2 thirds of heart attacks and strokes; it is better to eat more fatty sea fish then aspirin as fish holds many more good substances which are necessary for the body and that are better then any medicine, without the side affects. Fish – Against Strokes and Heart attacks The wish of all humans is to become old and stay fit till very late, the pharmaceutical industry and the medicinal world have only little influence on this wish as they only get into action when there is already symptom or diseases. Small blood cloths and loosened plaque can block the oxygen supply to the brain or heart for short times. This leads to little strokes that pass unnoticed. Many of these destroy parts of the brain and even short disruptions in oxygen supply are fatal for whole neuron structures. Believe it or not the brain uses 25% of all energy in the body although it consists only of 3 % of the body weight. Lots of these and frequent little strokes are one of the main reasons for mental decay in the elderly. Fish and aspirin protect against strokes. In a study with 79000 women it came out that the ones that ate fish had half as much a strike then the ones that ate no fish. Interesting to know that those women that did not have aspirin but only fish had already a reduced risk for strokes; this is through the fact that fish and aspirin have similar effects on the blood; it makes the blood more fluid. But fish is a natural product without side effects, the long-chained omega 3 fatty acids also have effects elsewhere then in the brain alone. Good to know: Fish protects against strokes; mental fitness till the good old age. Fish holds DHA fatty acids that make for super charged and connected brain cells. Fish holds EPA fatty acids that have a similar effect like aspirin and render the blood more fluid and so protects against strokes and keeps the veins open for good oxygen transportation towards the brain and the rest of the body. The studies to prove it: Participants: Time Frame: Reduction in Strokes 79000 Women 14 years 28% in women that ate twice a week fish 52% in women that ate a lot of fish (daily) 552 Men 15 years 51% in men that ate regularly fish Only half of the Heart Attacks is Caused by High Blood Fat Levels The protection for strokes is not everything; aspirin and fish reduce also the infection messenger RNA. What has this got to do with blood and heart diseases? Its cause is the high blood fats? WRONG! Since a long time it has become clear that high blood fats are only half of the time the reason for heart attacks so high blood fats are not necessarily the reason for the heart attacks. More and more is believed that the changes in the veins and arteries has got to do with infectious processes; like a ping-pong game between; infectious messenger RNA, overflowing repair and immune troops and the artery walls that let the deposits of plaque happen. Fish: The Natural Aspirin against Infections Since 1997 is it known that men that have more infection messenger RNA in the blood have three times more the risk to get a heart attack and double the risk for strokes then men with lower levels of infection messenger RNA. This risk is totally unrelated with the levels of fat in the blood. The intake of aspirin could reduce these risks by half, but only in the men that had the most infection messenger RNA. The men with little infection messenger RNA were not affected by the aspirin, they only got stomach aces. Aspirin is no remedy against heart attacks for everybody. The effect from Aspirin is therefore not only important on the blood consistency but maybe more on the reduction of infection messenger RNA. TOP: Infections in the arteries are the main causes for heart attacks! Live longer like the Japanese with lots of fish holding omega 3 fatty acids that are the building blocks for anti infection tissue hormones. Omega 3 fatty acids can affect directly the infection messenger RNA as the fat EPA from fatty fish is the direct building block for the infection or inflammation stopping tissue hormone. If you therefore reduce therefore the inflammation messenger RNA by eating fish, you also reduce the chances of getting blood and heart diseases. Some studies have proven this: fish reduces the risk for blood and heart diseases by 30 to 40 %. Omega 3 Fatty Acids – A good Rhythm for the Heart The omega 3 fatty acids in fish are very conductible. The heart muscle needs very precise, fast and constant electric nervous impulses in order to beat regularly. Heart rhythm disruptions belong to the most frequent heart diseases and to the most dreaded causes of death. An irregular heart beat or the heart chamber spangling after a heart attack are the causes of death in 60% of the patients directly after a heart attack: the heart just doesn’t get its rhythm back!! This Tip you only get seldom from the Doctor Too fast and too often are medicaments proscribed in case of heart rhythm disruptions by doctors that do not check whether something is missing in the food intake. Only recently has it been revealed that deadly heart rhythm disruptions can be reduced by 40 to 50% when the good omega 3 fatty acids are available in the heart cells. The following food components determine also the heart rhythm: magnesium, the different B – vitamins, Carnythin, Co-enzyme Q10, und above all the omega 3 fatty acids. Cardiologists Recommend Hardly Ever Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Interview with Prof. Werner Richter) It is known that the omega 3 fatty acids have a stabilizing effect on the heart muscle. From omega 3 fatty acids are Eicosanoids made; tissue hormones. Extra: What Are Eicosanoids? Eicosanoids are “super hormones" because they affect the synthesis of virtually every other hormone in one’s body. Eicosanoids are the body’s cellular check and balance system. Eicosanoids are controlled by dietary fat and insulin. In other words, eicosanoids can be controlled if one is consuming the correct amount of Omega-6 and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (“PUFAs”) and controlling a good hormonal balance between insulin and glucagons. Eicosanoids come from the Greek word “eicosa” which means twenty. They are twenty carbon compounds which are powerful substances that influence 60 trillion cells in our body. Eicosanoids are either “good” or “bad” and have opposing actions. A BALANCE of these opposing actions spells good health whereas an imbalance spells disease. Decreases in insulin, loss of excess body fat and a state of wellness are all indicators relating to a good balance of eicosanoids and are all benefits of the Zone lifestyle. An imbalance of eicosanoids can be responsible for many reactions in our body including: allergies, asthma, arthritis, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, chronic infection and Alzheimer’s disease. Medication in cases like heart rhythm disorders and blood related diseases is always standing in the forefront of physicists and the food intake is only standing in the back ground. It is better to at least make patients aware of the omega 3 fatty acid intake and if they get the regular dose a day it will have a natural effect anyway without being damaging which cannot be said of all medicaments. One to two meals with fatty sea fish a week is recommendable to sustain a level of 1 gram omega 3 fatty acids a day. Fish for a Healthy heart and a Long Life Fish oil omega 3 is good for: a better liquidity of the blood, less sticky blood palates, slow coagulation, inflammation stemming tissue hormones, fast impulse transfer in the brain and the heart. Fish eaters have less risk of getting heart attacks and blood and heart diseases. The Japanese have on average 6 years more to live then the Germans. In many studies has been demonstrated that the eating of fish diminishes the long term heart diseases. Even in patients that had already a heart attack it has an effect on the chances of getting again a heart attack. Good to know: Fish protects against heart diseases Participants Time Frame Reduction in Deaths Due To In the Study Heart Diseases 2777 Men 20 years 34% less deadly heart diseases due to eating omega 3 fatty acid holding fatty fish 44895 Men 6 years 26% less deadly heart diseases between fish eaters and non fish eaters 1822 Men 30 years 48% less deadly heart attacks between fish eaters and non fish eaters 852 Men 20 years 50% less deadly heart diseases in fish eaters then non fish eaters Good Protection Also After a Heart Attack 2033 Men 2 years 29% less risk for new heart attacks in that group that ate fatty sea-fish 11324 Men 3, 5 years 50% less risk for a second heart attack in the group that ate fatty sea-fish Fish from the High North Have the Most Omega 3 Fatty Acids The special fat composition in the fatty fishes from the poles allow them to thrive in these areas as otherwise they would just freeze up into ice cubes. These fishes and sea weeds have a lot of EPA and DHA. EPA solidifies only at temperatures of 44 degrees centigrade minus and DHA at 54 minus. EPA and DHA are high unsaturated fats, they are very liquid; they allow the cells in the body to stay permeable even at very low temperatures, they allow life at this kind of temperatures. With saturated fats like butter, schmaltz, coco-fat, that are solid even at room temperature would this not be possible. The chemical transitional fats are super solid, they become liquid only at temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees plus. This is why they block the exchange of nutritional substances and messenger RNA between the cells and nerves. This exchange is standing for LIFE and therefore is these saturated and transitional fats so dangerous. Tip: Lean fish hardly Healthy for the Heart In a study with 2777 men has come out that those men eating fatty fish were reducing the risk in getting deadly heart diseases by a third. Those that ate lean fish hardly had any effect on the risk. Liquid or Solid – Postulates Life It is build in nature to have liquid and solid states of the fats in fish as a herring from the north will have more EPA and DHA, it is supposed to survive in these extreme colds, then a herring from warmer waters or even the tropics. The solid-liquid balance helps the fish to maintain its body temperature and the functions of the cells. Animals can have more saturated fats then plants due to the body temperature, the high body temperature can keep these fats liquid. Plants have only a certain amount of saturated fats as they do not have to deal with body temperature, therefore do they have more unsaturated fats, and the saturated fats are only to maintain the structures of certain cells. Seeds from plants that grow in the north hold more poly unsaturated fats then the same plants in more southern regions, their oils stay liquid even in the fridge. In the Mediterranean are found a lot of olives and avocados that hold more mono unsaturated fats then poly unsaturated fats. They do not like it when it gets too cold therefore; the metabolism is stopped when it becomes too cold. In the tropics there are plants available that have a lot of saturated fats in them from which the likes like coco fat and palm fat is produced. Nature decides and regulates this way the balance between saturated and unsaturated fats in plants and animals in order to maintain body temperature and in correspondence with the climate they are in. Fast Transmission in Heart, Nerves and Brain through Fatty Acids In the human body different organs need different fats. In the brain we need a very liquid, conductive and active fat that can help in reaching the transmissions at speeds of 300 km/h; 30 % of the fats in the brain are therefore DHA fatty acids. Our eyes are also dependable on these omega 3 fatty acids to transfer even the slightest rays of light to the brain. A limited view by night is often due to a lack of omega 3 fatty acids. Another example is the fast impulse transfer in the heart. Brain, heart, eyes and nerves need the conducive omega 3 fatty acids. Good to know: The following list of fish shows how much DHA and EPA they contain. The fattier the better, lean kinds of fish do not hold a lot of the good omega 3 fatty acids; to buy and eat these kinds of fish is like buying and eating fruits and vegetables with fewer vitamins inside. The colder the waters in which the fish was caught the more omega 3 fatty acids they will contain. In crustaceans, lobsters, mussels, oysters, crabs, shrimps, scampi, is less omega 3 available but instead more cholesterol. Crustaceans contain the most cholesterol of all animals anyways. EPA and DHA in 100 gr. Fish Fatty Sea-Fish: Tuna: EPA 30% DHA 70% Herring: EPA 90% DHA 10% Salmon: EPA 30% DHA 70% Mackerel: EPA 40% DHA 60% Buckling: EPA 80% DHA 20% Sardines: EPA 45% DHA 55% Fish oil Capsules: EPA 55% DHA 45% Lean Fish: Trout Scholl Flounder Sole Cod Bars Shell fish Fish in Tins; what to watch out for? Omega 3 fatty acids stay preserved in conserves. Mackerel, Herring, Sardines, Tuna and Salmon are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids. There is lots of choice and many different tastes are available. A tin of tuna in tomato-sauce is a true omega 3 bomb. Our cells retain and store the valuable omega 3 fatty acids and they serve as stores for the future when they are needed in the production of tissue hormones. Once or twice a week fatty fish is enough to have the storage filled. The following with conserves or tins is important: - The fishes should never be tinned in oil, better is water or tomato sauce. The extra fats from the tin are most of the times unnecessary. If in oil it is better to dip it away from the fish if possible. - To know the exact fat contents written on the box are from the fish and not from the vegetable oil in which they are swimming, one should take conserves with a fat free sauce in which the fishes are tinned. - Always look for the fattiest fish in the least fatty sauce. Easy Access: Fish Oil Capsules DHA and EPA A lot of people however do not like fish and definitely not every week a big portion. In order to get the right dose of omega 3 fatty acids a day; that is one gram a day, it is necessary to eat 200 grams of fatty sea fish a week so it’s still a shame if you would not take the right amount of these so important fats to you every week. Therefore has the medical industry made it easy to get to the right dose by producing tasteless fish oil capsules. Good to Know: Fish oil capsules; concentrated omega 3 fatty acids These capsules do not have any saturated fats and therefore no extra calories. Products that are sold under medical terms have been rigorously tested and tried so these capsules are very safe to take. The oils need to come from wild salmon or wild other fatty sea fish. Fish that has been bread and given lots of wheat and grain feed supplements hold less omega 3 fatty acids and more omega 6 fatty acids and are therefore not recommendable. They should be kept in the fridge. The high omega 3 fatty acids are very unstable and oxidize very easily, therefore are it recommendable to have extra vitamin E in order to keep the fats in the veins more stable. Fish-oil is won from the fat of cold water sea fishes. Cod Liver Oil is won from the livers of the fish and hold therefore a lot of vitamin A and D; 2 kinds of vitamins that are easily taken to much of and liver oil can hold bad (toxic) substances as the liver is in fact a detoxification organ. Pure fish oil is therefore recommendable and also good for the development of the brains of the unborn children. Pregnant women should never take liver oil. Fish needs to be VERY Fresh! Tips when buying fish: Fish needs to be fresh. Smelly fish (when it has a fish smell) is already deteriorating. The smell comes from the omega 3 oils that are going rancid. Fish that comes from the boats are mostly already 72 hours old and have to be put on ice and kept at very low temperatures 2 – 3 degrees max. When buying in a specialist fish mongers ask when he gets fresh fish in and buy only on those days. Ask if you can push the fish and when the meat pushes back to its original color it is fresh, otherwise leave it there. The kills need to be fire red and the skin intact and slimy. When you bought a fish you should eat it the same day as your fridge at home is not cold enough. When need for traveling take a bag with ice in a cool box or something similar to transport the fish. The best and in fact freshest fish is frozen fish processed on the boat. Freezing is not bad when it has been done the proper way; immediate after catching, cleaned and cut and quick frozen, on the boat still. All other processes are lengthy and therefore less good. Fish oils -EPS hinder the Chances of Getting Auto Immune Diseases The infection inhibiting tissue hormones from EPA fatty acids reduce the occurrence of certain auto immune diseases and chronic diseases. This is known from population studies about the Eskimos and the Japanese. More recent studies show more and more evidence of this protective trait in fish eaters: - Twice a week fish will reduce the risk for arthritis in half - Kids that eat regularly fish have less asthma - A study amongst 8960 smokers showed that those smokers which ate regularly fish had 40% less chronic bronchitis and 70% less emphysema To change meat with fish and to eat less omega 6 rich vegetable oils will help you already a lot in reducing the auto immune diseases. Fish as Therapy by Arthritis, Asthma, Lupus, Crohn - Disease, Psoriasis The above mentioned diseases and infectious intestinal diseases can be successfully treated with fish oil. It reduces the production of infection making tissue hormones that play a role in all these diseases. If you start to use fish oils in cases of the above mentioned auto immune diseases it will take easily up to 6 months before enough EPA has been stored in the cells of the body in order for the hormones to get balanced and regulated. Firstly; all the bad fats need to be reduced in the food and pushed aside in the cells by the good fats in order for them to stop having an effect on the bad hormone production. EPA Produces Good Tissue Hormones for the Brain Infectious RNA (messenger substances) – The reason behind destroyed nervous cells Infections are not only important in the development of heart and blood diseases but probably also for the destruction of nervous cells (neurons), the diminishing of the brain capacities and the origin of Alzheimer disease. The first indications to this came from people that regularly had aspirin also had lower chances of getting Alzheimer. The infection reducing capacities in aspirin made for less infectious messenger RNA and less infection making tissue hormones. The infections work as a slow poison for the nerves in the brain; and through the high intake of omega 6 fatty acids that promote the making of infectious tissue hormones is the balance of these hormones in the brain badly affected. The tissue hormones made out of EPA fat (omega 3) have an infection stopping effect. Older people that eat lots of fatty fish and fish in general have therefore a better protection against mental decay. Two studies in Holland with elderly participants have shown that in 5386 participants of the Rotterdam study, the risk for mental decay was reduced with 50% in fish eaters. In another study in Zutphen with 476 participants the risk of dementia was also reduced by 50% in the fish eating part. Less Omega 6 Fatty acids are good for the Brain Omega 6 fatty acids doubled the risk for mental decay and dementia. It is held that the infectious making tissue hormones, made from the omega 6 fatty acids, are at the base of this finding. Chronic infections through tissue hormones that went out of balance seem to have the effect of a nervous poison. The slow destruction of the nervous cells can be added to the list of auto immune diseases. So do not eat lots of vegetable oils full of omega 6 fatty acids, margarines, mayonnaises, salad dressings and deep fried products sucked full of omega 6 fatty acids, your brain will be happy. Health Info: EPA (high unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids) - Reduce the sticky ness of the blood and the gluing together of the blood palates - Prolongs the bleeding time (aspirin effect) - Protects against heart attacks and strokes - Protects against heart rhythm disorders and heart chamber shimmering (main reason of death after a heart attack) - Building block for the infection reducing tissue hormones - Reduces the sensibility for auto immune diseases - Can via the tissue hormones reduce the blood pressure Influence of unsaturated fats on the blood fats: - Reduces the unfavorable LDL cholesterol - No influence on HDL cholesterol - Reduces the triglycerides Omega 3 Deficiency and the Aftermath (Interview with Artemis Simopoulos) The composition of and the quantity of the different fatty acids in our food has changed drastically in the last 200 years: - Fish and meat came from the wild and had less saturated fats in them - The balance omega 6 and omega 3 was nicely balanced in the food as the animals ate fruits and wild vegetables in which omega 3 and 6 are balanced (nowadays are almost all animals fed with omega 6 rich grain products) making for more omega 6 in the meat and this is getting similar with bread fish. - Aqua culture has caused for many changes in the fish meat and fatty acid composition, more omega 6 and even more saturated fats (fish from the seas bred or not are still very good sources of omega 3 however) - Also in the poultry have we seen radical changes in the fat composition; before the animals would wander around and eat worms, grass and other grains and wild plants. In the way we feed them now they get more omega 6 then what is good for us. Even the egg from wild grazing chickens held a good balance of omega 3 to 6 of 1 to 1, whereas nowadays the bred birds eggs hold 20 times more omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3 and 6 were supposed to be in balance of one to one with each-other. They provide the building block for the tissue hormones and hormone similar substances like Eicosanoids and messenger RNA. Omega 3 tissue hormones and omega 6 tissue hormones have opposite effects. All the functions of both kinds of hormones are important and therefore is the balance between the two so important. Our food intake in the North West of Europe has been so changed that the omega 6 fatty acids find too easy a way in our bodies. So that the hormones from these fatty acids building blocks will have a larger affect on the body then the omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids if they are too many can even block the production of tissue hormones from omega 3 fatty acids this is because the enzyme needed in this process is only limited available. Olive oil is the best alternative to omega 6 rich oils like sunflower and corn oil as olive oil will reduce the amount of omega 6 fatty acid intake. The reduction of omega 6 is important and a higher intake of omega 3 fatty acids to get the balance back. Olive oil is the only oil that reduces LDL and does not affect the good HDL. It stabilizes the LDL blood fat particles in which it reduces the oxidation within the LDL. Sunflower oil on the contrary stimulates this oxidation. And oxidized fats provoke the making of plaque deposits in the veins. For long has the medical world considered cholesterol and high blood fats as the reasons behind blood and artery diseases, nowadays this has been proven wrong as: - The provoker of the coronary heart diseases is the injuring of veins that calls for infections. If omega 3 fatty acids would be plenty in the veins it would make them more pliable and less touchable for getting injured which makes them less injury vulnerable. - Omega 3 has anti inflammatory effects and protects the veins through this for infections. This reduces the need for white blood cells, blood palates and growth factors which all need to be washed out of the veins and could also cause for obstructions in the veins. Alpha linoleic acids are very important in keeping the blood running and the veins clean. They are also used in the making of EPA which is then used for the tissue hormones that have an infection reducing function in the blood. Baby’s and the elderly have problems to produce EPA from alpha linoleic acids and need to have it ready available in the food. For babies the addition of EPA in the milk is a wide used solution nowadays. The enzymes needed for the production in the elderly are reduced in their functionality and therefore is it more difficult for them to produce EPA by themselves. Omega 3 is used in the treatment of rheumatisms and arthritis two auto immune diseases, manic depression and in women with depressions after and during birth. The reason why omega 3 fatty acids are so good is that they were part of each cell in the body. To change the food intake, especially for people that get many of infectious diseases, the elderly and babies is the best thing that can be done for the body and mind. DHA is the fatty acid that is the most available in the brain. DHA influences the communication between the brain cells, the neurons, and the metabolism in the brain. Even in the conversion of the DNA is DHA participating. Vitamin E and Unsaturated Fats – Health for Your Cells Vitamin E and Omega 3 Fat – An Unbeatable Team The best is to combine unsaturated fats with the intake of vitamin E. Vitamin E protects all unsaturated fats from oxidizing. The more omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fat from fish one takes the more vitamin E is needed to keep the fats stable. The combined effect from both is very important for the veins. The analysis of the study with the 76000 nurses shows: - The risk for deadly heart attacks was reduced by 43% in those nurses that had the highest omega 3 fatty acid intake. - And the risk for heart attacks was further reduced to 64% in those nurses that had the additional highest intake of vitamin E Vitamin E the Protectors of the Unsaturated Fats In the human evolution it is only now that our fat intake through normal eating has doubled. In order not to let this fat mass oxidize in the blood we need lots of vitamin E (an anti oxidant). The vitamin E is transported through the blood in the HDL and LDL fat transporters, this is important as it protects the unsaturated fats in these transporters (that carry up to 2700 fatty acids of which 50% unsaturated fats) at the same time whilst in transit towards the cells where it is needed. Whenever a free radical wants to attack the unsaturated fats, the vitamin E will catch the free radical. The more vitamin E available the better the fat transporters and their cargo are protected. The free radicals are made ineffective. The fatty acids oxidize less; the more vitamin E is available. The less oxidized fat in the veins the fewer deposits are possible as it is only the oxidized fats that become sticky deposits. Vitamin E - 30 to 40% less Heart attacks Some studies have proven: 100 milligram vitamin E pro day over a period of 2 years could reduce the risk of deadly heart attacks with 30 to 40 %. 4 studies with altogether 145000 people show these results. 100 milligram daily should be taken as the minimum dose for it to be functional in the body. Good to know: Participants Time Frame Result Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E 76000 Women 10 years 64% less deadly heart attacks by using lots of omega 3 fatty acids and additional vitamin E Only Omega 3 fatty acids 76000 Women 10 years 43% less deadly heart attacks by eating only omega 3 fatty acids Only Vitamin E 87245 Women 10 years 41 % less deadly heart and blood diseases in comparison with those participants not taking vitamin E 39910 Men 4 years 32% less deadly heart and blood diseases in comparison with those taking less or no vitamin E 5133 Women 12 years 32% less deadly blood and heart diseases 11178 Men 8 years 41% less deadly blood and heart diseases Vitamin E Protects the Unsaturated Fats in the 70 Billion Cells in the Body Not only the unsaturated fats in the blood but also the unsaturated fats in the cell membranes are protected by the vitamin E. It is the unsaturated fats that render the cell membranes more permeable. But they are then also more attractive for the free radicals and without the protection of the vitamin E would our cells become like Swiss cheeses full of holes. Vitamin E protects also the cells so the free radicals cannot penetrate the cells and destroy the DNA and genes. Through damaging of the DNA or genes can healthy cells turn into cancer cells. FACT: every third German dies of cancer. Vitamin E is very active against the most common cancers: stomach, lung and intestinal cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends therefore an extra intake of 100 milligram vitamin E per day on top of a normal food intake. Vitamin E Protects the Unsaturated fats in The Brain, Nerves and Eyes Vitamin E also protects the fast conducive omega 3 fatty acids in the nervous system and the brain. These fast conducive fats are especially vulnerable for oxidizing. It is widely acknowledged that a shortage in vitamin E and unsaturated fats are hanging together with many neurological diseases. In the Alzheimer disease is the oily layer of the brain cells targeted. In the Parkinson disease it is the oily layer of the nervous cells that lead from the brain to the muscles that is targeted. Also in the eyes can the vitamin E help to protect the DHA fatty acids in the 130 million light sensitive neurons that conduct at speeds of 300 km/h information to the brain. The result: unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in general can make our nervous system super conducive and the brain highly wired as well as the cells very active and fit, however they need protection form vitamin E. Natural vitamin E is the most effective; RRR-alpha-tocopherol. 100 milligram pro day extra as more fat floats in the blood nowadays, can reduce the risk s for blood and heart diseases with 30 to 40% Vitamin E from Oils and Margarines are not good Sources of Vitamin E Vegetable oils are concentrated with unsaturated fats in an unnatural way. The pressure on the organism once inside of the veins is enormous in order to keep this fat mass stable. During the evolution the eating of nuts, kernels and vegetables or plants was done to help keep the body fit. Even-though the packaging reads that the contents might be good sources of vitamin E hardly ever is enough left for the brain cells, the nervous system and the other cells in the body. The most part of vitamin E is used to keep the fats in the margarine or oil itself stable. The pressing of the oils leaves also for a loss of vitamin E and other natural substances. In whole nuts all natural substances, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium are still available whilst nothing really is left in sunflower oil and definitely nothing anymore in refined and purified vegetable oils that in turn increase the risk of oxidizing in the blood veins. Good to know: When Eating Unsaturated Fats it is necessary to take extra Vitamin E Vitamin E keeps the unsaturated omega 3 and 6 fatty acids stable in the body. BUT it is nonsense to take margarine and other vegetable oils as Vitamin E sources as: From the 10mg vitamin E in the margarine is left 0 mg for the cells and nervous system after the unsaturated fats have been digested and in the veins. With omega 3 fatty fish, walnuts, and flax oil you need extra vitamin E as these oils are very vulnerable for oxidation. Unsaturated fats from nuts and olive oil are the most stable and leave also some vitamin E for the rest of the body. It is therefore recommendable to take additional 100 mg vitamin E in order to get also adequate protection for the cells and the nervous system/brain. Rest of Vitamin E after Digestion and Absorption in the Body From Vitamin E Level in 100 g LEFT Olive Oil 50 mg +5 mg Corn Oil 34 mg 0 mg Margarine 10 mg 0 mg Thistle Oil 44 mg -10 mg Hazelnuts 35 mg +22 mg Almonds 35 mg +18 mg Walnuts 6 mg -21 mg Herring 15 mg -5 mg Mackerel 12 mg -2 mg Deep-frying Oil – The Damaging Domino Effect Deep frying is very popular almost everything is getting deep fried nowadays; deep-fried fish in a jacket, French fries, deep fried parsley and other herbs from the household to the restaurants. It is the most idiotic preparation method that ever was invented. It makes from natural products fat bombs and calorie bombes that on top of that are full of damaging rancid tasting fat radicals. Deep frying oils are aggressive vitamin E killers; especially when the oils are heated for hours in a row like in fast food restaurants and at the fish and chips trolley. These fats and oils are full of free fat radicals that cause other fats in the body to oxidize. In stomach and intestines where they arrive first they cause cancer. The fats in the cells oxidize this way one after the other like in a domino effect. This can go on until a Vitamin E molecule is there to catch it and render it harmless. After this rescue action the vitamin E molecule is used up. After eating deep fried foods it is recommendable to eat immediately extra vitamin E. Health Info: Vitamin E: - Protects unsaturated fats in oils from oxidizing - Protects unsaturated fats in the cell membranes, brain, nerves and eyes - Protects unsaturated fats in the blood fats and in the arteries and veins - Protects for heart attacks and strokes - Protects against cancer Trans Fats The KILLERFATS Killer Fats are hidden in Many Products Trans fats are chemical man made concoctions that occur during the process of artificially hardening liquid vegetable fats. Trans fats are THE killer fats all together. It is one of the largest food related scandals that trans/killer fats are allowed in the food production completely uncontrolled. These fats stay solid even at body temperature, but they are in the body easily mixed up with normal natural vegetable liquid fats due to their molecular structure. The damaging effects of this: - Trans fats are used in the cell membranes and make them hard and inflexible. - Trans fats hinder the production of tissue hormones from omega 3 fatty acids. - Trans fats influence the blood fats more negative then any other fat. They increase the bad LDL, and decrease the good HDL, there is no other fat that has a worse influence on the blood fats. Even more incomprehensible; these killer fats increase the risk for deadly heart and blood diseases when eating only 2% more of them by (and that’s only 30 calories) 100% (double) and increase the risk for diabetes by 36%. No other fat therefore has a worse influence on the health. Scandalous: No indications on the packaging of food products The real damage is in the fact that trans fats do not have to be mentioned on the packaging, and there are no regulations on maximum quantities in the food. There are even other misleading things allowed to be put on the packaging of the food like produced under the supervision of a state approved food technician, or something in that trend; only that what needs to be tested what has to be legally declared on the packaging. The best protected secret in the food industry is the content of trans fats in the food products. Whenever there are solidified vegetable fats in the food products one can assume with 100% certainty that the food also holds quantities of trans fats: bakery products, Berliners and doughnuts, croissants, puff pastry, chocolate, French fries, the pane crust on all different kinds of deep fried foods, deep fried foods in general, sausages, chips, margarine, … But how much? There are very little studies done on these trans fats and only certain products have been tested; much material to work with is therefore not available. Depending on the brand can these trans fat contents vary from 12 to 57% of the total weight of the food product! Trans Fats NO consumer knows how many Systematically is the food industry playing down the contents of trans fats in its concoctions. The German margarine institute (the spokes arm of the margarine producers) claims, that in German margarine contain only 1% trans fats. But in a test of margarine brands form Germany were found more hen 5% on average of trans fats in the year 2000. A branded margarine for baking held even 19% trans fats. In the 80 have lots of people stopped using margarine as it was said that it was not that healthy after al. the industry reacted by reducing the trans fats from 21% or more to less or equal to 5%. That is similar to the trans fat content of butter. Margarine therefore has become healthier over the last 10 years. A different picture it is with all the other food products that are made with transitional fats. The trans fat content in 17 tested branded crackers varied from 17 to 51 %; in nut nougat cream from 1 to 12% and in doughnuts from 4 to 41%. No consumer can know really how much trans fats are in the food products they take form the shelves in the supermarket and how much of it will land in the veins. Where do we find Trans Fat? It is impossible to know how many trans fats land in our digestion every day as the averages in the table underneath do not tell us how much exactly it is; one pack can hold 1% and the one next to it of a similar product 46%. Even though that it is always put forward that only 2% is inside; this value however on average of the total food intake is very close to what it really is. Some products can hold however 20 times more then the one next to it. The consumer buying these products had bad luck, but there is, no way, in knowing as it is not indicated on the packaging. Without these exact measurements and contents on the packaging nobody can know really how much trans fat is inside. The regulations on the packaging and labeling have been demanded by many experts since long only without results. Best thing to do is not to buy this kind of products altogether. Now again we need the rejection of these products by the consumers in order for them to be regularized or taken out of the stores. The food industry will react prompt to win its customers back either by writing the exact contents on the packaging or by producing better products. Good to know: Killer Fats – better to boycott these products Nobody knows how many killer fats are swimming around in our food industry made concoctions. Averages tell us rather little as the brands are having different contents, in the next table in the third column you can see the content as “from-to”. Our tip: leave products with partly hardened fats inside also in the shop! Amount of Tested Branded Average of trans fats Trans Fat Content Products in the total fat content From: To: 3 Salad croutons 42% 23 52% 14 Crackers 40% 24 51% 16 French Fries 38% 5 57% 16 Ready Gravy Sauces 33% 2 60% 13 Donuts 30% 4 43% 3 Biscuit Mixes 30% 28 30% 19 Cookie Mixes 23% 1 46% 8 Pane chicken breasts 27% 12 57% 3 Croissants 18% 6 41% 6 Toast breads 18% 1 35% 7 Muesli bars 11% 5 22% 9 Chocolate bars 9% 1 36% 10 Hard Baking Margarine 6% 1 20% 9 Choco-paste 6% 1 11% 9 Sunflower margarines 5% 2 6% 6 Potato chips 5% 0, 4 25% Hardened Fats: Longer Shelf Life For the food industry are hardened vegetable fats interesting due to the fact that they keep longer then normal fats. The food industry is using these hardened fats in almost any case possible as they become slower rancid then natural fats. With this it increases the shelf life of its products and that means more production and more money; it keeps chocolate bars hard, it replaces expensive butters, in conserves it gives a smooth taste and in chips it gives the long lasting crispness, and in deep-frozen French fries it keeps the fats hard also after the thawing. It is even used in certain deep frozen vegetable products. Read as consumer carefully the labels on the packaging, you will be astonished in how many food products partly hardened fats are contained. If it is not declared as hardened fats it is written as “vegetable fats” which in turn have a good reputation with consumers. Tipp how to avoid TRANS FATS: - Trans fat content is not declared on the packaging (yet). Take it as a rule that if on the packaging is written “contains vegetable fats” or “partly hardened vegetable fats” that there will be a mixture of many different fats inside of the product of which definitely some trans fats. - If there is written: “does not hold trans fats” then it really doesn’t hold trans fats. - Avoid all kinds of deep fried fats from fast food restaurants and canteens as well as fish and chips stands. Here the fry oils are heated for hours in a row and hold chemically restructured fatty molecules as-well as free fat radicals. - When deep frying at home throw the oil afterwards away. - Rinse pans immediately after baking and frying and throw the oil away afterwards. - Do not buy hardened margarine, the softer the better, the less trans fats they contain. Reform-margarine is better on which is clearly marked unhardened and unasserted. - Buy preferably natural oils, in deodorized and filtered oils have many of the good omega 3 fatty acids been degenerated to trans fats or they have oxidized. Cold pressed and natives (extra virgin) oils are better in quality and healthier. Hardened Fats The Origin Hardened fats are industrially produced out of vegetable fats. They are heated at 150 to 240 degrees for hours in a row, 6 to 8. A lot of fatty molecules are created in this process that does not occur in nature at all. The reactions these fatty molecules have in the body have not been studied to the fullest yet so they do not know what these molecules do in the body. The fatal results from trans fats we know however exactly thanks to many studies; they are more damaging then saturated fats. Images say more then a thousand words: Good fats are fluid and do not stick What is bad about and how do trans fats work? - Trans fats are exactly as animal fats thick and sticky fats - The unsaturated fats are non sticking and even anti sticking they bounce of the veins and stay liquid. Looking at the fat molecules of fatty acids the difference is straight forward: trans fats and saturated fats are straight molecules that are easily stacked on top of each other. The unsaturated fatty acid molecules are curbed, omega 6 and 3 even a lot, they are almost round; so they do not stack up easily on top of each other. Omega 6 Fatty acid Molecules Omega 3 Fatty acid Molecules Melting Point: -5 degrees Celsius -12 degrees Celsius Particularity: Not sticky ANTI sticky Structure: Curbed Heavily curbed The unsaturated fat molecules push themselves away from each other and are there less coherent. They do not stick and omega 3 is even anti sticking; which is very important in the veins. Unsaturated fatty acid molecules do not cloth together nor do they ball up with each-other. Omega 6 fatty acids solidify only at temperatures of 5 degrees minus, omega 3 even lower at -12, omega 3 fatty acids need more space as they are even more curbed then omega fatty acids this makes them more flexible and this makes them anti sticky. Trans fats are Solid and Sticky in our Bodies The molecules form trans fats or saturated fats are straight. They are easily stacked on top of each other or deposited in cells and veins. They are very sticky and the melting points are very high so they stay solid also in the body. These molecules stick easily to each-other and any other molecule they encounter. In the body they are used there where hard structure is needed, so they are needed in the body but not in excess. Saturated Fat Molecules Trans Fat Molecules Melting Point: +44 degrees Celsius +70 degrees Celsius Particularity: Sticky Sticky Structure: Straight Straight When these fats are absorbed in the body and used in the cell membranes the cell membranes become very un-impermeable so that the nutritional substances can not enter the cells anymore. The same with the veins full of these sticky fat blubbers and deposits. These fats will start to stick everywhere and destroy with that the health of the blood and veins system. The blood palates become sticky, less flexible, the blood less liquid and the blood fats keep on going up. Keep the Veins and Arteries Fit and Reduce the Risk for Heart and Blood Diseases by Half The sources for a good and long healthy life are the 240000km of veins and arteries in the body. This transport system is responsible for the transport of all oxygen and nutritional substances to the 70 billion cells and to take away all the bad left over products and used up substances back to the liver, intestines or kidneys. With these trans fats and saturated fats you ruin your transport system. The risk for heart and blood diseases is reduced by 56% when only eating 2% less of these trans fats. Trans fats the More and the Longer The Worse it is for You The more trans fats you eat the higher is the risk for blood and heart diseases. This is why more and more experts are crying out loud that these fats need to be mentioned on the packaging of the food products. The longer one eats these trans fats the higher the risk for blood and heart diseases. This is logical as the veins get block and narrower over a long period of time. From the Harvard study we know the following: In 43757 participants was the risk for blood and heart diseases increased with 36% after 6 years. In correspondence was it 98% higher after 14 years with the nurses study. The difference: good food intake will let you do your 100 meter tracks in the swimming pool still at age 80 whilst next door in the not swimmer basin the fast food generation victims are being helped in rehabilitation after the first stroke… Good to know: The more and the longer an intake of trans fats and saturated fats the higher the risk for heart and blood diseases. Participants: Time Frame Risk With Increase of Risk With Very High 2% More Trans Fats Trans Fat Intake 21930 Men 6,1 years 39% more deadly blood and heart diseases in the participants eating the most trans fats, compared with those eating the least 667 Men 10 years 28% more risk for blood 100% more risk in and heart diseases comparison to those that ate the least 43757 Men 6 years 36% more risk 80082 Women 14 years 93% more risk Keep the Cell Membranes Fit Each cell in our bodies has an outer layer the membrane that consists of to put it simply different kinds of fats. The building blocks for this come from the food intake. If one would analyze these membranes one could tell what was eaten in the last 6 months. From the fat intake will these cell membranes be more flexible or not and the more permeable they will be. The cells will be more transport active or not, flexible or not, permeable or not, the more permeable the cell membranes are, the more active they can absorb nutritional substances like vitamins, fatty acids, sugar, minerals and vegetable substances. Also hormones and transporters can get easier access to the cells if they are more permeable. Trans fats and saturated fats render the cell membranes sticky, un-flexible, un-permeable, and block the coming in and out of substances, unsaturated fats do the opposite. Diabetes and Trans Fats The blocked cell membranes through saturated fats and trans fats are one reason for getting diabetes. The hormone insulin that is responsible to stack sugar in the cells needs permeable cell membranes. Each obstruction in the permeability of the cell membranes disrupts the effect of the insulin namely transporting sugar into the cells. The more hard and sticky, blocking trans fats and saturated fats are build into the cell membranes of your body the less the insulin can do its job, then even more insulin is produced as the sugar level in the blood stays at its same high point. This phenomenon is called insulin resistance, from this in a later stage comes diabetes. The body is not capable anymore to absorb enough sugar molecules from the blood into the cells. A habit of eating lots of sugar rich products, alcohol and carbohydrates for long periods of time can also lead to diabetes, everybody knows this but it is new that the fat intake can contribute to it too. Diabetes Risk and Trans Fats In the study with the 84000 nurses has been found that only by eating 2% more trans fats the risk for diabetes goes up with 36%. In those that were over weight and hardly did any sports the risk even went up to 82% this was seen in 1237 nurses that ate lots of trans fats and did hardly any sports. When you are in the category of people that is over weight and that does not do lots of sports you should eliminate the trans fats completely from your menu. Good To Know: This I how trans fats increases the risk for diabetes Participants Time Frame 2% More Trans Fats Women with Higher Diabetes Risk and Eat Lots of Trans Fats 84204 14 years 36% increase in risk 82% higher risk for women that are over weight for diabetes and do little or no sports 60% increase in women drinking alcohol 51% increase in women with family problems with diabetes What you should do 2% trans fats is enough like one portion of French fries with mayonnaise, less in the daily intake will reduce the risks for diabetes and heart and blood diseases considerably like with 53% and the diabetes risk with 40% if you eat instead unsaturated fatty acids. Instead of French fries eat a salad with a dressing from olive oil or walnut oil together with the steak. Instead of cookies and chocolate bars it is better to eat in between a fruit or walnuts that hold lots of unsaturated fats. A decrease of 28% in diabetes risk is reached by exchanging the trans fats holding foods with complex carbohydrates, like instead of French fries you take a jacket potato, whole grain rice, whole grain pasta or whole grain/wheat bread. Or you take an apple in between meals. It is a matter of recognizing the trans fat holding products and to exchange them for better healthier products. Health Info: Trans fats - Render the blood palates less flexible and fluid able - Render the blood fats sticky - Increase the risk for heart and blood diseases - Advance arteriosclerosis - Render the cell membranes harder - Increase the diabetes risk - Block the effect of essential fatty acids - Block the production of tissue hormones from omega 3 fatty acids - Increase the bad LDL fats in the blood - Lower the good HDL - Worsen the balance between LDL and HDL The Harvard Studies (Interview with Prof. Eric Rimm) WE ARE WAT WE EAT Studies on more then116000 women and 51529 men from 1976 till 1986 and again from 1989 with more then 100 staff, doctors, analysts, profs, students etc The biggest part of the answers is covered in the rest of this text however important is: Those people that lead a healthy, sporty life style can reduce their risk for heart and blood diseases with 82%. Just by eating less saturated fats and NO to almost none trans fats, by getting a good daily intake of folic acids (vitamin B9), get enough fibers and natural substances and eat more fish with omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated oils, also get more vitamins, minerals and specially vitamin E not from food complements but from the real food products. Saturated fats Reduce the Unnecessary Fat Blubber Stay Lean and Fit! The use of butter and cream in the kitchen has been ongoing since long time and considered as normal. However too much is too much. One soup spoon of butter per day on top of the normal food intake can have an impact over a year of 13 kg more on the scale!! And that you do NOT want. If you want to stay lean and fit then you will have to reduce this fat blubber wherever it goes. Saturated fats are nothing more then unnecessary calories that are not necessary. Problem is saturated fats are 60% of our calorie intake nowadays. Good to know: Healthy and fit till in High Age Tips to reduce saturated fats, the saturated fats in our food intake are coming from: - 20% sausages - 20% butter - 18% milk products - 5% meat So less sausages, butter and cheese, more fat free or light milk products that are already 60% less saturated fats in the food intake, this is the easiest way to stay lean, fit and healthy. These products hold the most saturated fats: Sausages and meats: Speck 89% Salami 49% Different Sausages 41 to 45% From Liver and Intestines Lamb Cutlets 32% Brat sausage 32% Mortadella 32% Meat Sausage 27% Frankfurter 24% Chicken liver sausage 22% Lamb Leg 18% Pork Chops 9% Beef Belly 8% Turkey Sausage 5% Roast Beef 3,8% Veal Cutlet 2,6% Veal Fillet 1,6% Chicken Breast 1% Turkey Breast 1% Milk Products: Butter 80% Camembert 50% Butter cheese 50% Emmentaler 45% Gouda 45% Edamer 40% Gorgonzola 32% Cream Quark 30-45% Cream Fraiche 30% Quark 20% Cream yoghurt 10% Coffee Cream 10% Full Cream Milk 3,5% Fat Free Yoghurt 1,5% Fat Free Milk 1,5% Fat Free Quark 0.5% Butter Milk 0,5% Fat People Become Easier Sick Almost nobody will increase with 13 kilos per year but it is possible. On average it is a kilo per year for the North Europeans, that’s why each 5th German is heavily over weight and each second to fat. Saturated fats are the main contributor to this. Fat and overweight can be calculated with the body mass index. The higher the BMI the worse you are off. A high BMI (when you are overweight) diminishes the production of testosterone, so no mood for sex. A high BMI influences then not only the fitness of the body and the erotic but also the health of your body and soul over longer periods of time, the risks for diabetes and hear and blood diseases and high blood pressure multiply them. Table: - BMI of 32; More the overweight, 2 times more risk for a stroke, triple the risk for high blood pressure, 20 to 30 times more risk for diabetes and 3 times higher cancer risk. - BMI of 28; Overweight; 2 times more risk for heart and blood diseases, 7 times for diabetes and 3 times for bile stones. - BMI of 21; Normal weight, lean people live longer. - Lower then this is also not healthy. But that’s another problem. How to calculate the BMI: The Body Mass Index Formula: Your Weight divided by the quadrant of your height For example: 80 kg ----------------------- = BMI 28 (1, 70m X 1, 70 m) The Scale: BMI lower then 20: see a doctor: abnormal BMI 20-25: NORMAL BMI 25-30: Overweight BMI 30-35: FATT and ugly Eat more Poultry and less Red Meat Fatty meats lie in the stomach for hours and causes cardialgia (heartburn), due to the aggressive digestive juices that are needed to digest the fats in it. A roast steak often leaves the stomach only after hours. After a fatty meal with lots of meat one can forget a clever mind, fitness and erotic; you will be slow, tired and busy digesting for hours. It is better therefore to exchange red meat more often with chicken or turkey meat. These kinds of meat do not lie in the stomach for hours as they contain less fat. The skin from the poultry should be removed however; that’s where the most fat is contained. The fat composition without the skin from poultry is a lot better then that of beef or pork meat. Chicken has in relation to the fats less saturated then unsaturated fats. Good to know: Fatty Composition of the Different Meats: Mono Uns. Fats Poly Uns. Fats (Om 6t) Omega 3 Sat Fats Mutton Fillet: 45% 3% 2% 50% Beef: 50% 3% 3% 44% Pork: 48% 9% 2% 41% Chicken: 32% 15% 2% 51% Turkey: 31% 26% 9% 34% Avoiding Saturated Fats, the Ten Best Tips: - Cut away the fat on cutlets and steaks (even better before cooking) - Fatty sides of cold-cuts and hams should stay on the side of the plate - Eat more fat free turkey or chicken sausages or raw ham - Avoid cream sauces on salads and use yoghurt or vinaigrettes instead - Creamy sauces on meat, leave it and use cooking juices, vinaigrettes - No cream soups, no need anyways the vegetables by themselves have taste enough - Paste the bread with creamy yoghurts (preferably fat free types) and yoghurts that have been nicely made fluffy, they taste creamy without the fat - Low fat quark instead of full cream quark - No full fat milk, use low fat milk - The concentrated coffee cream is easily replaced by normal low fat milk - Use yoghurt instead of cream whilst cooking - Do not eat the skins of chicken and poultry TIPP: NO BUTTER whatsoever; replace it with Alba Oil from Sweden, this is pure Rape oil with butter taste, it holds 60% unsaturated fats and extra 10% omega 3 fatty acids. Saturated Fats Are Solid and Stick Saturated fats are solid when at room temperature or in the body, this is use-full as butter will glue the ingredients for cookies and cakes together and after baking will keep them solid. Tropical vegetable fats can give a chocolate bar so much solidity that the bar will not melt in the hand. A lot of these saturated fats become liquid only at temperatures of 70 degrees centigrade. These fats do not taste as fats or oils neither and a lot of it is necessary to get a taste effect uberhaupt. Saturated fats for m blocks of fat and stick to each other, this is due to their straight shape as molecules. The easy stack ability makes them ideal for the use in building our cells. Too many of these fats in the cell membranes however cause negative effects in the good running of the metabolism between the different cells, the blood and the nutritious substances. Our cells become in this process deficient as too many saturated fats clog up the veins and the cell membranes. The blood fats increase, the blood palates become sticky and on the sides of the veins deposit saturated fats; the beginning of arteriosclerosis. The Amount of Fat is the Same, The EXCHANGE of saturated fats Pays Off In the Harvard Study with the 80000 nurses was no difference made or seen between the amounts of fat that were eaten, and the sensitivity in risk increase or decrease for heart and blood diseases. This should not be surprising as through the whole of this text the emphasis has been put on exchanging bad fats for good fats and not necessarily to reduce fats. But statistics have shown that by exchanging only 5% of saturated fats by unsaturated fats the heart and blood diseases decreased with 40%!! Health Info: Saturated Fats: - Main energy supplier for the North European population; 60% of all fats consumed are saturated fats - Contribute directly to blood and heart diseases - Render the blood palates sticky - Cause deposits in the arteries - Render the cell membranes hard and impermeable - Increase the total cholesterol Influence of the saturated fats on the blood fats: - Increase the unwanted LDL - Some kinds of saturated fats can reduce the good HDL - Unsaturated fats can increase the triglycerides Special: Against the Cheese-Sausage-Butter of everyday life - Hummus, chick pea mousse from the middle east - Baba Ganoush, aubergine (eggplant mousse) - Guacamole, from the Mexican kitchen; avocado mousse - Vegetable and Herb mixtures with good oils on the bread; like tomato, basil and garlic in extra virgin olive oil. (Garlic reduces the agglomeration of the blood palates and can help reduce the LDL cholesterol up to 10%) - Fresh sprouts like Alfa alfa, soy, cress, mixed with yoghurt, flax oil and lemon on the bread or as snack - Tartar of lean red meat, it has less fat and hold important vitamin B12 and proteins; it should be prepared with natural ingredients, lemon, egg yolk and olive oil only, not fatty mayonnaise - Fish, fatty sea-fish in all different kinds and forms - Quark and marmalade - Quark in all its different forms is the king of food products thanks to its taste and diversity of uses, it holds 3 times more protein then yoghurt and it has calcium in it. It can be made up with different kinds of herbs, spices, vegetables, onions etc - Tzatsiki from the Greeks and the Turks its easily made by mixing low fat quark and a little yoghurt, squeeze a garlic toe inside, pepper and salt and a salad cucumber, some lemon juice and a little olive oil, ready! - Green sauce, made from herbs, spinach fresh in the mixer some boiled eggs inside if wanted and a little yoghurt, very nice with salmon too. Increase the Fat Burning with L – Carnitin Fat is pure energy and can keep you going throughout the day. The fat in your legs, belly, hips and ass would be enough to keep you going if only it could be absorbed back in the body and used as energy. However too many people suffer from metabolism blockades: - The insulin level in the blood is too high - You eat too many calories so the use of these fat depots is not necessary - You do not burn enough fats/calories, there is not enough muscle activity - The fat is not transported properly to the burning centers in the muscles as there is a shortage of aiding substances like L-Carnitin (biocatalyst) The One Way Road towards the Fat Cells In order to get to the speck depots in the body first of all needs the insulin level to be steady. Only Then will the billions of fat cells give the transport fats free in the blood, the triglycerides. Every time when in the blood the insulin level is too high, the fat in the fat cells is blocked. Insulin increases after each meal and reduces the sugar in the blood and makes absorption of he sugar possible in the cells. The level can be increased very fast when eating sugar rich foods and fast (glycogenic) carbohydrates. So from the cake after a meal, the chocolate bar in between and the sugary drinks, the white flour in pasta and bread, the sugar in the coffee all make for the insulin level to go up very fast as the sugar levels in the blood rise too fast too. This overflow of energy is turned into fat immediately and deposited in the fat cells for later… Too many people get very quickly too fat because of a constant and too high sugar (carbohydrate) intake. This is the one way street to the fat cells. If you eat constantly sweets in between meals and lots of potatoes, white rice, pasta etc then the fat deposits in the cells will never find their way back onto the metabolism. Tipp: Burning Fat depots only when: - Flat insulin level - No or almost none fast glycogenic carbohydrates - More movement to increase the fat burning ovens in the muscles - Less saturated fats - Take biocatalysts as L – Carnitin Too many Calories all together Every second German has got a nice layer of love handles around the belly. All the over flow of saturated fats and sugar are packed up there. From all the theories that are around in regards of overweight only one has got it right with 90%: we eat too many calories from sugar and saturated fats that are not burned. 60% of these calories come from saturated fats and only 2 to 3 % from unsaturated fats. This chapter is specially written to show that it is easy to loose weight. A part of these fats can be reduced by changing to a Mediterranean food intake with lots of mono unsaturated fats. This food is healthy and tasty. And an additional 100 calories per day are reduced by staying away from fatty sausages and milk products. Not Enough Fat Burning Ovens For fast fat burning one needs also a good muscle mass. The muscles are the largest fat and calories burning machine. This is why you should under no circumstances loose muscle mass. The more muscles you build up through sports and protein and the less muscle protein you loose through a good fat burning, the more muscle fat burning ovens you become. Increase the Fat Burning through with L – Carnitin It is necessary to get the right substances in the body in order to burn of the fats; co-enzyme Q10, magnesium, vitamin C, the B Vitamins, proteins, and above all L-carnitin are busy with the fat burning. Of these substances lots of people have exactly not enough, the blood values are too much down. L- Carnitin plays a central role in the burning of the fats and in the energy production. It is a similar food product as a vitamin. Without this substance can the fat never reach the fat burning ovens; the mitochondria that are in all the cells. Our bodies can produce in the muscles by itself L carnitin, but it needs to build down muscle protein to produce it; 30 grams muscles for one (1) gram L carnitin. In order to avoid muscle deterioration for the production of L carnitin it is important to get enough out of the food intake. It comes mostly from meat and milk products. When eating only small to none amounts of these products it is good to substitute with food supplements. L – Carnitin the Taxi towards the Fat Burning Ovens (Mitochondria) Especially the muscles and the brain hold the most L carnitin fat transport shuttles as they are the main recipients of fats. The results of L carnitin deficiency are often difficult to see: - Tiredness; fats are not used sufficiently as energy - Muscle loss or bad muscle production; instead of fat is every time again muscle protein used for energy production. - Heart deficiency; 80% of the energy of the heart is coming from fat. Specially when getting older the symptoms can be angina pectoris and heart deficiency - Bad loss of weight; during a diet is the fat in the belly and the hips only reduced very slowly. More Loss of Fat through L Carnitin in the Diet Only with L carnitin can the fat blubber not be reduced. It has become clear through studies that the taking of L carnitin without the reduction of calorie intake does not result in a reduction of the body weight. Why in any case should the body in one time start to burn extra calories from the fat reserves? That does not make sense. It works only when the general intake of calories is reduced and more activities and sports are done in order to BURN the calories (fats). EACH little bit of too much sugar and each gram of fat too many will come directly on top of the hips. During a diet where fewer calories are eaten Carnitin however can help enormously in the fat reduction. In a study with 100 patients all on the same diet one half got extra Carnitin, the other just white powder; in a period of only 4 weeks was the weight in the Carnitin group reduced with 25%; About one kilo in 4 weeks on average. The intake of extra Carnitin can triple the burning of the fatty acids that are eaten daily. This fat cannot be stored already in the body, but is reduced as energy is produced. Less Muscle Loss through a Diet with L-Carnitin The participants with L carnitin had also less muscle reduction; the body did not need to reduce the muscle protein for energy supply but went straight to the fat rolls on the hips. L – Carnitin improves also the building of proteins in the muscles in order to produce more muscles. This way it keeps the muscle mass fit for more fat burning, plus it helps this way for a more muscular body with less fat. The more muscles a person has the more he can eat without getting fatter. With fatter people the fat or calories land immediately in the fat deposits as they have not enough muscles to burn up all those calories. By retaining the muscles during a diet the yo-yo effect is kept at bay and will it be more difficult to get fat again afterwards. Other Advantages of Eating Extra L Carnitin in the Diet When burning muscle protein instead of fat there is production of ammonia as one of the burning rests, these work as a nervous poison that make tired. If on the other hand the body uses sugar out of the liver and the blood (glycogen) for the energy supply then you get hunger attacks and you become nervous, as the brain and nervous system get in an energy shortage (the brain needs a constant sugar supply). The top of L Carnitin is to reduce the hunger feeling through a better fat burning for a good energy supply. Like this (with extra L Carnitin) is it easier to be on a diet. When during a diet the energy supply through fat burning goes too fast, produces the body ketene particles, they are responsible to give the body the indication that it should save on energy and the metabolism is reduced again. When eating then it comes back to the yo-yo effect; as the body is in slow absorption mode and the supply of calories has gone too much up again. L-carnitin makes for less production of ketene particles so the fat burning keeps on going at the same level. Good Fat Burning for Energy and Muscles in the Elderly When growing older the L Carnitin absorption from the food and the auto production from it reduces Older people have therefore less L Carnitin at their disposal. At the same time is the fat burning reduced through getting older and more fat is stored. Instead of burning fat does the body burn more muscle protein and through this process reduces the muscle mass. Specially when getting older it is imperative to burn more fats and to keep the muscle mass the same or even produce more of it. Muscles are there to keep the body fit in general. L Carnitin helps to keep the muscle mass stable and the use of fat as energy source. Tipp: Extra L Carnitin protects the muscle mass, by helping to burn fat instead of muscles. It keeps the fat burning for energy in the heart healthy and it assists the immune system, brain and nervous system. Good to Know: The right way to get to L Carnitin For the normal doses a day 250 to 500 mg are needed; in these proportions it is also best absorbed in the intestines. For extra fat reduction higher doses can be used. Small portions at a time are the golden rule when taking extra L Carnitin. Three grams of L Carnitin a day can be used in the case of blood fat reduction, diabetes, and heart diseases. (See a doctor) Also in the assistance for the immune system is L Carnitin used. In sporty people can the regeneration time be reduced when taking extra L Carnitin and the muscle hang over is reduced. The best brand is L Carnipure. It is pure L Carnitin; it is produced similar to yoghurt. Chemically produced L Carnitin can have as side products also D Carnitin which has the opposite effect of L Carnitin and is therefore not recommended. Fat is the Super Power Supply in Sport and Hard Work The unsaturated fats are a good energy supply for the body as it doesn’t over ballast the body and health in people that do lots of physical activities. It has little volume in the stomach. Sportsmen do not have fat free diets anymore like 10 years ago. It is not possible to do top sport without the right fat intake ant the right fat burning as energy source. The more fat is burned in the muscles the more sugar (glycogen reserves) is saved in the muscles and liver, which is needed to keep the brain and nerves happy and fit. When doing sports; even as much as 55% from the normal bodily activities; L Carnitin can become necessary in the burning of he fats. Through this the recuperation phase can be reduced. L Carnitin can improve the burning of fats under bodily pressure; reduce the unnecessary muscle reduction as the body uses fat instead of muscle protein for energy, it reduces the risk for muscle damage and reduces the recuperation time. Vegetarians – Less Energy through Bad Fat Burning L Carnitin is especially rich in animal products. Vegetarians get less of it through food. Vegetarians are therefore weaker then non vegetarians in sporty activities. The consequences of not enough L Carnitin can be less fit, fast damaging of the muscles and less endurance. It is not made from meat and is produced biologically. It is a vegetarian product. Specially for pregnant women is extra L Carnitin necessary, when vegetarian or not. A Fit Heart through a Good Fat Metabolism (Burning) 80 % of the energy for the heart comes from fat. If the fat burning doesn’t work the result is heart insufficiency, pain in the chest (Angina Pectoris), heart rhythm disruptions and other symptoms, that hang together with a bad energy production from fat. Through studies it was shown that L Carnitin can reduce these symptoms as it makes for better energy production in the heart. Make the fat burning FIT L Carnitin shortage reduces the burning of fats and results in tiredness, muscle loss and less endurance. Over longer periods of time it can influence heart attacks and heart insufficiency. Those who need more L Carnitin: When you are older then 60 When you are vegetarian Vegetarian kids Sporty People Pregnant or breast feeding On a diet Diabetics Liver Problems Kidney Problems Too high Triglycerides Interesting Websites on Fish and Cod Liver Oil: A note of caution: Other websites related to this matter: Chemical and Medical explanations and Research: Body Mass Index: General Food Nutrition Facts: General Sites on Health: |